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Sermons on Matthew 13:13:

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  • The Sower & The Seed - The Wheat & The Tares

    Contributed by Leslie Trombly on May 15, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    Understanding the meaning of The Sower& The Seed,The Wheat & The Tares

    Biblical Reference: Matthew 13:10-40 The Sower and The Seed: ------------------------------------- There are those who sow Godly Seeds and those who sow Seeds of Deception and evil and there is a separation of the Godly and the unGodly. The Seed of the Word of God was Sown and yet it didn’t take more

  • Where Is This Kingdom? Series

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 21, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Part 1 of 4 of the series, Secrets of the Kingdom of God, Revealed! In this first message of the series we uncover the location of this kingdom. The obvious question - where is it? The answer is truly an astounding one! 

    Where is this kingdom? Read at beginning of service: Matt 13:10-17 (NIV) 10 The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?" 11 He replied, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12 Whoever has will be given more

  • Preparing The Soil Series

    Contributed by Kurt Heisey on May 29, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    There are things that hinder the soil of our heart from being truly fruitful, and things that help our soil to be fertile, let’s have good soil!

    1 Peter 2:1-3 VCC August 16, 1998 Preparing the Soil Introduction Peter is written to those who were going through all kinds of trials (1:6) He has exhorted the Christians to personal holiness in chapter 1 After encouraging personal holiness, he commanded them to have sincere love for the more

  • The Parable Of The Sower

    Contributed by Steven Dow on Jun 27, 2002
    based on 521 ratings

    This sermon will help you identify hindrances to your spiritual development and how to correct them.

    The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1-8, 18-23 Pastor Steve Dow June 30, 2002 Introduction As we look around the church in North America these days we quickly discover that few professing Christians are really living productive spiritual lives. Every where we look we find people who have been more

  • What Kind Of Soil Are You?

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jun 27, 2002
    based on 119 ratings

    In life, just like in a garden, there are different kinds of soil. The kind of soil you are will determine how God can impact your life.

    Matthew 13:1-23 What Kind of Soil Are You? I’m not a gardener, nor do I play one on TV – but my wife is. And I’ve tilled around a bit – and dug into the soil we have around our house to put in sprinklers and the like. It’s bad stuff – with lots of clay. I have learned the clay doesn’t grow things more

  • Surface Spirituality

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Mar 3, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    Help for the hurting heart.

    True spirituality is discussed a lot but seldom experienced in today’s world. Jesus faced the same problem. So the Lord used parables, stories of familiar things, to point out how unfamiliar people truly were with spirituality. Here in His famous story of the farmer scattering seed Jesus more

  • Shallow Spirituality

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Mar 11, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Attitudes to avoid because they promote shallow spirituality.

    Last week we looked at "surface spirituality", the soil that did not receive the seed because it had been "walked on" and was hardened. We learned that we can develop a hardened heart when others hurt us if we’re not careful. If we let our hearts become bitter and unforgiving the Word of God more

  • A Kingdom Of The Receptive

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Jan 9, 2001
    based on 179 ratings

    The parable of the sower shows us how we are to receive the good news of Jesus Christ

    A Kingdom of the Receptive Matthew 13.1-17 September 14, 1997 Morning Service Introduction I. Ben Franklin’s Field of Plaster: Ben Franklin was known for his outrageous experiments, one such experiment revealed that plaster could be sown with crops to help them grow, when he shared his discovery more

  • La Parabola Del Sembrador

    Contributed by Ralph Mendez on Mar 23, 2002
    based on 375 ratings

    Cuando el hombre escucha este consejo o palabra, reacciona según sea la condición de su corazón, básicamente de 4 diferentes maneras, veamoslas.

    Respondiendo a la palabra de Dios (Mateo 13:3-23) Introducción: Dios habla a los hombres de muchas maneras tratando de darle el consejo. Cuando el hombre escucha este consejo o palabra, reacciona según sea la condición de su corazón, básicamente de 4 diferentes maneras; las cuales determinaran el more

  • Does Your Heart Listen

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jul 2, 2001
    based on 90 ratings

    This sermon is on the parable of the sower and deals with how well we listen to the word of God. My wife and I preached this together.

    Does Your Heart Listen? 9:30 3/25/93 Text Matthew 13:1-22 Psalm 1 Hebrews 12:1-12 .ls2 RICK How is it that two people can come hear the same preacher, sit on the same pew, and listen to the same message each week, yet one of them grows by more

  • The Right Kind Of Dirt

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 21, 2000
    based on 237 ratings

    What about all the people who at one time professed faith in Jesus Christ but who now seem to have little interest in the things of the Lord?

    I've made my choice," wrote the basketball star. "I love Jesus Christ and I try to serve Him to the best of my ability. How about you?" No, those are not the words of David Robinson, A. C. Green or any other Christian currently playing in the NBA. That testimony is from a tract written thirty years more

  • Whose Fruit Is It? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 24, 2003
    based on 174 ratings

    Jesus tells us that we’re expected to "bear fruit." What does that mean and how can we do it so that we honor His desire in our lives on this matter?

    OPEN: Back in the 70’s, a man and his wife were driving to thru Cape Cod, when they spotted a field loaded with blueberries. They stopped and proceeded to eat their fill. As they turned back to the car, the husband noticed that the rear door was open. In the back sat a Cape Codder munching away more

  • A Will To Know Series

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Dec 28, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    It is only as we exercise a healthy will toward God and His Word that we will be able to know and do what is best for us in all of life’s circumstances.

    Matthew 13:1-23 A Will to Know Introduction In last week’s message, I spoke about the human will and the role it plays in our lives as we move toward or away from the will of God for our lives. Each of us has been given a free will to exercise, and God’s desire is that we exercise it toward Him. more

  • Esperando Una Cosecha Abundante

    Contributed by Samuel Malave on Jan 2, 2003
    based on 80 ratings

    La iglesia tiene 4 tipos de terrenos. Esos terrenos indican como los miembros reciben la palabra.

    Registro Biblico: Mateo 13: 1-23 Predica de: Rev. Samuel Malavé al Tabernáculo de Vida A/D Fecha: 12/1/02 Versiculo Clave: Mateo 13: 23 Introducción: De acuerdo con los agricultures una semilla debe morir y podrirse para entonces retoñar y dar a luz un renuevo. La semilla que no muere o se more

  • "The Gospel Is God's Favorite "Joke,” To Tell Humankind.”

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Jul 6, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    July 14, 2002 -- EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST --Proper 10 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Color: Green Matthew 13: 1-23 Title: “The Gospel is God’s favorite “joke,” to tell humankind.”

    July 14, 2002 -- EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST --Proper 10 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Color: Green Matthew 13: 1-23 Title: “The Gospel is God’s favorite “joke,” to tell humankind.” The Parable of the Sower 13 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea. 2Such great crowds gathered more

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