
Summary: Mountain top experiences

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A) I don’t believe any of us enjoy the valleys that we go through in this life!

* So we need to look for the mountain top experiences to help us survive the valleys,

* Because what you get on the mountain will help you in the valley!

B) However, just because I don’t enjoy the valleys, I am thankful for them!

* It is in the valleys that God’s strength is made perfect in my weakness!

C) So, a Christian life is a life of valleys and mountains!

* "I’m never in the valley, I’m just changing mountain tops!" * Background of our text!

D) In this passage, Caleb comes to claim his inheritance!

* By this time he is the leading man in Judah and he comes to claim an inheritance for the tribe

and also for himself. * He asks for no small thing!

* He actually asks for the best piece of real estate in the land of Canaan ... Hebron!

E) Hebron is one of the highest locations in the land of Canaan, about 3000 ft. above sea level.

* This is where Abraham lived & where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac & Jacob & their wives were buried.

* The name Hebron means "fellowship." * It was the place where Abraham built his altar,

* And where much of the covenant between God and Abraham was given, the promise of the land

and the seed. * It was the best, there was no other place like it in Canaan!

F) Unlike the rest of the people who had not yet been into the land, Caleb had seen Hebron!

* Going back into the book of Numbers, we discover that Caleb and Joshua and 10 other men were

sent as spies into the land of Canaan!

* When they got there, they discovered that it was a land flowing with milk and honey.

* They cut down a cluster of grapes from the brook of Eshcol and had to carry it between two

men on a stick!

G) When they got back to give the news to Moses, the 10 gave an "evil report."

* They said, "We can’t go and take the land ’cause all the people there are giants ......."

* But Caleb "stilled the people" before Moses and said, "Let us go up at once and ......."

* But the people tried to stone them, so God turned His people back at Kadesh and for 38

more years they wandered in the wilderness!

* That entire generation, from 20 years of age on up, perished in the wilderness!

H) And Joshua and Caleb watched them die, one by one!

* Caleb was 40 years old when all this took place, 45 Years later he comes to claim his inheritance.

* He says to Joshua in v.10-11 ... Then he says in v.12 "Now therefore give me this mountain ..."

* I want to talk to you today about some mountain top experiences in the Bible!

(1) MOUNT MORIAH - ABRAHAM’S MOUNTAIN! * Where God provides!

* That place where everything is closing in, but right on time, God provides!

A) First, A Loving Father! * Gen.22:1-2 ... Listen to what God told him to do.

* God’s own testimony was, "Take now thy son ... whom thou lovest."

B) Abraham didn’t argue or complain to God! * He had plenty of time to think about it!

* Gen.22:3 says that Abraham rose up early in the morning and got everything ready .......

* The journey took 3 days! * And on the third day, Abraham saw the place .......

* Abraham loved God more than anything, even more than his own son!

C) Second, An Obedient Son! * Gen.22:6-7 "And Abraham took the wood of ... and laid ..."

* Isaac carried his own wood! * Jesus carried the wood for us - Jn.19:17 "And He bearing ..."

* As they reach the top of the mountain, Isaac asks, "My father ... Behold the fire and the ..."

D) Third, I See A Suitable Sacrifice! * Gen.22:8 "And Abraham said, My son, God will ..."

* No doubt Abraham and Isaac had a tender walk together to the top of the mountain!

E) Abraham was bound to be hurting, his heart suffering a pain like a knife in his soul!

* As they reach the spot which God had told him of, Abraham built an altar.

* He laid the wood in place, everything was ready, and Abraham looks at Isaac and says, "Isaac,

you are the lamb which God has provided.

F) He binds his son and places him on the altar. * Gen.22:10-13 "And Abraham stretched ..."

* He takes the ram & offers it on the altar for a burnt offering to God in the stead of his son!

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