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  • Fatigued? Due Season? Predicament?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Life is not always measured by failures and successes? Often we measure life by how many times we try? Get up and try again.

    FATIGUED---DUE SEASON: PREDICAMENT... DILEMMA... PERSISTENT Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I HAVE A METAL COAT HANGER. I keep bending and bending it. It will break after many times. Robert Wise tells on an experience that he had. Seems a friend called him every Monday more

  • Faith In Every Season Of Life Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jul 8, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    The natural seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn; there are also spiritual seasons in our lives. What spiritual season are you experiencing now? Are you trusting God to help you in the season you are in?

    We are continuing in our series on discovering our destiny and our focus this month is on knowing what season we are in. This morning we are going to consider what it means to have faith in every season of life. The natural seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn; there are also spiritual more

  • Accepting Life’s Seasons Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We need to embrace life and the human experience with God at our side.

    Accepting Life’s Seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15) 1. She’s only in her 40s, but my friend Mary has bounced back from cancer, heart problems, even a stroke. Through it all, she and her husband, Mark, have kept their sense of humor. One day she said, “You know what kills me … ?” Smiling, Mark teased, more

  • Missing Out On Our Seasons

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Apr 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    To everything there is a season. This is a divine law that we see all around us, everywhere, yet history shows us some seasons are lost due to the aberration of seasons. A drought, a flood etc. The Devil wants to steal our seasons. What can we do?

    WEARING OUT THE SAINTS God has been speaking to me a great deal about understanding strategies in spiritual warfare. Most believers, if they are serious about spiritual warfare, are aware of the event, but are never aware of the “long game” of warfare. Strategic warfare is a concept that is more

  • Getting Through The Season Of Discouragement

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on May 6, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What do we need to do when it feels like we are alone and have no where to turn.

    There once was a boy playing baseball by himself in the backyard. • Who said "I’m the greatest batter in the world!" • Then He tossed the ball in the air and would swing the bat. • The Problem is He swung and he missed. • Not one to give up he throws the ball up more

  • Season Of Advent-Ure - Preparation Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Dec 14, 2014

    Message about how we prepare our heart and as we prepare for Christmas season.

    Notes: some notes from Jerry Shirey’s message on Preparing for Revival Title: Season of Advent-ure – Preparation Series: Season of Advent-ure Theme: To show the next step of Advent – Preparation for the Messiah. What changes in us as we prepare. Text: Isaiah 40:1 - more

  • Understand Bait? Seasons Of Trials!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 19, 2015

    Seasons of testing are neither good or bad, they are neutral. It is how we handle these situations... We need toUNDERSTAND: to know meaning or know how, to grasp, to be familiar, to achieve, this test is an opportunity for promotion.

    UNDERSTAND BAIT? TRY TO UNDERSTAND TRIALS AND TEMPTATIONS... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. LET US DEFINE SOME TERMS WE NEED TO DEVELOP: Seasons of test are neither good or bad, they are neutral. It is how we handle these situations... A. UNDERSTAND: to know meaning or know more

  • Trust God In Every Season Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The natural seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn; there are also spiritual seasons in our lives.

    Trust God in every season “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time more

  • Thy Will Be Done In This Election Season

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 13, 2024

    Each of these commandments, when obeyed, restores part of the order given to us in the beginning. When disobeyed, the natural consequences of that disobedience punish us, and often that leads to grave consequences.

    Pre-Election Sermon In the beginning of human history, or pre-history, to be precise, God created a man and a woman, and, like He did with all other animate creatures, He ordered them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. But God gave us humans one more command, to subdue the earth and more

  • Sermon – Navigating Seasons Of Desperation

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Nov 12, 2024

    When you and I feel like there is “no hope for a harvest” (Habakkuk 3:17), when desperation distracts us from God’s truth, and when our faith is shaken, what do we do? We can learn from sufferers like Habakkuk.

    Sermon – Navigating Seasons of Desperation Scripture Lesson-Habakkuk 3:16-19 “I trembled inside when I heard this; my lips quivered with fear. My legs gave way beneath me, and I shook in terror. I will wait quietly for the coming day when disaster will strike the people who invade us. Even though more

  • Jesus Is The Reason For This Season : Christmas

    Contributed by Joseph Ondu on Dec 19, 2024

    As we celebrate Christmas, let us never forget that Jesus is the reason for this season. He is the gift of God’s love, the light in our darkness, the fulfillment of God’s promise, and the source of our peace and reconciliation.

    Jesus is the Reason for This Season Introduction Merry Christmas, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! As we gather to celebrate this joyous occasion, we are reminded of the beauty and significance of the Christmas season. Amidst the lights, the music, the gifts, and the gatherings, it is crucial more

  • Living Through The Season Of Darkness

    Contributed by Antonio Manaytay on Dec 28, 2024

    This sermon discusses the season of darkness in life and how to live through it.

    Scripture Text: John 1:5 - “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” We all experience seasons of darkness—moments when life feels heavy, uncertain, or even hopeless. For some, it could be the loss of a loved one, financial struggles, personal failure, or a more

  • Insults & Pain Season

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 12, 2023

    I am pleased and happy with weaknesses, insults, persecutions….said Apostle Paul, who would want to say such crazy stuff; however, if only we knew the ramifications of the insults and persecutions then I guess our prayer model would change.

    Insults & pain season 2 Corinthians 12:10”Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” I am pleased and happy with weaknesses, insults, persecutions….said Apostle more

  • Sermon On The Ever-Changing Seasons

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jan 23, 2025

    Seasons are defined as each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns, ecology, and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun.

    Charles Haddon Spurgeon, an English preacher once remarked: “The seasons change, and you change, but your Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad, and as full as ever.” Daniel 2:21 reminds us: “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up more

  • Navigating Life's Seasons With Faith SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The natural seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn; there are also spiritual seasons in our lives. What spiritual season are you experiencing now? Are you trusting God to help you in the season you are in?

    Today, we continue our series on discovering our destiny, focusing on understanding the season we are in and having faith in every aspect of life. Just as there are natural seasons like winter, spring, summer, and autumn, there are also spiritual seasons in our lives. Each season serves a purpose, more

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