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  • Living A Holy Life 1

    Contributed by Obioha Uriel Amanze on Jun 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Attempts to reveal all the activities that cause unholiness and shows how holy-living can be enforced in one’s life when it seems difficult to remain holy.

    Just as people look forward to receiving their salaries at the end of the month for refreshment or revivification, so also witchcraft agents expect that their victims will commit a sin that will prosper evil manipulation against their life. In other words, any sin you commit refreshes, waters, or more

  • From Darkness To Light Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 37 ratings

    How are we to be people of integrity in a world that’s opposed to God? By being children of light, and living as light in the world. That means ensuring that the things we do are things that we’re proud of, things that we’d gladly do in the presence of Go

    What does it mean to be a person of integrity? Well, the word derives from the word integer, which means something that’s complete or whole in itself. So when you’re reading a letter like Ephesians, which concentrates so much on unity in the Church, it’s appropriate that we think about unity of our more

  • Saved From To

    Contributed by Paul George on Oct 23, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    When Jesus saves, He saves perfectly and eternally. He gives the believing sinner eternal life.

    When Jesus saves, He saves perfectly and eternally. He gives the believing sinner eternal life. Many people who are saved and they know they are saved and that their salvation delivers them from eternal separation from God are satisfied to stop there. But salvation consists of much more. When the more

  • From The Cross

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Apr 8, 2007

    - EXCRUCIATE: to cause great agony, torment - Latin : ex : out of, from cruciate: cross "from the cross" -Following OT prophecy to it’s fulfillment in the NT

    Lk 23:55-24:8 1 Cor. 15:1-8, 12-22 Gen 1:3 - If the light is It is because God said ‘Let there be light.’ so sad soul, take comfort, nor forget That sunrise never failed us yet. - There is darkness before the sunrise - EXCRUCIATE: to cause great agony, torment - Latin : ex : out of, from more

  • Not From A Distance Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 14, 2014

    God is not distant from us; in Christ, He is us, and He gives us the grace to forgive and be healed.

    4th Sunday of Advent 2014 Extraordinary Form About a quarter century ago Bette Midler recorded a song by Julie Gold called “from a distance.” The idea behind the lengthy lyrics is that if you get far enough away from planet earth, it all looks green and blue and serene. You more

  • Not From A Distance Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 12, 2011

    Let's us witness to a fundamental truth: that in the Incarnation, God truly came to be with us forever.

    Fourth Sunday of Advent 2011 “Not From a Distance” The Spirit of the Liturgy About a quarter of a century ago a song that made it to number 2 on the Billboard chart taught us that “God is watching us–from a distance.” The idea was, I suppose, not much different from more

  • Step Into The Son

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Oct 31, 2015

    Like Lazarus we sometimes become dead spiritually and must rely on Christ to free us from the death and bondage of the world

    This is a familiar story that we all know, Jesus raising His friend Lazerus from the dead. Some of us have learned our first Bible verse from this text; Jesus Wept. As Jesus reaches Bethany his friend Lazarus has been in the tomb four days now. People are still mourning and as Jesus is arriving more

  • From Impure To Pure

    Contributed by Ruel Camia on Feb 23, 2007
    based on 25 ratings

    Satan and his host work hard to draw men and women into sexual sins and perversions because it is a direct attack on the only institution God established before the fall. I’m talking about marriage. God created mankind in his own image (Gen 1:27). After h

    From impure to pure Satan and his host work hard to draw men and women into sexual sins and perversions because it is a direct attack on the only institution God established before the fall. I’m talking about marriage. God created mankind in his own image (Gen 1:27). After he had created Adam and more

  • Lessons From A Leper Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Apr 3, 2003
    based on 290 ratings

    We all have a deadly problem only Jesus can fix. When we admit our need and cry out for Jesus, stepping out in faith, we receive the power to accomplish the directions God gives us according to the Bible.

    Lessons from a Leper Luke 17:11-19 by David O. Dykes INTRODUCTION Have you ever had a totally lousy day? I read about a man who was sitting in a bar, looking at his drink. He stayed like that for half-an-hour. Then, a big trouble-making truck driver stepped up next to him, grabbed the drink from more

  • Deviation From The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Sep 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In Galatians 2:11-13 Paul explains Peter’s deviation from the gospel. In this we see 1) The Clash, 2) The Cause, and 3) The Consequence

    A Domino a rectangular tile with a line dividing its face into two square ends. A popular way of playing with dominos is lining them up end to end and knocking them over. This domino effect is fun to watch when handling the physical tiles but, if it occurs metaphorically in worldwide financial more

  • Thyatria - Lack Of Self-Discipline

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jul 13, 2009

    The church can speak scripture. Yet it masks immorality

    A man walked up to a vending machine, put in a coin, pressed the buttons labeled, “coffee, double cream, sugar.” No cup appeared, but the nozzles went into action sending forth coffee, cream and sugar. After the proper amounts had gone down the drain, the machine turned off. “Now that’s real more

  • Living To Please God (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 16, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    In this sermon, we learn what God's will is - that we are sanctified, which includes avoiding sexual immorality.

    A. It always disturbs me to see road kill along the highway (maybe except for opossums), how about you? 1. It is sad when the lives of beautiful, innocent animals are unintentionally extinguished by passing cars and trucks. 2. The consequences of these collisions can be severe for both the more

  • Life Principles From 7 Great Scriptures Lesson 5 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 12, 2019

    We must be born again because there is no other way to God.

    “There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him” (vv. 1-2). 1. Whether you are rich or poor, you must more

  • Run From Satan So You Can Avoid Him.

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Mar 9, 2019

    We must keep our selves sale and clear of Satan.

    RUN FROM SATAN SO YOU CAN AVOID HIM. 1st Peter 5: 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, more

  • My Objections To A Sinning Religion

    Contributed by George Crumbly on Aug 27, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    To call sin what it is and know that it separates us from God

    MY OBJECTIONS TO A SINNING RELIGION by George Crumbly John 8: 1-11 Sunday AM April 20, 2003 Sheridan Arkansas Easter Sunday Uncle Buddy Robinson wrote a book years ago titled "My Objections to a Sinning Religion". I’m afraid there are many in the church today that call themselves Christians, yet more

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