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  • The Call Of Abraham

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 10, 2013
    based on 9 ratings

    Staking a claim in the land of Canaan.

    THE CALL OF ABRAHAM. Genesis 12:1-9. Our history begins in Ur of the Chaldees, in what is now Southern Iraq, a predominantly pagan city of about 250,000 people, with a central temple to the moon god Sin. Here Abram’s father Terah was thought to have been a craftsman within the moon cult. At a more

  • The Calling Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Oct 11, 2013

    Here we read of the calling of some of the first disciples. The call of Jesus is a call to FOLLOW HIM.

    The Calling of Jesus Brad Bailey - September 8, 2013 Intro football season officially started this past week... it unleashes the energy of fans. Lives that have been in slumber seem to awaken. What it means to be a "fan" really bears a breadth of intensity...default fan... the weekend fan... the more

  • A Call For Prayer

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 15, 2013

    A sermon from Romans 15:30-33 on prayer (Outline and material adapted from Alan Carr at:

    HoHum: Whenever I speak about prayer, I want it known that I speak as a fellow-struggler in the trenches. I’ve never found prayer to be easy. Also, many messages and books on prayer lay a guilt trip on the listener or reader for not praying enough. They tell about how Martin Luther was so more

  • A Call To Serve

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Oct 28, 2013

    Samuel is called by God and responds in faith, “Speak Lord for your servant is listening.”

    1 Samuel 3:1-21 “A Call to Serve” INTRODUCTION One of the most difficult theological concepts to comprehend, I believe, is that of call—that the Lord calls us to a specific vocation. Most Christians can accept the idea that pastors and other church professionals have more

  • The Call Up Series

    Contributed by Terry Williams on Aug 26, 2013

    This is sermon to call believers to fight against apostasy. To take a stand on the truth of Scripture and the truth of the Gospel.

    Sermon 3 of 11 Jude: A Call to Defend The Call Up Jude 3 Introduction We are working our way through the book of Jude Jude identifies himself as a bond-servant of Jesus, and brother of James in verse 1. That makes him Jesus’ half-brother. Last week we talked about being Secured for more

  • The Call Of Moses

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Mar 7, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    What can we learn from the burning bushes that God places in our path to get our attention?

    The Call of Moses Exodus chapter 3 Introduction This morning we come into the presence of God with the hope that He will speak to us and get personal with us in our lives. At least that is what you should be praying as we come together in His Word. Each one of us is on a journey and we are at more

  • A Call To Patience

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 29, 2016
    based on 10 ratings

    How long, Lord?

    A CALL TO PATIENCE. James 5:7-10. ‘Patience is a virtue,’ suggests the old adage. Yet when we pray for more patience what do we get? We get more affliction! This subject was mooted early in James’ epistle, when he somewhat surprisingly suggested that we ‘should count it all joy’ when we fall more

  • Closing Calls Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    Encouragement to be faithful

    2 Peter 3 - Closing Calls Turn with me this morning to the book of 2 Peter, chapter 3. We have been going through this book that we find at the end of the NT, five books before Revelation, the last book of the Bible. It is written by Peter, the bold fisherman who ended up leaving his nets and more

  • Called To Be Holy Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 25, 2016
    based on 10 ratings

    We were called to the end that we might be holy.

    II. CALLED TO BE HOLY. A. CALLED TO BELONG TO JESUS. Romans 1:6. Paul numbers the saints in Rome with those of all nations who are “obedient to the faith” (Romans 1:5). Amongst all these, Christian believer, you are “the called” of Jesus Christ. This calling is efficacious, and connects us more

  • Called To Freedom Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 25, 2016
    based on 9 ratings

    If the Son shall make us free, we shall be free indeed.

    III. CALLED TO FREEDOM. A. SET FREE - TO SERVE GOD! Exodus 10:24-26. It is somewhat ironic that Pharaoh would eventually release the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt that they might go and “serve the LORD” (Exodus 10:24). Pharaoh was not willing for them to take their flocks with them, more

  • Called To Be Thankful Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Nov 19, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    A little different look at thanksgiving. If we are thankful for God's blessing, what we doing to be a blessing to others, thereby increasing the thanksgiving, glory and praise being returned to God?

    2 Corinthians 9:10–15 (NKJV) Ever wonder how family fights begin on Thanksgiving? (show picture of pie with slice out of the middle). In fact we often think of Thanksgiving as a day of excesses. You Know You Overdid Thanksgiving When.... Paramedics bring in the Jaws of Life to pry you out of more

  • The Call: Holiness

    Contributed by John Ong on Nov 22, 2017

    Regardless of how dirty you’ve been in the past, God’s cleansing power cleanse you and makes you like new. Now that you know this, do not let the devil and his lies lead you away from the great plan that God has for you.

    These days it is rare for people to pursue Holiness. For them it is something unreachable. And as Christians, God’s call for us in 1 Peter 1:16 is to “be holy for I am holy” but right now what’s happening is the opposite. Morality is on a decline– we have accepted “complicated” as a normal status, more

  • The Call: Greatness

    Contributed by John Ong on Nov 27, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    If you believe in Jesus, then also believe in His promise that someday, the world will be destroyed and we will all be in Heaven with glorified bodies and the greatest of whom were those that during this life have sacrificed, served and been selfless.

    Some people see Christians as someone who are not strong, muscular and powerful; we tend to think that they’re not supposed to fight back even when they’re being pushed around. Some of us don’t see Christians as great in some aspects simply because some think they are just Christians, and for some, more

  • The Call To Completion Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 11, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Paul challenged the Philippians to move on toward maturity and to complete the Christian race through the power of God that is at work in us.

    Introduction: A. The year was 1968, and TV producer Bud Greenspan was packing away his gear following the marathon at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. 1. It had been over an hour since he had preserved for posterity the elegance and poise of the iconic Ethioian runner Mamo Wolde as he cruised, almost more

  • A Call To Fellowship Series

    Contributed by Graham Kettle on Dec 19, 2017

    As a fellowship of Believers, mission is tied up with vision; your vision is tied up with being, or becoming, the Church that the Lord wants. Here we touch that vision, which is one of ‘Bringing a Sick World to Christ’, with emphasis on your location.

    A CALL TO FELLOWSHIP - PART 1 OF 5 As a fellowship of Believers, our Mission is tied up with our Vision; our vision is tied up with being, or becoming, the Church that the Lord wants. This series touches that vision, which is one of ‘Bringing a Sick World to Christ’, with our particular emphasis more

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