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  • Magi Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 15, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Matthew 2:1-12 shows us three responses to Christ's birth.

    Introduction The account of the Magi, also called wise men, who came from afar to worship the one who was born king of the Jews, is a familiar one. The account is recorded only in the Gospel of Matthew. While it is a familiar story, it is also a fascinating account of men about whom we know very more

  • The Narrow Way (Luke 13)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 16, 2024

    What is the narrow way? Let's look in Luke 13.

    Do we blame the suffering for their plight? Does repentance happen without fruit? Is relieving human suffering more important than the letter of the law? Is the way narrow? Is Jerusalem known for killing the prophets? Let’s look at Luke 13. Do we blame the suffering for their plight or must we all more

  • The Fickleness Of Public Opinion Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Apr 6, 2009

    This message examines the implications of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

    In the political arena, the public opinion polls seem to have the ability to shape policy. Politicians are constantly watching their job approval ratings to determine whether or not policy changes are in the best interest of their political future. As our text begins, Jesus’ popularity is at an all more

  • Awaiting The Eternal Kingdom

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Nov 16, 2019

    The hope we anticipate at Advent should energize us even in the midst of sinful humanity.

    Awaiting the Eternal Kingdom Isaiah 2:1-5 The Book of Isaiah contains many rapturous songs of joy and hope. Its promises have sustained His people for thousands of years. We have this morning’s passage. We also have the Emmanuel prophecy which prophesied the virgin birth of Jesus, whose name more

  • The Promise Of Pentecost Series

    Contributed by Jerry Lewis on Jun 17, 2004
    based on 381 ratings

    Part 1 It was on the Day of Pentecost that the Holy Spirit was poured out on 120 Followers of Christ gathered in an Upper Room in Jerusalem. Pentecost is not a Denomination, but is an Experience every Blood – Bought Child of God Should Receive.

    THE PROMISE OF PENTECOST Part 1 of 2 Acts 2:1-4; 12-18; 37-39. Last Sun. on the Religious Calendar was Pentecost Sunday!!! What in the world is Pentecost??? The word “ Pentecost” designates the 50th day after Passover, which was a Feast Day. Also known as the Feast of Weeks or Feast of more

  • Seven Mysterious Letters Series

    Contributed by Rajkumar Pulla on May 6, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    There were many other churches at that time that would seem to be more historically significant than the seven that Jesus addressed: the churches at Jerusalem, Rome, Galatia, Corinth, Antioch, Colossae, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Miletus, to name a few. Why

    Seven Mysterious Letters Revelation is the only book in the Bible that promises a special blessing to the reader.1 (Many passages tell us to read the Bible in general terms. Only one book has the audacity to say, in effect, Read me; I'm special.) Early in my teens, I encountered a Bible teacher more

  • Living The Resurrected Life

    Contributed by William Baeta on Apr 19, 2014

    “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” (Luke 24:46-47)

    Theme: Living the resurrected life Text: Is. 25:6-9; 1 Cor. 5:6-8; Lk. 24:13-49 Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! The resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith and nothing can match its significance. When Jesus rose from the dead, He proved that He was exactly who He more

  • Love

    Contributed by Daniel Haas on Jan 5, 2011

    There are many nativity stories. Matthew has one too. Every story has its own focus. Matthew focuses on David's lineage, fulfilled prophecies, Jesus' name​ and love.

    Many Nativity stories - Matthew has one too - every story has its own focus - Mark starts with grown-up Jesus getting baptized by John​, heading right into ministry and his final days in Jerusalem​ - Luke makes sure he has the history right, dating it while Quirinius was governor of more

  • Lent 2013 Week 2 Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Feb 27, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Taking a look at the reaction of the Pharisees to Jesus healing on the Sabbath and the eternal nature of Christ revealed in His, "Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem" monologue.

    This is the second week of the Lenten season and in the Scripture we are about to look at we see an incident that took place as Jesus was headed for Jerusalem in order to complete the work for which He came to earth. We know that Jesus was headed to Jerusalem because it says back in Luke 9:51 more

  • Because God's Contracts Don't Expire Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Nov 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Before our Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., I was prompted at 5:30 AM Saturday morning to change my planned sermon text to consider Israel’s harvest festival. This sermon is full of details, to be avoided by those who don’t like teaching in preaching.

    This sermon needs a disclaimer and it doesn’t need to be one of those bits of legalese that we see in 6 point type in a print ad, appears briefly in barely legible type at the bottom of a television screen, or is read as rapidly as possible by a radio announcer: “Offer listed is manufacturer’s more

  • The Future Home Of The Redeemed - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Mar 1, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Most people believe they will go to Heaven when they die. It is the great future promise of God to every human being. However, Jesus said He was the only way to get there.

    When I was a young Christian, I heard a song written by Andréa Crouch titled "If Heaven Was Never Promised" that resonated deep in my soul about what my relationship with Jesus meant to me. The song spoke of the unspeakable joy found in Heaven with its streets of gold and Angels more

  • Glory In Her Midst Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 4, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    While the 2nd vision sets forth the destruction of the powers that were behind those hostile to Israel, the 3rd represents the development of His people & His kingdom till it completely unfolds into its final glory.

    ZECHARIAH 2:1-5 GLORY IN HER MIDST (The Third Vision) [Isaiah 61:4-9] [Background Study: Gen. 22:17 & 18; Ps. 72:8-11; Isaiah 54:2,3, Chs 60-62; Jer. 31:31-40, 32:36-40; Amos 9:11-15; Mic. 2:12 & 13, 4:1-8, ch 5] The second and third visions stand in close connection with the first. more

  • Christ The Lord Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Nov 14, 2018

    Jesus is the Messiah Lord who has double power and authority. He could use this power and authority completely for himself, yet he uses his power and authority completely for us. To give us Shalom.

    Note that this message was preached at a Christmas service ... so is shorter than the rest in the series. Message Luke 2:11 Name Above All Names - Christ the Lord Today on this Christmas day we are continuing to look at the names of Jesus in the early. We have been looking at these names through more

  • When Theology Gets Personal Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Feb 12, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    For Hosea, theology wasn’t merely theoretical, it was life-changing. So should it be for you and me.

    When John Claypool was pastor of Crescent Heights Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, he underwent significant personal tragedy—including having a beloved daughter diagnosed with leukemia. Throughout the turmoil and torture of losing his, as I recall, 10-year-old daughter, Claypool kept his more

  • Our New Heart Cherishes Genuine Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Mar 7, 2011

    Jesus aims at our hearts as he exposes sins of anger, lust, and misusing God's name. Only his righteousness can cover us. And with the new heart his righteousness brings, we cherish genuine righteousness wanting our hearts and lives to match his.

    Text: Matthew 5:21-37 Theme: Our New Heart Cherishes Genuine Righteousness A. A righteousness pure from sinful anger B. A righteousness pure from sinful lust C. A righteousness pure from misusing God's name Season: Epiphany 6a Date: February 13, 2011 Web page: more

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