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  • Jochebed! Who? Trusting God Exodus 2 V1-10

    Contributed by Roger Whipp on Dec 29, 2014

    Jochebed, Moses mother trusted God with the most important thing in her life. Are we prepared to do the same?

    I guess for most Police Officers, the most stressful part of the job is appearing at court. I shall never forget my first Crown Court appearance, and the first time I gave evidence at Court 1 at The Old Baily. Generally it’s not because you have done anything wrong, or as some might more

  • Experience Deliverance And Breakthrough

    Contributed by Rufus Elijah Yamoah on Aug 3, 2015

    The message of a message of prophetic deliverance and breakthrough God is bringing into the lives of every believer.

    God is a faithful God and He is Unchangeable Changer. Malachi chapter 3 verse 6 "I am the LORD, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed”. His Power is unlimited and there is no distance barrier for the working power of His Living Word. Where more

  • God's House Faithful Servant

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 24, 2013

    To show that Moses life are pointing to CHRIST's Ministry.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you saved because of CHRIST's Ministry? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that Moses life are pointing to CHRIST's Ministry. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 3:5 (Amplified Bible) 3:5 And Moses certainly was faithful in the administration of all God’s house more

  • Hittites And Jebusites And Amorites, Oh My! Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Giants come in all shapes and sizes; none is bigger than God, who provides for those who believe his promises.

    The VCR is a wonderful invention. If you’ve got it set to tape your favorite shows it matters a whole lot less whether you’ll be home in time, doesn’t it. It makes meetings a whole lot less tense. Some things you have to be on time for, though. Movies, buses, job interviews... more

  • Playing Second Fiddle Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 5, 2011

    Ambition is a two-edged sword; it can spur hard work, but can also lead to resentment if proper recognition isn't forthcoming.

    Good morning. This is Rubel Milkash from the Canaan Broadcasting Corporation, bringing you the region’s top stories every morning. Today’s feature is an exclusive interview with Moses BenAmram, charismatic leader of the most amazing mass migration in recent history. But first, more

  • Power Grab Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Grasping after power that belongs to God is not only wrong, it's dangerous.

    This is communion Sunday. Here on the table are special elements set aside for worship. In the Presbyterian tradition, only a minister of word and sacrament is authorized to consecrate the elements. And only ordained officers of the church are granted the privilege of distributing the elements to more

  • Don't Lose It Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Losing your temper may lead to losing a lot more than that.

    One of my favorite shows is Law and Order, and so of course I’ve been watching the new spin-off, Trial by Jury. Last Friday the story featured a man who shot a pedophile who had been paroled back to the neighborhood where he had been apprehended for his original crime. And of course many more

  • Out Of The Frying Pan

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 5, 2011

    When the going gets tough, do you go with the flow or stand firm with confidence in God?

    I thought about calling this sermon “Denial is a river in Egypt” but decided after considerable struggle that it was just a little bit TOO clever. Just because you forgive most of my puns doesn’t mean that I have a permanent free pass. But denial is a big part of what this more

  • The Beginning Of Biblical Miracles

    Contributed by Ty Tamasaka on Jul 26, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    This message is to help believers teaches about how Moses used the stick that was in his hand to do great things for God. It helps believers learn to steward well the blessings already in their hands.

    Beginnings of Biblical Miracles WHAT’S IN YOUR HAND? Have you ever had one of those days? Just one of those days when you can (or have to) push your way through it, or crawl back? I did. I started catching the bus to work awhile back. I have never caught the bus before, so let me more

  • Ordering Your Private World 1 - Exodus Part 7 Series

    Contributed by Dan Carroll on Jul 28, 2011

    The first of a series of three sermons on how Moses’ relationships affected his usefulness to God.

    INTRODUCTION • The hardest thing about ministry is relationships. Many of us are ineffective in ministry because of fractured relationships. • There is no ministry outside of relationship. • God’s order began with people in garden, in authority with dominion. • And it more

  • Ordering Your Private World 2 - Exodus Part 8 Series

    Contributed by Dan Carroll on Jul 28, 2011

    The second of three sermons exploring how Moses’ disorder of his personal life threatened his usefulness for God.

    INTRODUCTION • The hardest thing about ministry is relationships. • Relating to those above us, beside us and below us is crucial for ministry success. • There is no ministry outside of relationship. • This encompasses all the key relationships in Moses’ life: more

  • How To Outlive Your Life (Part One)

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Oct 24, 2011

    What we do for God and others outlives us.

    Title: How to Outlive Your Life (Part One of Two) Text: Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Thesis: What we do for God and others outlives us. Introduction Have you ever wondered whatever happened to someone? If you happened to have grown up in a small community and stayed there all your life and attended more

  • How Soon We Forget (The Story Of The Golden Calf)

    Contributed by Troy Richards on Oct 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the people of Isreal, how quickly they forgot what God had done for them.

    -hello everyone, it’s been a while. -anyway, for today, I’m going to do something I did a little of at the end of the school year. I’m going to tell a story. Now, I won’t be doing this again for a while, so enjoy. -and today’s story is one you’ve probably more

  • Part 18: Gazing At The Glory Of God Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Oct 27, 2011

    Notice: 1. The holy desire for God’s glory (vs. 18). 2. The helpful declaration with God’s glory (vs. 19). 3. The huge danger of God’s glory (vs. 20). 4. The Hand of defense from God’s glory (vs. 21-23).

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord Part 18: Gazing at the Glory of God Exodus 33:18-23 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - Oct. 27, 2010 *Moses was an absolutely amazing man of God. The more we study his life, the more we can be inspired by his character. *Last week we were more

  • Mountain Of Waiting Series

    Contributed by Grant Macdonald on Nov 9, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    It is in the wilderness that God meets us.

    What do you think of when you hear the word ‘mountains’? If you’ve been through Vermont, or out to Lake Louise, you probably think of majestic beauty. The image I used for the slide you see on the screen right now was taken just down the road from where we stayed in Quartzsite more

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