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  • Minors' Lessons That Have Major Impact Vi: Joy - Learned From "who Knows" Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Sep 16, 2019

    Christians need a renewal of vows to be and do what God would have His people to be and do, for which are promised positive outcomes that bring glory to God and rejoicing by God's people.

    MINORS’ LESSONS THAT HAVE MAJOR IMPACT VI: JOY – Learned from “Who Knows?” Based on Zechariah 9-14 They had been through so much. Throughout their entire history, the people of God fought for survival. It more

  • Living Under The Shadow Of Satan's Throne

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Nov 14, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The big Idea: Where you live impacts your life in very significant ways, but that doesn't mean it has to control your life.

    Living Under The Shadow of satan's Throne PPT 1 Series Title "Shadows" Shadows for this series simply means a sphere of influence. We can live under the shadow of our past, the shadow of the Most High, shadow of fear, the shadow of satan's throne, and all these things will create more

  • Nahum - The Fall Of Nineveh (1:1-3:19) Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    At the same time Jeremiah and Zephaniah were pronouncing judgment against Judah, another prophet was directing his attention at one of her enemies

    STUDIES IN THE MINOR PROPHETS Nahum - The Fall Of Nineveh (1:1-3:19) INTRODUCTION 1. At the same time Jeremiah and Zephaniah were pronouncing judgment against Judah, another prophet was directing his attention at one of her enemies 2. The prophet was Nahum, whose name means "Consolation" more

  • Amos - The Country Prophet (1:1-2:16) Part 1 Of 3 Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A shepherd and gatherer of sycamore fruit called by God to prophesy - Am 7:14-15 b. Who proclaimed God’s message concerning eight nations, with an emphasis on the northern kingdom of Israel

    "STUDIES IN THE MINOR PROPHETS" Amos - The Country Prophet (1:1-2:16) INTRODUCTION 1. In our survey of "The Minor Prophets", we have already considered... a. Obadiah, who prophesied of the judgment to befall Edom b. Joel, who proclaimed a locust plague as a harbinger of more

  • Amos - The Country Prophet (3:1-6:14) Part 2 Of 3 Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    we shall direct our attention to the "sermons" in chapters 3-6 a. There are three sermons, each beginning with "Hear this word..." - 3:1; 4:1; 5:1 b. The focus of these sermons is Israel, the kingdom in the north b. Who proclaimed G

    "STUDIES IN THE MINOR PROPHETS" Amos - The Country Prophet (3:1-6:14) INTRODUCTION 1. In our previous study we began our survey of the book of Amos a. A prophet of God, who was... 1) A country shepherd and gatherer of sycamore fruit - Am 7:14-15 2) Called to more

  • Amos - The Country Prophet (7:1-9:15) Part 3 Of 3 Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    In this third and final lesson on Amos, we will... a. Focus our attention on the last three chapters which contain... 1) Five "Visions" of Amos 2) An "interlude" in which Amos defends his prophetic role 3) A closing glimpse of a b

    "STUDIES IN THE MINOR PROPHETS" Amos - The Country Prophet (7:1-9:15) INTRODUCTION 1. In the first two studies on the book of Amos, we briefly surveyed... a. The "Oracles" of Amos, concerning sin and judgment of eight nations (ch. 1-2) b. The "Sermons" of Amos, more

  • Joel: Return To God Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Aug 25, 2016

    Joel's plea is for the people to return to God. He reminds them of God's discipline in the past using swarms of locusts, and urges them to repent because this time God was going to use an army.

    JOEL: RETURN TO GOD A. Is there anybody here who is AFRAID of INSECTS? 1. I am not too fond of SPIDERS, or anything that STINGS. ILLUSTRATION: My granddaughter Shalie, who is the oldest daughter of my oldest daughter, is terrified of most if not all INSECTS. She is getting married in more

  • Introduction To Ephesians Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Nov 8, 2022

    A detailed introduction to the book of Ephesians.

    INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTER TO THE EPHESIANS—THE SUPREME LETTER By common consent the Letter to the Ephesians ranks very high in the devotional and theological literature of the Christian Church. It has been called The Queen of the Epistles" and rightly so. Many would hold that it is indeed the more

  • Caleb: Serving The Lord Wholeheartedly Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 23, 2022

    When the band of spies was sent from Israel’s wilderness encampment Caleb represents the tribe of Judah. The majority of the men bring back a bad report. Caleb was lifted up as one who had a different spirit and followed God fully. His name means “whole hearted.”

    I just finished the book Cereal Tycoon and the life of Henry Parsons Crowell the founder of Quaker Oats. It is a Christian book about how faith played a role in all aspects of his life including his business. As a young man Henry Crowell heard D. L. Moody preach in Cleveland Ohio. Moody told the more

  • The Twelve Spies Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 4, 2022

    The Twelve Spies were a group of Israelite chieftains, one from each of the Twelve Tribes, who were dispatched by Moses to scout out the Land of Canaan for 40 days as a future home for the Israelite people, when the Israelites were in the wilderness.

    The Twelve Spies The Grapes of Canaan Although the spies brought back a cluster of grapes so large that it took two men to carry it (Numbers 13:23), only two of the twelve brought back a good report of the land. The Twelve Spies, as recorded in the Book of Numbers, were a group of Israelite more

  • Lord Who Hath Believed Our Report? (Full) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jun 2, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    To establish that Isaiah’s report was the “good news of the coming Messiah.” He came to be offered in sacrifice for the sins of the world. Israel rejected this message, but the Gentile nations gladly received it. This lesson deals with ones' faith and obedience to the gospel.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Lord Who Hath Believed Our Report? 2. Israel Hath Rejected Isaiah’s Report 3. Gentiles Hath Received Isaiah’s Report Introductory Remarks. 1. In our lesson, we will discuss the theme: “Lord who hath believed our report?” The question originates from the prophet Isaiah, in more

  • Straining Out Gnats And Eating Camels Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Sep 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    You might be a “modern day Pharisee” if you major in minors and minor in majors

    NOTE: This is a manuscript, and not a transcript of this message. The actual presentation of the message differed from the manuscript through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is possible, and even likely that there is material in this manuscript that was not included in the live more

  • Living A Holy Life 2

    Contributed by Obioha Uriel Amanze on Jun 24, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Attempts to reveal all the activities that cause unholiness and shows how holy-living can be enforced in one’s life when it seems difficult to remain holy.

    Sexual immorality will easily come to mind as an agent of defilement of a holy life; furthermore, a person who has indulged in making the body unclean has also grieved the Holy Spirit and is about crucifying Jesus a second time! (Ephesians 4:30, Hebrews 6:6). We have been taught in the scripture more

  • Excellence Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 18, 2016

    As a church, our goal should be excellence in all we do!

    Pursuing Excellence 1 Thessalonians 4:1 January 17, 2016 Well, this week was SOTU, given by POTUS. I think the older I get, not that I’m old, the more I dislike all of the abbreviations and short hand writing. For those who are AC, better known as Abbreviation Challenged, this week was the more

  • El Informe De La Mayoria

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Apr 2, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    No se preocupe por ser parte de la minoría. Dios tiene un remanente. Procure ser parte de ello.

    El Informe de la Mayoria Nú. 13:30,31 Entonces Caleb hizo callar al pueblo delante de Moisés, y dijo: Subamos luego, y poseámosla; que más podremos que ella. 31 Mas los varones que subieron con él, dijeron: No podremos subir contra aquel pueblo; porque es más fuerte que nosotros. Dios ya había more

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