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Sermons on Matthew 6:31:

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  • A Worry Free Thanksgiving Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    During tough times worry can sometimes mar our thanksgiving celebrations. Jesus reminds his followers that they can always rest in his care and give God thanks for his grace.

    Matthew 6:25-33 “A Worry Free Thanksgiving” INTRODUCTION It’s been a tough year for just about everyone. The economic recovery has started, and even though we’ve been told it won’t end overnight, it can’t come fast enough for us. Most of us have had to downsize our spending and pay off some more

  • Open Reward

    Contributed by Dimeji Adebayo on Feb 6, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    Principles that will guarantee open reward

    Beloved are you looking to the Lord to prosper you in your endeavour in this year 2009; then you need to put into operation the three principles outlined by the author and the finisher of our faith. Preamble A long time ago, there was a period of boom in a particular country's economy, but more

  • First Things First

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Half our miseries are caused by fancying things that we think are coming upon us: half the things that we expect to come upon us never come at all. Where is our faith? “Do not be worried about tomorrow” that is the commandment of Christ, and it is the way

    Opening illustration: A seminar leader wanted to make an important point, so he took a wide mouth jar and filled it with rocks. “Is the jar full?” he asked. “Yes,” came a reply. “Oh, really?” he said. Then poured smaller pebbles into the jar to fill the spaces between the rocks. “Is it full now?” more

  • Part Three: Seek Series

    Contributed by Andy Stanley on Feb 23, 2009
    based on 39 ratings

    The third of a four-sermon series on the Biblical response to uncertain times.

    Looking for more sermon ideas from Andy Stanley? Visit ****** Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 Idea: God will take care of our needs. In the meantime, we are to concern ourselves with his kingdom. Unbelievers: One of the things that should distinguish us as believers is more

  • The Anxiety Club

    Contributed by Dee Brown on Aug 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    “How am I going to make it? What am I going to do? Where will we get the money?” Do these questions sound familiar to you? Are they, perhaps, questions you’ve asked recently? Then welcome to the club. I call it the Anxiety Club.

    The Anxiety Club By Teacher Demetria Brown Zinga Christ Life International Fellowship Church -------------- “How am I going to make it? What am I going to do? Where will we get the money?” Do these questions sound familiar to you? Are they, perhaps, questions you’ve more

  • Blessed Every Single Day

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 25, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Discusses the fact that we are blessed.

    Blessed Every Single Day Scripture: Matthew 6: 9-11; 25-34 Introduction Have you ever heard someone make the following statement: “I need to slow down” or “I feel like I am running in a rat race!”? How many times have you heard someone say that they needed to take time to smell the roses? more

  • No Te Preocupes

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Aug 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Que no anda preocupado. Hay que vivir un día a la vez, y confiar que Dios tiene lo mejor planeado por su vida.

    No Andas Preocupado, Se Feliz (mas fácil decir que practicar) Mateo 6:25-34 25 ¶ Por tanto os digo: No os congojéis por vuestra vida, qué habéis de comer, ó que habéis de beber; ni por vuestro cuerpo, qué habéis de vestir: ¿no es la vida más que el alimento, y el cuerpo que el vestido? 26 Mirad more

  • Where's Waldo? Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Aug 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Seeking means intentional effort to find. Finding Waldo is not always easy. Neither is finding his kingdom and his righteousness. Yet it is worth the effort.

    When I think of seeking or searching, “Where’s Waldo?” The busy pictures where you search for Waldo and other objects that often blend into the rest of the picture. You have to search and search to find him. Sometimes it is easy and it jumps right out at you but usually it is not. The more

  • Choose You This Day

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 28, 2007

    Whom do you choose to serve?

    Choose You This Day! Introduction One of the things that we love about America is our ability to make choices – freely. If we disagree with something, we have a choice not to support it. Our Constitution says that we are all equal and have the right to pursue our happiness. Choices. If you wake more

  • Facing Your Worries About Tomorrow Series

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Aug 28, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    Jesus teaching his disciples against the sin of worry reminds us that worry exposes some real concerns of the heart.

    INTRODUCTION Today, in continuing our study of the Sermon on the Mount, Part # 6 deals with the subject of worry. I found it interesting and even God’s timing, Mike & Crystal, that we come to this section of our series when Mike is about to embark on a part of life that many would call the most more

  • The Secret Killers Of The High Impact Life Series

    Contributed by W F on Aug 6, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    There are some serious pests in your secret life that can kill your witness if they are left unchecked. Here’s how to identify and remedy with them.

    Why do some Christians fall away? Why do some seem to start off the Christian life with incredible enthusiasm – and then they appear to give up? In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus examines that part of the Christian life that no one else can see; your secret life with God. And when more

  • Satan's Great Lie: Prosperity Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 20, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Discusses the confusion around the prosperity message.

    Satan’s Great Lie - Prosperity “God wants you to be rich”? “The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous”? “Poor people cannot help God’s Kingdom, He needs people with money.” “You are out of God’s will if you are not financially prospering.” “Give one dollar and receive one hundred in more

  • Fear Not In Any Crisis Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 5, 2009

    In every crisis, whether a wind on the lake or concerns about our daily bread, the Master counsels "Fear not, I am with you."

    September 7, 2009 Caritas in Veritate Labor Day As we continue our reflections on human development, the Scriptures and the papal documents again converge in this pair of readings we hear proclaimed each Labor Day. God gave a twin gift to the earth in the beginning–a mist to water the soil, and more

  • "What The World Needs Now--Contentment"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Sep 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A stewarship Sermon.

    Matthew 6:24-34 Philippians 4:12-13 “What the World Needs Now—Contentment” By: Rev, Ken Sauer, Pastor, East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Paul, a human being just like you and I, found the secret of contentment, but I am afraid that there are very few of us who make it to this more

  • Distractions Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 20, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Did you know that this age seeks to distract you from becoming like the Lord and serving in His story? Plenty and want are two sides of the same coin and they seek to keep us from freely loving and being used by God. Find out how to beat them at their own

    So far in our study of the book of Matthew we have seen Jesus proclaim that only by realizing our lack or rightness and God’s provision of life can we have hope and a future. We saw that God intends for us to be light and salt—communicating His message to a dark and bland world. We saw that God is more

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