Sermon Series
  • 1. Men Sought By God

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2017

    This sermon deals with three sub topics such as Wise and unwise Woman, Wise and Fool, True and false witnesses. God's man and their qualities are exposed here for the profit of the community of believers and the entire society.

    Men Sought by God Proverbs 14:01-14 We are meditating on the men who are sought by God based on Ezek.22:30, and Prov.8:34. Now we turn into Prov. 14:1-14 Wise and unwise woman (14:01) The wise woman and the foolish woman. A kind heart woman (Pr.11:16), Wife of noble Character is her husband’ more

  • 2. Men Sought By God-1

    Contributed on Jul 8, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    God looks for a person in this Generation where every walk of the life is more perverted, rotten. Yet God has the hope on this generation, He is looking for a person who can do the greater things.

    Ezekiel 22:01-31 Men who are sought by God Introduction: Ezekiel was a contemporary of prophets Jeremiah and Daniel. He wrote probably between 593 and 563 BC. vv.1-15 The sins of that Generation: 1. Despising the parents (v.7) and holy things of the Lord-bread and Wine-(v.8) 2. Mistreated the more

  • 3. Seek Wisdom Who Is Jesus

    Contributed on Jul 8, 2017

    This verse calls and challenges the people to come to Him for knowledge, wealth and life. Its continuous search at the feet of God. Such men is sought by God

    Men Sought by God Proverbs 8:34 “Blessed is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors”. WAITING AT THE DOOR POSTS Waiting is always connected to and referred to the act of Prayer with fasting. Be still and look to Lord and wait patiently (Ps.37:7). I more

  • 4. Men Sought By God

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2017

    This sermon deals with men of God who are sought for His kingdom. First the Law keepers, law of the nation as well as the Kingdom of God. The attitude of the Rich people,. Righteous and their values.

    Men Sought by God Proverbs 28:07-14 We are meditating on the men who are sought by God based on Ezek.22:30, Prov.8:34, Prov. 14:1-14 and now 28:7-14 Law keepers (28:07) Those who keep the Law strive with wicked but those who forsake the law praise them (28:4). The prayer of the one who doesn’t more

  • 5. Resolutions In Life

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2019

    In what way the 31st December and the Jan 1 have difference in your life? How do you differentiate in your life? Unless you decide something nothing is so special. Everything is routine. But you can make a difference in a minute.

    Resolution in New Year Psalm 90:12 In what way the 31st December and the Jan 1 have difference in your life? How do you differentiate in your life? Unless you decide something, nothing is so special. Everything is routine. But you can make a difference in a minute. What decisions you have taken more

  • 6. Mordecai, The Powerful Preacher

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2024

    Mordecai depicted as a simple slave waiting at the gate of Susan. But he was a powerful reformer, revolutionary and preacher. He turned the world upside down through his short sermon. How?

    Theme: Mordecai, the Powerful Preacher Text: Esther 4:12-17 Introduction to Book of Esther: According to Jewish Library sources: Megillah Esther is the name of the Book of Esther in the Jewish TANAKH. Megillah means Ketuvim (“Writings”). It is one of the Diaspora stories of Jews. It provides an more

  • 7. Jeremiah, The Weeping Prophet

    Contributed on Feb 25, 2024

    Prophet Jeremiah was a powerful prophet chosen by God. He was so chosen even before the foundation of the world and even before formed in the mother’s womb. What about you.

    Theme: Jeremiah, Weeping Prophet Text: Lamentations 3:22-24   Greetings: The Lord is good and his love endures forever.   Introduction: This OT prophet played three roles in the lives of the Israelites. He was a prophet with a concern for his people. He was appointed by God with more

  • 8. Fiery Prophet Elijah

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2024

    Elijah was an ordinary human being but was a powerful Man of God, prophet of God. He was demanding prophet, but was demeaning sometimes. However he was deemed to be prophet of his days. Where are those Elijah’s today?

    Theme: Fiery Prophet Text: 1 Kings 17:1-6   Greetings: The Lord is good; and His love endures forever! Introduction Elijah means ‘Yahweh is my God’. He is known as Eliyyahu in Hebrew, and Elias in Greek. The feminine name is Eliana. Elijah lived during the ninth century B.C. He appears 1 more

  • 9. Click The End Card

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2024

    Click the end card means put away the childish ways, childish speech, childish affections, childish understanding, and childish behaviours. This statement of Paul has come at the end of explaining about the characteristics of love. Move to product page of maturity.

    Theme: Click the END CARD Text: 1 Corinthians 13:11   1 Corinthians 13:11: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Click the End card to Childish behaviours An End Card or End Screen is a CTA more