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  • Nobody Ever Spoke Like This Man Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 27, 2020

    The viral pandemic is forcing us back into our homes, our families, so that we can give voice and action to our repentance.

    Saturday of the Fourth Week in Lent 2020 “No Man Ever Spoke Like This Man” As I write these lines, our nation and the world is continuing in the grip of a health crisis that is unparalleled since the pandemic of 1918 and the year following, which was a flu that killed 50 million human beings more

  • Why Have You Forsaken Me? Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Psalm 22:1-21 gives us the experience of the Sufferer.

    Scripture Psalm 22 is an appropriate psalm for our meditation tonight, Good Friday, and also for this coming Easter Sunday. The reason is that the first part of Psalm 22 (verses 1-21) focuses on the experience of suffering on a cross, and the second part of Psalm (verses 22-31) announces the more

  • La Ley Natural: Su RelaciÓn Con Las Mejores PrÁcticas De GestiÓn En Iglesias, Escuelas Y Negocios

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Apr 22, 2020

    Para gran parte de lo siguiente, con la excepción de las secciones que tratan sobre la ley natural y su relación con el cristianismo, estoy en deuda con las conferencias de Beth Cabrera, The Great Courses

    En Efesios 6: 5-9, leemos que los siervos deben ser obedientes a sus amos. Presumiblemente, lo mismo se aplica hoy en día para empleados y otros trabajadores. Deben ser obedientes a cualquier autoridad sobre ellos. Al leer un poco más, descubrimos que los empleadores (maestros) deben ser more

  • You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 19, 2021

    This commandment is first; it’s before all the others. When you break any other of the Ten Commandments, you’ve broken this command first.

    Brad Pitt wants you to know he has abandoned his belief in the god of the Bible. In a 2007 interview for Parade, actor Brad Pitt describes how he stumbled, over God’s ego. Pitt was raised a conservative Southern Baptist. For a while, his religion worked. But not for long. “Religion works. I know more

  • The Dance Of Love And Liberty Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Mar 10, 2023

    The 8th sermon from a series preached out of 1 Corinthians. In this sermon we examine the balancing act between Christian liberty and the call to love one another.

    The Dance of Love and Liberty Text: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 OPEN WITH PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING So... I saw a video the other day.  It was from a closed circuit security camera.  And on this video was a guy who was pushing a shopping cart in a grocery store parking lot.  He took it to more

  • The Gate Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 30, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The sermon focuses on Jesus as "the gate" that not only protects the sheep from harm, but also provides the entry point into the abundant life he intends for all of us.

    We are going through the book of John. Last week, we finished off the story of the blind man who was miraculously cured. Someone who was blind from birth. Jesus walked along the road, placed mud in the man’s eye, and said now go and wash, and he washed and he was healed. Not only was he more

  • God's Infallible Word Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 19, 2024

    God's Infallible Word

    Psalm 119:161 - 168 ? Schin - God's Infallible Word. 1. The Appropriation of God's Word - 161 Princes have persecuted me without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word. His Trouble - Princes - own son, His Travail - have persecuted me His Trial - without a cause: His more

  • Blessings And Curses

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 8, 2024

    Jesus, true God and true man, took on the curse of the cross and the grace He won saves you from the curse of the Law. Don’t try to add on to your faith by the Law, because you’ll just bring the curse of the Law back on yourselves.

    Friday of the 27th week in Course 2024 We should begin any homily on the Letter to the Galatians with a reminder that this church in Asia Minor was in a kind of turmoil because of some itinerant Jewish Christian preachers. These folks came to town after St. Paul taught them the basics of Christian more

  • Romans 12:14-29

    Contributed by Joe Mack Cherry on Nov 4, 2024

    Exegesis look at the passage with application to us today.

    Heb. 12:14-29 By Joe Mack Cherry I. Vss 14-17 – Peace, Holiness, Concern, Respect A. Peace with Others 1. Mt 5:9 – “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.” 2. Make every effort (NIV) 3. Pursue (NKJV) a. This indicates action. b. This commands that we go out of our way more

  • Breaking Down Walls

    Contributed by Robert Robinson on Aug 13, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    For people so greatly advancing in technology as we are, we seem to be declining at the same rapid pace morally.

    This morning we are going to take a look at Breaking Down Walls, I will be reading from Ephesians 2:11-22; Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh--who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands-- that at that time you were without more

  • C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Cheadle on Nov 14, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    A summary of the first half of C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity including Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe and What Christians Believe

    The Life and Legacy of C. S. Lewis #2 “Mere Christianity” (part 1) Mark 8.27-31 C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity was originally delivered as a series of radio talks over BBC during the height of World War II. The idea for the broadcasts came from J. W. Welch, an Anglican priest who was religion more

  • What Is Truth? Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 11, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    There is a very serious lie rampant in our culture: there is no moral truth, no right or wrong that universally applies. Truth is a person.

    What Is Truth? In But Not Of John 18:28-40 May 22, 2005 Intro: When Pilate met God, he ended up articulating a timeless question. Listen to the story from John 18:28-40 (NLT) “Jesus’ trial before Caiaphas ended in the early hours of the morning. Then he was taken to the headquarters of the more

  • Be Subject To Governing Authorities?

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Apr 15, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    When Paul wrote Romans chapter 13, did he have in mind total obedience and surrender to a totalitarian government? "If the civil power commands us to violate the law of God, we must obey God before man" (Wuest).

    This morning, I am going to begin our message with an illustration from a 2018 CNN article written by Thomas Weber: “On March 21, 1933, Germany was in turmoil. Less than two months after the Nazi seizure of power, even people with pro-regime leanings felt disquieted about the draconian measures more

  • The Soil Of Slander - James 4:11-12 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Apr 30, 2022

    Are you guilty of judging God's law?

    James 4:11 Brothers, do not speak against one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges his brother speaks against the law and judges the law. When the law you judge, you are not a doer of law but a judge. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and more

  • Experiments In Forgiving Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Sep 20, 2009

    1) The Principle of Mosaic Law. 2) The Perspective of Divine Truth.

    Fallout is continuing over a gaff from Health Canada this week in sending body Bags to a remote Manitoba First nations community. Although an apology was made by Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Garden Hill Chief David Harper did not accept it. When we look at the history of relations more

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