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  • The Piracy Of Praise Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Jul 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We have had praise pirated from the church.

    The Hallelujah Factor Series Based upon Jack Taylor’s book The Hallelujah Factor The Piracy of Praise July 1, 2007 FBC, Chester Mike Fogerson, Pastor Introduction A A few years ago, FBC was robbed, burglarized, vandalized, invaded-robbed of possessions, more

  • Musings Of A Seed Picker 3 Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Oct 24, 2008

    Exposition of Acts 17:26-28 about how God has dealt with man in general from a big picture perspective

    Text: Acts 17:26-28, Title: Musings of a Seed-Picker 3, Date/Place: NRBC, 10/26/08, AM A. Opening illustration: maybe the quote from What is a Healthy Church Member re: knowing major biblical themes and storylines of redemption B. Background to passage: Again this is the continuation of Paul’s more

  • A Holy New Thing

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Mar 13, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    God’s committed persistence for His people to work out his new holy way in them.

    A Holy New Thing Isaiah 43:14-21 February 19, 2006 This week our 5-year-old son Luke, Deb and I began to read The Horse and His Boy book #3 in the Chronicles of Narnia Series by C. S. Lewis. After reading the 2nd chapter in this book, Luke had a disturbed and frightened look on his face. The more

  • Able Men

    Contributed by Paul Hammons on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 115 ratings

    God called able men to serve Him, and that still holds true today. God is calling able men to serve Him. The problem is it’s getting harder and harder to find men who will take a stand against the cultural norm and say, “As for me and my house, we will se

    Able Men; 1 Chronicles 9:13 Statistics from * The typical U.S. Congregation draws an adult crowd that’s 61% female, 39% male. This gender gap shows up in all age categories. Young adult, middle aged, and seniors…. * On any given Sunday there are 13 million more adult women than more

  • Separated Unto God Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on May 9, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Four personal stories that illustrate how God’s people are set apart from the world and separated unto God.

    I want to begin by telling you about this book. When Sue and I were in high school, we were active members of our youth fellowship. There must have been 40 or 50 of us. A farmer in our congregation was so concerned about the spiritual life of the youth that he purchased a book for every one of more

  • Sinners' Anonymous

    Contributed by Ish Engle on Sep 19, 2006

    A call to repent and to give our lives over to God.

    Opening: Hello, I’m Ish, and I’m a sinner. I. Defining our terms a. Repaint Joke i. Churched used too much thinner God said, “Repaint and thin no more.” b. In the words of Archibald Asparagus “Stop it!” c. Remember: Sin is breaking relationship with God d. Repentance is: i. Websters: 1. to turn more

  • Subtle Deceptions Of The Enemy Series

    Contributed by Kent Wise on Sep 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Biblical Truth confronting subtle deception

    The Invisible War: Subtle Deceptions of the Enemy September 24, 2006 Pastor Kent Wise Introduction It doesn’t surprise me one bit that the last six weeks have been filled with tremendous stress, emotion, and conflict for me and for those around me. When we started this series many of you more

  • Dry? Dry?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 11, 2019

    The Judas Goat? Do we understand that "DRY" is dangerous. The symbol of the Holy Spirit is often water. We must guard self from becoming a dry place. Stay full!

    DRY? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (I did this in 3 parts) Do you know that Dawson Springs, Kentucky has “MULE DAYS” in May of each year? Perhaps we should charter a bus and go celebrate stubbornness? “DRY”: Physical? Mentally? Emotionally? Spiritually? “DRY.” Dry: to more

  • Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty

    Contributed by Troy Denson on May 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Through the usage of Rebekkah being blessed to become Isaac's wife, this sermons highlights the blessings in going above and beyond the call of duty.

    ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL Rev. Troy Denson Preached at Full Gospel Baptist Church’s Installation of Officers January 25, 2015 GENESIS 24: 17-20 "The servant hurried to meet her [Rebekah] and said, “Please give me a little water from your jar.” “Drink, my lord,” more

  • Pain In Knowing God

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 2, 2014

    The difficulties of life are key sources for understanding and trusting God. The request to know God better is often accompanied by trials.

    1. Unanswered Prayer A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert-like island. The two survivors, not knowing what else to do, agreed that they had no other recourse but to pray to God. However, to find out whose prayer was more

  • Song Of Salvation Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Sep 21, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This song of praise celebrates that day of Christ's coming, both Christ’s first and second coming.

    Isaiah 12:1-6 Song of Salvation 4/29/01e D. Marion Clark Introduction It is delightful to come upon a hymn of unabashed praise to God. Isaiah has been presenting a vision of the day when God’s kingdom will usher forth. We’ve seen how Jesus in his first coming fulfilled the prophecy more

  • Immanuel God With Us...

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 4, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    We long to have someone to be WITH US. God so loved us that He promised to be WITH US...

    GOD IS WITH US... IMMANUEL By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. I HAVE NO GREATER JOY IN THE WORLD THAN TO BE WITH SOMEONE... A. Some of my greatest joys in life have been just being WITH SOMEONE... To hear their heart, to feel their pain... to laugh, to cry together... B. I love more

  • Appointing Those Elders Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 22, 2011
    based on 30 ratings

    Paul gives directions about appointing elders in churches. 1- An elder is a family man 2- An elder is a trustworthy man 3- An elder is a blameless man 4- An elder is a spiritual man

    INTRO.- ILL.- When the Methodist minister falls down the stairs, he picks himself up and says, "That was an experience, how do I learn from it?" When the Catholic priest falls down the stairs, he picks himself up and says, "I must have done something really bad to deserve that." When the more

  • For Mothers' Day

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Mar 27, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    We are commanded to honour our fathers and our mothers. This is not an option. Jesus honoured his mother Mary, who is a wonderful role model for all mothers. The mother of Jesus experienced unhappiness on several occasions but she is 'blessed among women'

    Exodus 20:12 SERMON – A word for Mothers’ Day I saw somewhere, ‘A Job Description for Mothers’. 1. This is a permanent job. 2. The successful applicant must be prepared to work hard. 3. The workplace is often a challenging and chaotic environment. 4. Applicants must more

  • Palm Sunday

    Contributed by R. Joseph Owles on Jun 22, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Jewish Scriptural context for understanding Jesus' entry into Jerusalem

    The reign of King David was coming to an end. To put it plainly he was old. He was definitely tired. The first half of his life was spent building a kingdom; the second half of his life was spent trying to hold that kingdom together. God had promised that David would never lose his throne, and as more

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