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  • The Mandate Of Christian Living

    Contributed by John Harper on Feb 3, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Live with honor and make the effort to qualify for the prize.

    II Peter 3:11-18 December 17, 2008 Pastor John L. Harper Warden Assembly of God “The Mandate of Christian Living” Introduction: I. MANNER OF LIVING (vs. 11-13) A. Live with honor 1. Honor God with holy living 2. Honor God with godly living B. Live in humility 1. Be humble as we look forward to more

  • Danger: Judging Others! Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Nov 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Judging only God has the right to.

    “The Pharisee is always present in each one of us.” (Leenhardt) No One Is Innocent: 1) Therefore, No one has the right to Judge Others! Four Characteristics of the Self-Righteous Person: He accuses others and excuses himself. Vs. 1 Question: How do we excuse our sin? He more

  • Tearing Down The Walls And Barriers

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 11, 2002
    based on 184 ratings

    Jesus faced 16 major walls while ministering to the woman at the well!

    Little Walls ...... Big Barriers. .... By Wade martin Hughes, Sr. 16 Walls Jesus tore down. Hidden in Bible stories are many neat truths, let us ponder THE WOMAN AT THE WELL, AND SEE HOW JESUS OVERCAME every obstacle that the enemy threw up, I hate throw up, seems more

  • Sermon On The Grass Is Not Always Greener...

    Contributed by William Meakin on Sep 10, 2024

    The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side is a singular, speculative, but focused idiom that suggests the indeterminable fallacy that other people or places in one’s imagination always appear to be in a better, or more acceptable cachet than oneself.

    Kasper Schmeichel, a Danish football goalkeeper once remarked: “The grass is not always greener on the other side. It is about recognizing what you do have and being grateful for what you do have.” Philippians 4:11-12 reminds us: “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in more

  • Are Women Preachers Mentioned In The Bible? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jan 25, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    These examples show that women were involved in preaching and prophesying in the Bible, although their roles may have been limited in certain contexts.

    1. Deborah: In the book of Judges, Deborah is described as a prophet and a judge of Israel who leads the people in battle and speaks on behalf of God (Judges 4:4-9). 2. Huldah: In 2 Kings 22:14-20, Huldah is a prophet who is consulted by the king of Judah and delivers a message from God. 3. Anna: more

  • In Him Is Where I Want To Be.

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on May 16, 2024

    Being IN HIM means His peace rules our hearts and His power is made perfect in our weakness. To be IN HIM is true fulfillment satisfying all our needs according to His riches in glory.

    In Him is where I want to be By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - Today I want to teach on the phrase “In the name of Jesus” or “In my name” and what it truly means to be IN HIS NAME or IN HIM. It is not based upon the way we dress, talk, or act although those do influence a lot. It is more

  • Forgiving And Living

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 8, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    To lead the people to understand how to show forgiveness to those who have hurt us by doing good to them without expecting anything in return.

    Unit 11 – Hard Times Lesson 32 – Joseph’s Dreams Come True – Genesis 42 Preparation for the Teacher 1. Aim: To lead the people to understand how to show forgiveness to those who have hurt us by doing good to them without expecting anything in return. 2. Explanation of the Aim: God fulfills more

  • Why Obey?

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 2, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    Two biblical reasons for Christians to obey God.

    Two weeks ago, we looked at the solutions for dealing with our own sin. This morning, we will look at the opposite of our sin against God, which is our obedience to God. If we have tried to be obedient to God, and we are honest, we would agree that obedience is not easy. In fact, some of us more

  • Holy Spirit And The Understanding Of The Bible Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on the doctrine of illumination (Material taken from Dr. Jack Cottrell's books, Power From On High, Chapter 2, and The Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study, Chapter 2)

    HoHum: Before we get too reactionary or begin to ask about this or that, this extreme episode is what Dr. Cottrell is teaching against. “I was teaching an adult Bible class at a local church some years ago when the subject of the need and use of the Bible was raised. A man in the class- a more

  • Jesus Taught Us How To Love Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Nov 19, 2015

    Chris's command to "love one another" means ore than just sentimental love. Christ's love I selfless and demonstrates whether or not we truly love God.

    It’s easy to misunderstand the instructions. The US Department of the Interior once conducted an experiment using migratory birds. The birds were tagged with metal strips reading "Wash. Biol. Surv."—for Washington Biological Survey. The code was changed, after a farmer from Arkansas more

  • Birds And Marionettes: Free Will Vs. Predestination

    Contributed by Ash Harmon on Aug 22, 2017

    A brief look at free will from a Wesleyan prospective.

    So today I would like to take a few moments to examine one of John Wesley’s most important observations of the faith and a cornerstone of the doctrinal standard of the United Methodist Church: free will. Hopefully, after today, you will be fully prepared to go toe-to-toe in a debate with your more

  • Betrayed… Forsaken… Falsely Accused… Crucified.

    Contributed by John Newbaker on Dec 5, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend? Or forsaken by those closest to you? Or falsely accused by those who don’t even know you? Have you ever been crucified by your enemies?

    BETRAYED… FORSAKEN… FALSELY ACCUSED… CRUCIFIED. Matthew 26:1-4 Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend? Have you ever been forsaken by those closest to you? Have you ever been falsely accused by those who don’t even know you? Have you ever been crucified by your enemies? If you have you more

  • The Subject Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Oct 11, 2022

    Man’s whole concept and approach to worship is changed by Jesus in tonight’s passage.

    We’re still in John 4 in the story of the Samaritan woman and Jesus at the well. Jesus has offered her the Living Water that only He can offer but there are some matters that need to be cleared up before she can truly receive this living water. Last week she was confronted with the matter of sin. more

  • Is Speaking In Tongue Scriptural? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 29, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Tongue speaking, also known as glossolalia, is a controversial practice that has been debated among Christians for centuries.

    Tongue speaking, also known as glossolalia, is a controversial practice that has been debated among Christians for centuries. While some claim it is a spiritual gift, others argue it is not supported by Scripture. In this sermon, we will explore the biblical objections to tongue speaking. Lack of more

  • The Secret To Humbling Ourselves Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 15 ratings


    BIG IDEA: THE SECRET TO HUMBLING OURSELVES LIES IN MAKING OTHERS GREAT -- BOTH IN OUR PERSPECTIVE AND IN OUR PURSUITS INTRODUCTION: Most valuable secrets involve something people long to know and try their hardest to discover. Unless someone carefully conceals such a secret it reproduces rapidly more

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