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  • Rewards

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jul 11, 2023

    A reward is viewed as something received in this life or in the hereafter.

    Rewards – Matthew 10: 40 - 42 Intro: William Barclay in his commentary on Matthew writes the following story: There was once a cobbler who very much wanted to be a pastor. But, because of career and family demands, he could not follow his dream. He was asked to more

  • The Benefits Of Showing Appreciation

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jul 14, 2023

    As it turns out, the effects of gratitude and showing appreciation can be important for our overall well-being for several reasons I attempt to uncover in this lesson.

    Appreciation Banquet Sermon - The Benefits of Showing Appreciation Scripture: 2 Samuel 23: 1-5, 13-17 “These are the last words of David: “David, the son of Jesse, speaks—David, the man who was raised up so high, David, the man anointed by the God of Jacob, David, the sweet psalmist of Israel. more

  • God's Custodians Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Apr 28, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Serving the Lord is not all that complicated. Just serve Him faithfully and humbly. Every day, just humbly do what He asks you to do and leave the results up to Him.

    I’ve had some experience in signing contracts with various musicians over the years to do concerts in the church. Those contracts spell out the details of what each party expects, and they contain few, if any, surprises. That’s not the case with some of the big-name entertainers. For example, Van more

  • Valuable Service

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Aug 22, 2021

    There is no retirement in the Christian life. Your calling is active and valuable to the King until your last breath.

    If you are still breathing there is time to do great things for God. Not necessary notable things. You may not get applause from your church, your name in the paper or the key to your city, but you can do great things. God's valuation is far different than man's. Matthew 10:42 And more

  • Investing For Eternity Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 10, 2021

    If you want to manage Jesus’ money well, receive His investment in you, increase His investment in you, but most importantly, believe that He will reward you.

    Before going to Europe on business, a man drove his Rolls-Royce to a downtown New York City bank and went in to ask for an immediate loan of $5,000. The loan officer swallowed hard and asked for collateral. The man replied, “Well then, here are the keys to my Rolls-Royce.” The loan officer more

  • No Power In Death

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 30, 2023

    ready yourself every evening when you retire, repenting any sins you may have committed so you can confidently commit yourself to the arms of Christ.

    Thirteenth Sunday in Course 2023 Anyone who has even modest cultural understanding has heard of the prophet Elijah, who is associated with Israelite king Ahab and his pagan wife, Jezebel. Like us, Elijah lived in a culture that had turned its back on the true God, YHWH, and fallen into all kinds more

  • Finders Weepers. Losers Keepers.

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 2, 2023

    Jesus turns worldly wisdom on its head.

    Finish this saying: “Finders ___________. Losers ___________.” The blanks of course should read: “Finders keepers. Losers weepers.” This traditional saying means that if you find something like a $20 bill on the street, you get to keep it. And if you were the one to lose that $20, well, too bad for more

  • Agents Of Grace

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Jul 3, 2023

    A sermon for the Sundays following Pentecost, Year A, Lectionary 13

    July 2, 2023 Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church Matthew 10:40-42 Agents of Grace Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. I’ve always been a fan of good news - bad news jokes: One day, the Pope’s assistant urgently approached more

  • A Welcome Reward Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    In the life of Christ, we learn the importance of welcoming others, embracing the invitation to eternal salvation, and treating everyone with dignity and value as God's sacred creation.

    Hey guys! I'm stoked to hang out with you today and chat about something that's been on my mind. You know how we all love to be welcomed, right? Like when you walk into a room and everyone's like, "Hey, you're here!" It feels good, doesn't it? Well, today we're going to talk about the power of more

  • A Welcome Reward Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes the Christian duty to welcome others, accept God's offer of eternal salvation, and respect all individuals as God's valued creations.

    Good morning, church family! I'm so excited to be with you today as we dive into the Word of God together. Today's message is all about the power of welcoming others, the invitation to eternal salvation, and the importance of treating everyone with dignity and value. As the beloved Christian more

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