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  • A Thriving And Healthy Church

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Apr 7, 2002
    based on 81 ratings

    Acts chapter 9 provides a snap-shot of a healthy and thriving church that was flowing with the Holy Spirit. This is an example to the church today.

     Many churches through the centuries have looked to the New Testament church in the Acts as a model of what Christ is wanting in his body  In Acts 9 we see an example of a healthy and thriving church MAIN TEXT: Acts 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and more

  • Feed The Hungry PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Highlight the power, compassion, and practical provision of Jesus Christ.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters. We are gathered here today to delve into the richness of God's Word and to behold the magnificence of His love for us. We'll be focusing on Matthew 14:13-21, a passage that illustrates the profound power, compassion, and provision of Jesus Christ. As Christian more

  • Nothing But Leaves

    Contributed by John Butler on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    Why was Jesus shocked to find only leaves on the fig tree when scripture says it wasn’t fig season?

    ****Sermon Outline**** Nothing But Leaves... I. Introducton... a) Read: Mar 11:11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve. Mar 11:12 And on the morrow, more

  • When God Seems Unreal Series

    Contributed by Doug Johnston on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    If we choose to live as if God is not real in our lives, we may commit sins we too will regret for life.

    Introduction: David was a man who loved God, a man after God’s own heart. He sinned, and it was intensified because of who he was and how he mishandled it. But it was just sin, an act of disobedience he came later to regret with bitter tears. And unless we take heed (1 Corinthians 10:12) to his more

  • God's Providence Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Nov 20, 2019

    Working through the book of Exodus using consecutive expository preaching. Exodus 1:1-2:20 Teaching Sheet for the bulletin included end of text

    Exodus 2 “9 Then Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this child away and nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages.” So the woman took the child and nursed him. 10 And the child grew, and she brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. So she called his name Moses, saying, more

  • You Give Them Something To Eat

    Contributed by William Baeta on Aug 2, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    “Now when it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, ‘...send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy food for themselves.’ But Jesus said, ‘they need not go away; you give them something to eat" (Matthew 14:15-16)

    Theme: You give them something to eat Text: Is. 55:1-5; Romans 9:1-5; Matt. 14:13-21 God as Creator created every individual with unique characteristics and no two persons are the same. They have different gifts to use to glorify God but this does not always happen. Many people are not even more

  • The Mathematics Of The Cross

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Dec 12, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    Mathematics is a science that has four fundamental operations, namely: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In our passage, the cross is a reference NOT to the two pieces of wood that were used as instruments of death in Roman times but ra

    Intro: Mathematics is a science that has four fundamental operations, namely: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In our passage, the cross is a reference NOT to the two pieces of wood that were used as instruments of death in Roman times but rather to the suffering, death, burial more

  • Sermon # 26 - The True Blessings Of God Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jul 11, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Everyone wants to be blessed, but the question is, 'What are the true blessings of God?' Let us understand what these blessings are and also get to know the purpose for God's blessings on us.

    We read in 1 Chronicles 4:10, “Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!" And God granted him what he requested.” (NASB) The more

  • The Battle Belongs To The Lord Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 2, 2021

    God sees the evil of the world and creates a plan to rescue his people.

    INTRODUCTION • First off, I want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July! • Sometimes when we look at the Bible, particularly at the Old Testament, we tend to think that we humans have progressed, that the things they struggled with are not the same struggles we deal with. • So the tendency is to not more

  • Blessings To Thank For

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Mar 29, 2024

    Having a Heavenly Father, who is Sovereign and Loving, we are actually enjoying many blessings. Let’s remember them always. And be thankful. Apart from the physical or material favors, what spiritual blessings from Him we could be thankful for?

    “God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, ’Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your more

  • Speak To Your Mountain - Preparing For The Return From Exile Series

    Contributed by Larry Semore on Feb 9, 2017

    This is a 3 Part sermon Series addressing the next move of God and the return from spiritual exile

    Speak to Your Mountain Preparing for the return Part 1 of a 3 Part Series Ezek 36:1-12 NKJV, "And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, 'O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord! 2 Thus says the Lord God: "Because the enemy has said of you, 'Aha! The ancient more

  • Preaching The Word Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus wants to build His church, and add to the church daily those who are being saved. One of the keys to seeing the church grow is preaching the Word.

    PREACHING THE WORD INTRO TO SPEAKER: Fourteen years as youth pastor in BC, teaching @ PLBC and chaplain at Regent, started RMC, then call to pastor the church in Beausejour. BACKGROUND TO ACTS: • Acts is a HISTORY but it is also a BLUEPRINT (for the church today). THE GROWTH OF THE EARLY more

  • In The Knowledge Of God

    Contributed by Mark Baker on Sep 19, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    Grace is given to us to fulfill Gods will when we receive revelation knowledge of Him.

    2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3. as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4. by which have been given to us exceedingly more

  • Supernatural #6: A Few Good Men Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Aug 15, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    God’s looking for a few good men... and women and children... to accomplish His will on the Earth. If each member of the church will do their part, the church will grow.

    SUPERNATURAL #6: GOD’S LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN OPENING TESTIMONY: This weekend is a very special one for me. I am celebrating 20 years with Jesus! August 14, 1989 – a farmhouse outside of Lacombe, Alberta, is where I met Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. INTRO TO THEME: • The theme of the more

  • Grace Re-Defined

    Contributed by David Leach on Jun 1, 2014

    Jesus Christ is God’s Grace, the ongoing free gift of the nature of God, to anyone whose heart believes more of His Holy Spirit breathed words.

    1 Tim 1:14 And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. We are saved by grace: Eph 2:8 For by grace you are saved through faith… (since it is through faith that we are saved by grace, then grace must be something we can believe – more

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