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Sermons on moral purity:

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  • Pay Attention To Yourself Series

    Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Mar 22, 2016

    Even more important than our physical well being we need of keep a watch on our spiritual health. It is beneficial for both this life and the one to come. (1 Timothy 4:8-9, 16)

    Pay Attention to Yourself 8/16/15 Text: 1 Timothy 4:8-9, 16 Introduction: There are several things that I must pay attention to about my physical health. I have to have regular tests to monitor any potential health problems. I need to pay attention to my blood pressure, my cummenden level, P.S.A more

  • Married & Single Christians

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 8, 2021

    What wisdom would married and single Christians want to consider?

    What wisdom would married and single Christians want to consider? 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 Christian Marriages Is celibacy good or bad? 1 Corinthians 7:1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. What should single people do if they continually more

  • Living In Purity Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 12, 2018

    40th in series from Ephesians dealing with a pure life.

    “Living In Purity” Ephesians 5:3-14 REVIEW I. Our Wealth and Worth In Christ 1-3 II. Our Worthy Walk in Christ 4-6 A. Live in Unity 4:1-16 B. Live in Newness of life 4:17-24 C. Live in Love 4:17-5:2 Introduction Not only does the way we treat one another distinguish us as Children of God more

  • Purity Exam Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Sep 6, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    1)The deed of adultery, 2) The desire behind it, and 3)The deliverance from it.

    A common back to school ritual is the wardrobe selection. For some it means the latest fashions and for others it means the school uniform. Ironically, the latest fashions are the uniform. There has been a unique development this year in the elimination for many schools of the tartan skirt. Meant more

  • Purity Exam Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 19, 2021

    In order to be pure in heart we must understand: 1) The deed of adultery (Matthew 5:27), 2) The desire behind It (Matthew 5:28), and thereby achieve: 3) The deliverance from it (Matthew 5:29-30).

    Matthew 5:27-30 [27]"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' [28] But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. ([29] If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it more

  • Purity

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Sep 25, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    God says we’re to keep ourselves pure. To be pure means to be unmixed with any other matter, to be free anything that taints. God expects us to be holy – separated from anything that defiles. We’re to be like Him. We need pure minds, hands, and hearts.

    Purity 1 Timothy 5:22 God says we are to keep ourselves pure. To be pure means to be unmixed with any other matter, to be free anything that would taint. God expects us to be holy – separated from anything that would defile us. We are to be like Him. We are to have pure minds, pure hands, and pure more

  • Purity

    Contributed by Kent Lenard on Oct 25, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon deal with the need for Christians to be spiritualy pure, and show the love of God to all people.

    Purity Deu 7:1-5, John 17:1-2, Act 2:17, Gal 6:10, Titus 1:13 - 16, Matt 9:10-14, 1 Tim 1:15-16 John 13:34-35, Gal 6:10 October 2, 2004 (Deu 7:1-5 NIV) When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations--the Hittites, more

  • Purity Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 27, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon and service in the series "Christmas Brings".

    Series: Christmas Brings…[#4] PURITY 1 John 1:5-2:6 Welcome Hymn 89 “O Come, All Ye Faithful” Hymn 86 “O Little Town Of Bethlehem” Offering Children’s Choir: “Hey! Jesus Loves Me” “Here I Am To Worship” The Light Of The World Scripture: John 1:1-5, 9-18 Adult Choir: “Wonderful more

  • Purity

    Contributed by Mark Kang on Jan 20, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    Nothing will steal the joy of your Christianity like struggling with your purity.

    "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl" Job 31:1 Before I was a Christian I was an immoral, impure, club-hopping religious guy. I was enslaved to all kinds of sexual sin, relationships, pornography etc. Now I am a happily married man who has the privalage of working for more

  • Purity

    Contributed by Craig Smee on Mar 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Defeat sexual impurity while the battle is at its hottest.

    INTRODUCTION Have you ever wondered how those folk who live in rural SA and in informal settlements are able to get their washing so white? Have you seen it? You drive along the road near the farm houses of the farm labourers and there hanging on the fence of the most basic home is the washing. more

  • Purity Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 22, 2011
    based on 59 ratings

    1- Purity - Work at your faith 2- Purity - Don’t complain 3- Purity - Hold out the Word

    INTRO.- ILL.- As a father came home from his work he saw his little girl who had been playing in the mud. He said to her, “My, you’re pretty dirty.” She replied, “Yes, I know daddy, but I’m prettier clean.” Yes and aren’t we all prettier when we’re clean? Our text speaks of us as being more

  • Maintaining Purity In A Sinful World

    Contributed by Rev. Samuel Arimoro on Jan 26, 2025

    Living in a world filled with temptation, immorality, and sin, maintaining purity as believers can feel like a constant challenge. The pressures of society, media, and peer influence often pull us away from God’s standards of holiness. However, as Christians, we are called to live pure lives.

    Title: MAINTAINING PURITY IN A SINFUL WORLD By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: 1 Peter 1:15-16 "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." Supporting Texts: Romans 12:2; Matthew 5:8; 1 more

  • Moral Failure Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Aug 10, 2022

    This sermon focuses on the concept of failure, specifically moral failure and the three resources available to Christians that will hopefully prevent them from it.

    If you have your Bibles with you today and you want to follow along, we are going to be looking at a passage in the Old Testament Genesis 39. Today is September 1. Summer is just about over. That is hard to believe isn’t it? Especially when we consider that really it probably in many ways more

  • Fast & Furious Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Aug 26, 2014

    Creating moral margin on our lives.

    Fast & Furious –Part 4 “Moral Margin” QUESTION: How many of you know someone whose life has been destroyed by sexual sin? (Pregnancy, abortion, aids, divorce, disease, etc.) QUESTION: Have you ever met anyone that said, “My goal is to have an more

  • Purity 1 Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Apr 14, 2013

    The Church is called to be “one” people, so we are to grow in unity. The Church is also called to be a “holy” people, so we are to grow in purity.

    Dakota Community Church Ephesians 48, Grace at Work 18 April 14, 2013 Purity 1 Ephesians 4:17-5:21 17 Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. 18 They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of more