The Need For Multitudes
Contributed by David Ibeleme on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Designed to stimulate believers to evangelize in order for there to be quantitative growth in the Kingdom
Victory Christian Outreach Church
(Victorious Faith Ministries)
The Need For Multitudes: Jn 15:16
Bishop David Ibeleme
Sunday 17th March 2002
The concept of evangelism denotes multiplication, however many are not too excited about this.
Why Many Don’t Want Multitudes:
1) The “Few Mentality”: Jg 7v2-7; Is 59:16; Ez 22:30.
v Idea that God doesn’t need multitudes because He is God all by himself
v He needs only a few and in some cases only one, so what’s the fuss.
2) Conflicts Arise With Multitudes: Acts 6v1; Ex 18
v Some, would rather not deal with conflicts, so they detest the idea of multitudes
3) Increased Diversity: Acts 10v9-20; 15; Gal 2
v This puts a demand on our tolerance, creating a need for spiritual growth or maturity.
v This means we have to change.
v The process of change is not always pleasant though the result is.
4) It Puts A Demand On Our Administrative Capability: Acts 6v1-7; Jn 6v5-13;
v Many don’t want to get involved in the difficult job of functioning in leadership/management.
v Being in the “hot seat” – having to make tough decisions.
5) It Puts A Demand On Our “Limited” Resources: Jn 6v9
v Economic theory makes us perceive that our resources are inadequate or limited.
6) It Places A “Personal Growth” Demand On Us: Acts 6; Ex 18v17ff
v More babies are being born, so the cribs are needed. I have to make room.
7) It Attacks Our Selfishness: Acts 2/4; Ex 18v15-16.
v Makes us have to share things we would rather hold unto eg resources, position/authority.
v We would rather “own it all” or “do it all or do it by ourselves”.
v There is a fear of, not being needed or being redundant.
Why Multitudes, Is there really a need for them?
1) We Are Created To Multiply: Gen 1:26; Jn 15:16; Ps 115:14
v It is part of our “God ordained” destiny. We cannot be fulfilled without it.
2) It Is The Way Success Is Measured: Gen 26v12-14; Deut 1:10: Matt 25v14-30:
v Every living thing must grow.
v Hebrew word for multiply (rabah)= resources (to furnish), abundance, success, to excel.
3) It Is The Way Strength Is Measured: Ex 1:7-12; 2Kg 6v14-15; 2Chron 20v12.
v Hebrew word for mighty (atsam) = powerful, as bone or to break bones, strength.
4) God Is Honoured Or Glorified By It: Jn 15:8; Jer 30:16ff; Prov 14:28;
v It is His handiwork so He delights in it.
5) It Is Needed To Do The Great Commission: Mk 16:15ff; Acts 1:8.
v The extent of the task- it is a global one. Hab 2:14
v No man can fulfil this task alone.
v Labourers are needed. Matt 9:35ff.
6) There Is Protection In Multitudes: Acts 18:8ff; Acts 5:26.
v It increases influence hence boldness, Greek word for multiplication (plethuno)= to influence.
v Jesus was delivered Matt 21:46 and then crucified Lk 23:21, because of the influence of multitudes.
v Needed to break new grounds and operate in governmental authority Acts 4:23ff.
7) It Is The Result Of Fulfilling The Commission: Acts 2v41-47/4v4
v Greek word for multiplication (plethuno)= to fill, to fulfil, to accomplish.
v It is impossible to fulfil the great commission and not grow or multiply.
v Jesus expects the Church to grow numerically Jn 17:20.
v It is the ultimate manifestation of the fulfilment of our mandate on earth, ensuring that every tribe and tongue, would hear the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour Matt 24:14; Rev 5v9.
God is not only expecting the church to multiply, He is also demanding that it do so. Everyone has an essential role to play, in order for the church to multiply. Let us arise and do our part. God is waiting on us.