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  • Deserving Honor- Mothers

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jul 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Mother’s play a significant role in depositing a sense of the eternal in the lives of their children.

    Speak to Mothers- re-envision/reinforce their role. The role of a mother reaches beyond the home. Mothers must recognize the profound power they have in molding human souls, not only for the difference they will make in this life, but also to prepare them for eternity. Pastor Doug Batchelor Clear more

  • Guidelines For Godly Mothers

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Jul 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    An exaamination of the qualities of Godly Mothers. Suitable for Mothers’ Day.

    GUIDELINES FOR GODLY MOTHERS The first preacher that ever came to his town was stoned and left for dead by an angry mob. You see, Zeus was worshipped in that town. There was a temple erected for Zeus just outside the city gates and no one wanted to hear about Jesus. His dad wasn’t a Christian, as more

  • A Mother Who Was Loved

    Contributed by Sheldon Rox on Mar 24, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    A message about a mother who left to soon.

    My Mother Dolores E Rox Home Going Service Corinthian Baptist Church April 7, 2004 There are five people in my life that have made me the person I am today, my grandfather who was the pillar of this family, my grandmother our spiritual inspiration, my uncle Billy who no matter what was going on, more

  • John Mark's Mother Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on May 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    For Mother’s Day this looks at Mary the mother of John Mark.

    Who Was John Mark’s Mother? Acts 12:12 It is just a fleeting reference, it doesn’t provide a lot of details and we aren’t really told very much about her, but never being afraid to venture into the land of speculation in the cause of a good message we shall venture forth looking at the first more

  • Honoring Our Mothers

    Contributed by William Akehurst on May 11, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As a Mother Cares for her children, We must not only share and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also our lives. Living it, Showing it, Giving it for the help of others

    2009.05.10.Sermon.Honor thy Mother By William Akehurst, BA HSWC Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 NKJV 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 Gently Sharing God’s Good News, and our own lives. 2 Timothy 1:5 Faith imparted from Grandmother and mother. Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16; Ephesians 6:1-3 Honoring our more

  • Mothers Gifted By God

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on May 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    As a woman, single, married, mother, widow you can possess the joy of being alive. God has given your gifts to serve Him and make an impact on your family and community.

    Mothers Gifted by God 2 Timothy 1:3-7 Genesis 2:15-25 Today is a special day for all of us to remember our Mothers. For some of us the memories are pleasant and for others not so pleasant. Young Timothy in our Scripture text had the advantage of a Godly heritage. Both his mother and his more

  • Faith Of Our Mothers

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on May 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Faith must be LIVING or it is not faith at all. Faith must be SEASONED with love or it will not be SWALLOWED by our children!

    Faith of Our Mothers 2 Timothy 1:5 2 Timothy 1:5 5 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. (NIV) Some Things My Mother Taught Me My mother taught me CONTORTIONS "Have you seen the more

  • The Difference Mothers Make

    Contributed by David Owens on May 11, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Take a look at some of the mothers from the Bible and see the difference they make.

    Introduction: A. Today is Mother’s Day, so we want to express our love and appreciation to all the mothers who are with us today. 1. Mother’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year, because I love and appreciate all the mothers in my life. 2. My experience with the mothers in my life has been more

  • A Change For Mother's Day

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on May 12, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A Word that can be given at anytime for all.

    A Change for Mother’s Day Text: Deuteronomy 5:15-16 Susannah was the last of 25 children born to Dr. Samuel Annesley. Samuel was a ordained Presbyterian minister. Susannah, along with her siblings were brought up in a home where prayer, Bible reading and spiritual instruction was the more

  • Mother's Day: Mary

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on May 13, 2009
    based on 31 ratings

    This is a Mother’s Day message that focuses on Mary. It’s alliterated and expository. PowerPoint and video clip available, just e-mail me.

    MOTHER’S DAY: MARY Scott Bayles, pastor First Christian Church, Rosiclare, IL Today is a special day because we can come together like this as a family for two primary reasons. One is to honor our Lord Jesus Christ. The other is to honor our mothers. Both are lifetime tasks and neither can be more

  • A Mother's Greatest Gift Series

    Contributed by Harold Hansen on May 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A message for mothers and about mothers and the family

    A Mother’s Greatest Gift 2 Timothy 1:1-7 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, more

  • Honoring Your Mother

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on May 19, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Mothers day service. It is a message that will honor all the women of the church as well as the Mothers

    Honoring our Mothers Matthew 20:20-28 Disclaimer: This was prepared by prayer and thoughts from Sermon central contributors Introduction- Matthew 20:20-28 Read This is a unusual Scripture for Mother’s day. We see this as a scripture about two more

  • Mothers Day 2009

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on May 30, 2009

    How many mothers here would gladly trade their concern for a child that they think is lost for an acknowledgment from that child that they have found God in their lives?

    Mothers Day 2009 Luke 1:41-52 When my daughter was a little girl she used to want me to read to her at every opportunity. One of her favorite little books was called - Are you My Mother? It was written by P.D. Eastman and published in 1960 by Random House. Some of you may own a copy of this more

  • "My Mother's Faith"

    Contributed by Brian Credille on Jun 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This Mother’s Day sermon uses phrases from the beloved hymn "Jesus Loves Me" to talk about the great truths that should be learned from a Mother’s love.

    “My Mother’s Faith” 2 Timothy 1:5 Like many of you, I was so blessed to have a mother with a strong and deep faith in Jesus Christ. When I reflect on her faith, and how she passed it on to me through her witness, here are the key elements of that faith that dwelled in her and now dwells in me. more

  • Are You My Mother? Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 31, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This message shows the lonely how to find true family in their relationship with Christ. Jesus’ own family thought He was crazy. The religious leaders thought he was the devil. But His own followers, members of His true family obey Him as Lord.

    Are You My Mother? (Mark 3:20-35) Helene Talbert, of Wahpeton, North Dakota, remembers that after completing her first semester at a Christian college, she had a lot to tell her family. Just before going home, they had had an open house in her dorm. It’s one of the few times men were allowed in more

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