Sermon Series
  • 1. "Motherhood"

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2015

    Godly mothers are important but moms face unique challenges. Moms need instruction, mentoring, and encouragement to be godly moms.

    Series: There’s an App for That “Motherhood” Luke 1:26-38 Open Can you tell me what I’m holding up? [cell phone] Not just a cell phone. It’s a smart phone. In this little device, I have many multiple times more computing power than the computers more

  • 2. Anger

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God knows our tendency to struggle in the area of anger. His Word gives us some instruction in this matter. Let’s pay close attention so that we might honor God in all things – even in our anger.

    Series: There’s an App for That “Anger” Matthew 5:21-26, 39, 43-48 Open In Lille, France, a woman became fed up with neighbors parking outside of her home blocking her gate. For weeks, she asked and pleaded with them to not do it. She woke up before dawn one more

  • 3. Worry

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    We all struggle with worry. It seems than any humanly devised plan only seems to cause us more worry. Jesus had some things to say about this subject. Let’s talk about what He said.

    Series: There’s an App for That “Worry” Matthew 6:25-34 Open A man went to see a psychologist because he was anxious and stressed out all of the time. At the end of their first session, the psychologist gave the man some instructions for the time leading up to the more

  • 4. Pride

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    How often are you tempted to think you’re more important than you really are? We like to be the center of attention. We like to promote ourselves. We like to receive praise from other people. We like the applause of others. It causes us to be more concerned about self than God and others.

    Series: There’s an App for That “Pride” Matthew 6:1-4 Open We’re in this series called There’s an App for That. “App” is short for application. It’s a downloadable program for your smartphone or tablet that aids you in some area of more

  • 5. Fatherhood

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2015

    We’re going to look at some lessons on fatherhood from Joseph, Mary’s husband. No, he was not the biological father of Jesus but he certainly lived his life in a way that stands as an excellent model for us as men to follow.

    Series: There’s an App for That “Fatherhood” Matthew 1:18-25 Open For many years, Lou Gehrig held the iron-man record of playing in 2,131 consecutive baseball games. Cal Ripken, Jr. broke that record on September 6, 1995. Ripken gave much of the credit for his more