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  • A Mountain Top Experience Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 5, 2021

    Mountains force the thought of God upon you, for there is nowhere else the mind can go and be relevant. Man becomes insignificant and humanism melts into oblivion before these rocking monarchs of the earth.

    Mountains have made men marvel at the majesty of God's creation all through history. Man needs the mountains, for the heights are in his head and heart. Mountains awaken in man the instinct for heaven. He knows when he looks at the mountains that he was made for a high and lofty purpose. more

  • Mountain Top Experience

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Dec 7, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    We all need those mountain top experiences

    A man was arraigned for murder in Los Angeles about 60 years ago. It was a difficult case with a lot of circumstantial evidence. The man’s defense lawyer, however, thought of an ingenious ploy. In his summing up speech, he said: “Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, you must more

  • Mountain Top Experience

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Sep 15, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    We sometimes have spiritual highs and we’d like to maintain them but we have to stay grounded in reality and do the work of Jesus - communicate the Gospel to a lost and dying world.

    Mountain Top Experience – Promise Keepers – Share your story with a neigbhor How did you respond after this experience? I wanted to stay. Can’t stay though. Problem with staying on the mountain top - No blasted good to anyone else 1. We are up so high that can’t connect with anyone else – we more

  • A Mountain Top Experience Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jan 29, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    A glimpse of glory will keep you going.

    A Mountain Top Experience Mark 9:1-13 Rev. Brian Bill January 28-29, 2017 What one incident or event comes to your mind when you think of the life of Jesus? Turn to the person next to you and share what it is… There was one miracle foremost in the Apostle Peter’s memory, so much so that he wrote more

  • The Mountain Top Experience Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 25, 2020
    based on 5 ratings

    Why did Jesus lead Peter, James and John up on the Mountain? And why would God make it so they could see Moses and Elijah speaking with Christ that day?

    The story in our text today is recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke and I believe it’s the source of the phrase “A Mountain Top Experience. So, over the past week I went searching for stories and quotes about Mountain top experiences, and I stumbled on this comment: “The Outing Club is hosting world more

  • The Mountain Top Experience

    Contributed by Pastor Dr. Tim Awotide on Aug 5, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    In Christ Ministry there are series of special events like, the Marriage in Cana, Sermon on the Mount, Washing of the Feet of the disciples and the Holy Communion Service and The Transfiguration. To mentioned just few.

    Text: (Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭2-9‬ KJV) And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no more

  • A Mountain Top Experience

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Feb 15, 2023

    The Transfiguration, yes is a moment of intimacy with God but more. If at Mt. Hermon demonstrates His power over the realm of Satan which began with Peter's confession "You are the Christ" and concludes with Jesus driving out the demonic from the boy.

    In Jesus Holy Name February 19,2023 Matthew 19:1-5 Transfiguration Redeemer “A Mountain Top Experience” Almost everyone has a favorite bible story. When you think of all the bible stories you know…. Which is your favorite? I love this story. more

  • The Mountain Top Experiences

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Feb 21, 2023

    We will huff and puff going up a hill, but joy happens when reach the top!

    The “mountaintop experience,” Matthew 17:1-9 1. The Disciples Follow Jesus up to the mountain • If you ever climbed a mountain it’s not easy huffing and puffing all the way. Small short hills cause me to huff and puff • Following Jesus is not easy one might say there’s a lot of huffing and more

  • A Mountain-Top Experience

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Mar 30, 2023

    Whatever comes, the offering up of ourselves to God results in receiving more than ourselves, better than our selves, back again. God has provided the lamb.

    It took a long time for Sarah to forgive Abraham. She knew something was wrong the minute Abraham and Isaac came back from their trip. Sarah hadn’t suspected anything before then; Isaac was almost 13 and spent most of his time with his father and the other men anyway. Every Hebrew mother learned to more

  • Mountain Tops And Plains

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Mar 4, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Our mountain-top experiences strengthen and shape our lives on the plain

    March 3, 2019 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Luke 9:28-36 Mountain Tops and Plains Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Today is the last Sunday in the season of Epiphany. This week we’ll enter Lent with Ash Wednesday. more

  • Elijah's Mountain Top Experience Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Jul 4, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Elijah confronts the prophets of Baal to show that Only Yahweh is the true and living God.

    By Rev Bill Stewart As we have just heard, in today’s Scripture reading the prophet Elijah was called by God to go to Mount Carmel which is situated in the North of Israel. It is not an especially high mountain but it does have a great view. In fact, it’s a bit like the lookout on Mount more

  • Transfiguration: A Mountain Top Experience Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Feb 23, 2023

    Mountain top experiences are necessary! The Apostles' experience at the Transfiguration reminds us that no matter how powerful a spiritual experience is, the time comes when we must come down off the mountain and rejoin our everyday life.

    Scripture - Matt 17:1-13 “Six days later Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, James and John, and led them up a high mountain to be alone. 2 As the men watched, Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light. 3 Suddenly, Moses and more

  • I Want That Mountain

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Dec 5, 2000
    based on 118 ratings

    Mountain top experiences

    JOSHUA 14:6-13 "I WANT THAT MOUNTAIN" A) I don’t believe any of us enjoy the valleys that we go through in this life! * So we need to look for the mountain top experiences to help us survive the valleys, * Because what you get on the mountain will help you in the valley! B) However, just because I more

  • A Mountain Top Experience Of Encountering God.

    Contributed by Eugene Morell on Oct 16, 2012

    This is a message that show every christian can experience the Lord jesus is a very special way

    A mountain top experience of encountering God. - Exodus 33:1-23 - I mention a couple of year ago that we should keep our eyes open so we can see what the Lord God would show us. One Sunday morning I shared about driving home from work and just as I approached the dam I happened to see a more

  • God Is A God Of The Mountains And The Valleys

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Christian life is filled with MOUNTAIN TOP EXPERIENCES and VALLEY EXPERIENCES.

    We all enjoy the MOUNTAIN TOP experiences. In God’s Word we find the writers used many superlatives to describe the blessings God bestows upon us. We are told that a good writer never uses too many superlatives for fear of overstating their case. They are to be reserved for special occasions more