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  • Why A Mother Named Her Son Ichabod

    Contributed by Mike Turner on May 7, 2004
    based on 63 ratings

    A sermon about a mother who attached a strange label to her new born son......."inglorious, Ichabod"

    A.M. Sermon 5-9-04 Why A Mother Named Her Son Ichabod ! 1 Samuel 4:1-22 We live in a day of some really weird names. Many of them sound like a bunch of syllables just thrown together. When Hannah was born, there were twin boys in the nursery at the hospital as well. I kid you not...their names more

  • The High View Of Women In Scripture

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on May 8, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Mother’s Day 2004. Not about motherhood per se, but about womanhood in general.

    The High View of Women in Scripture Various Scripture May 9, 2004 Introduction I happen to be a fan of women. I like the idea of womanhood in general, and I¡¦m a huge fan of one woman in particular. I think God had a good idea when He invented women. Maybe that¡¦s just me, but let me take a more

  • The Mother Who Changed The Course Of A Nation

    Contributed by Paul Gabriel on May 9, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Mothers’ Day message

    I Samuel 1:1-28; 2:18-21 The Mother Who Changed the Course of a Nation Intro: The prophet Samuel is one of the brightest lights in the Old Testament. He was the guiding force in Israel, surpassing the leadership of its kings. God used him in a mighty way for many years, keeping more

  • The Anchor Holds – Mother's Day 2004

    Contributed by Tex Cox on May 9, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    I think it goes without saying that it takes a very special person to be a Mother. Being a parent changes everything. But being a parent also changes with each baby. Here are some of the ways having a second and third child is different from having the f

    The Anchor Holds – Mother’s Day 2004 I think it goes without saying that it takes a very special person to be a Mother. Being a parent changes everything. But being a parent also changes with each baby. Here are some of the ways having a second and third child is different from having the more

  • A Mother Who Wanted The Best For Her Children

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on May 9, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    This outline takes a look at how the mother of James and John exemplified godly motherhood.

    A MOTHER WHO WANTED THE BEST FOR HER CHILDREN “Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Him with her sons, kneeling down and asking something from Him. And He said to her, "What do you wish?" She said to Him, "Grant that these two sons of mine may sit, one on Your right hand and the other more

  • Mary, What A Mom

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on May 10, 2004
    based on 45 ratings

    A Mother’s Day message looking at Mary the Mother of Jesus.

    Max Lucado has twenty-five questions that he wants to ask Mary the mother of Jesus, here are a few of my favourites. What was it like watching him pray? When he saw a rainbow did he ever mention a flood? Did you ever feel awkward teaching him how he created the world? When he saw a lamb more

  • Your Family Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 24, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon in the series "Your". This is also a Mother’s Day sermon.

    Series: Yours (Malachi) [#4] YOUR FAMILY Malachi 2:10-16 Introduction: Malachi 2:10-16 1. Video Clip: “The American Family” 2. What must we do to get back on track? 3. On this Mother’s Day, lets see what God defines as a godly mother. Proverbs 31:10 (MSG) What She Does 1. For her husband more

  • The Strength Of The Equilateral Triangle Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 9, 2003
    based on 68 ratings

    Strength in families requires all three elements: faith, hope, and love. Illustrated with timbers handled to show that without all three the structure is unstable.

    Some of the old-timers used to say that bad things come in threes. Did you ever hear that? There is a notion out there that you never have just one disaster, you always have three, closely grouped. If there is a plane crash in the Andes today, look out, there will be two more in the near more

  • Moses And The Ark

    Contributed by Marc Bertrand on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Through the action of faith Moses mom prepared the future deliverer of Israel for his task. By faith she protected him; surrendered him; and trained him. Mother’s Day.

    Today is Mother’s Day and I wanted to begin our service with a few significant questions to test your knowledge about Mothers. First, how many people here have had a mother? Good, just checking to make sure you’re arms all work. Does anyone know who was considered the greatest prophet in the Old more

  • Are You Fearful Or Fearless

    Contributed by Steven Glover on Dec 9, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    An evaluation of fear and fearlessness.

    Title: “Are You Fearful Or Fearless" Text: Proverbs 29:25 “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Introduction: In our text we find a double proverb. Each half is entirely true by itself; and put together, the whole is forcible and full of truth. more

  • Mothers Called To Look Like God

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Aug 11, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    This is a mother’s day message on the similarities between God and mothers.

    Mothers Called To Look Like God by Rick Gillespie-Mobley Proverbs 31:10-31 Called To Look Like God NLF 5/9/2004 Proverbs 31:29-32 2 Timothy 1:1-6* One picture that Pastor Toby and I use to enjoy watching on TV was Quantum Leap. The show was about a man who had been trying to invent a more

  • What A Woman! Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Aug 31, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Based a lot on Look Who is in the Family Tree, this looks at the women in Jesus’ genealogy, to see Him as the King (2nd in Worship the King series) with a shady lineage.

    Matthew 1:1-17 – What a Woman Someone once wrote these words: Things My Mother Taught Me. My mother taught me RELIGION: When I spilled grape juice on the carpet, she instructed, "You better pray the stain will come out of the carpet." My mother taught me LOGIC: From her decisive words, more

  • Hannah's Mourning For Motherhood

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Sep 6, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    The story of Hannah is not only a wonderful account and illustration of what motherhood should be about, but also pictures the type of passion that all God’s children should demonstrate in their service for the Lord.

    HANNAH’S MOURNING FOR MOTHERHOOD Text: I Sam.1: 1-10 Intro: “No one deserves a special day all to herself more than today’s Mom. A cartoon showed a psychologist talking to his patient: ‘Let’s see,’ he said, ‘You spend 50 percent of your energy on your job, 50 percent on your husband and 50 more

  • Candles Teach Us About Mothers

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Sep 14, 2004
    based on 57 ratings

    Mothers Day: Candles Teach Us About Mothers

    A. KINDS OF CANDLES - Atmospheric candles to create a mood. Some mothers’ attitudes permeate the house with their godliness and goodness. - Candles to celebrate. Some mothers celebrate the life and passage of events with meaning, i.e., Christmas, weddings, anniversaries. - Food candles that create more

  • Real World Mom's

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 18, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    Or for all the rest of us: Living in a The Real World Mother’s Day Message

    Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you’ve had a baby. Somebody doesn’t know that once you’re a mother, normal is history. Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by instinct. Somebody never took a three-year-old shopping. Somebody said being a mother is more

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