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Sermons on Matthew 1:10:

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  • What Jesus' Moms Taught Me

    Contributed by Jan Spencer on Mar 19, 2002
    based on 317 ratings

    Essential Truths from the five women whose names appear in the geneology of Jesus.

    WHAT JESUS’ MOMS TAUGHT ME Introduction Illustrations: WHAT IS A MOTHER? Somewhere between the youthful energy of a teenager and the golden years of a woman’s life, there lives a marvelous and loving person known as "Mother." A mother is a curious mixture of patience, kindness, understanding, more

  • Jesus: Son Of David, Son Of God

    Contributed by Tim Bond on Jan 17, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    The genealogy of Jesus helps us to understand and relate to the fullness of Jesus’ humanity.

    Well, as you are well aware, it’s the holiday season. Just look around you, red and green everywhere, the stores are crowded with shoppers, and the extended family is getting friendlier and more loving toward one another as each day passes, right? It’s true that the holiday season is billed as one more

  • 2 - Matthew’s Genealogy Of Jesus

    Contributed by Sterling Franklin on Jan 19, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    Jesus’ Genealogy is like a sine wave! Some cool points about Jesus’ Genealogy in the account of the apostle Matthew.

    > Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus < Matthew was a tax collector of Jewish descent. He wrote this Gospel with a main focus to a Jewish audience. Old Testament prophecies are mentioned in Matthew’s Gospel when the prophecies are fulfilled (He does this 9 times in this Gospel). Parallel to some more

  • God's Family Album Series

    Contributed by Jong Kim on Jan 30, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    This sermon addresses the question "How do we get into the family of God?"

    I don’t know about you but as the list of names were read today from Matthew, I was a little bored. I noticed some of you were too. It reminds me of attending several middle school, high school and college graduations this past June. Hearing the list of names being read off was boring because I more

  • The Gracious King Series

    Contributed by Bruce Ritter on May 20, 2002
    based on 125 ratings

    There are 3 proofs of His right to royalty in Matthew 1: His Coming, His Claim, & His Character.

    The Gracious King A Study of Matthew’s Gospel Matthew 1:1-17 A crown, a robe, or a scepter usually identifies kingly royalty. King James V of Scotland would on occasion lay aside the royal robe of king and put on the simple robe of a peasant. In such a disguise, he was able to move freely about more

  • A Season To Embrace Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 6, 2000
    based on 74 ratings

    An examination of the grace of God as shown through the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

    A Season to Embrace Matthew 1:1-17 December 3, 2000 Morning Service Introduction I. We are starting the Advent season A. The season of Christ’s birth B. A new message series: Discover Christ in Christmas 1. The series will focus on the message of Christmas 2. This morning’s message will be A more

  • The Fulfillment Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jan 3, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    We see the fulfillment of OT prophecies culminate in the book of Matthew.

    Christmas B.C.: The Fulfillment Rev. Brian Bill December 24, 2000 (Evening) Kids, its great being out of school for a few days, isn’t it? Now that it’s Christmas vacation, no one needs to come up with an excuse to get out of classes – at least until January. I came across some actual excuse more

  • The Whakapapa Of Jesus

    Contributed by Michael Treston on Jun 10, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    how Jesus’ geneology (whakapapa) reveals his nature

    MATTHEW 1 - verses 1 to 17. The whakapapa of Jesus. Today we are going to continue on the advent theme by looking at Matthews account of the birth of the Christ child. Matthew starts his account with a geneology If we are being honest with ourselves many of us would never had read this more

  • The Line Of A King Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 19, 2001
    based on 484 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the series "Christmas Surprises". This sermon looks at the 4 women listed in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1.

    Sunday Morning November 25, 2001 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: Christmas Surprises [#1] THE LINE OF A KING? Matthew 1:1-17 Introduction: Through my many years of school, I have taken many history classes. One of the things that always interested me was in trying to figure out if any of more

  • Christmas Secrets

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Dec 9, 2001
    based on 55 ratings

    Hidden in our Christmas celebrations are the secrets of Jesus’ family tree. Come and discover the real meaning of Christmas.

    Christmas Secrets Matthew 1:1-16 The Christmas season is upon us. Christmas is an interesting time of the year here in the United States. Mention the word, "Christmas" and automatically it stirs images of nativity scenes, beautifully decorated homes with lights and tinsel, and Santa with more

  • Look Who's In The Family Tree

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Dec 17, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Five unexpected women in the genealogy of Christ, speak of forgiveness and reconciliation.

    Look Who Is In the Family Tree! Matthew 1:1-17 Introduction: Whenever anyone begins to study their family’s lineage and history, they are usually warned that they might find out things they weren’t expecting. They might find out that their great great uncle was a horse thief or that one of their more

  • The Bloodline: Shaking Up The Family Tree Series

    Contributed by Daniel Richter on Aug 1, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    WHat we can learn from Matthew’s Genealogy

    Intro: Do you remember the Disney cartoon version of Robin Hood? I used to love watching that and recently we’ve gotten it at home and I have sat and watched it with my kids and I still love it. Robin Hood is the dashing hero who brings relief and care to a poor oppressed people, who are under more

  • Entering The Upper Room (Or) Countdown To Pentecost

    Contributed by Steven Angus on May 31, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    The Upper Room is not just a geographical location. It is any where we encounter the Living God.

    Countdown to Pentecost ENTERING THE UPPER ROOM Acts 1:6-14 (Preached at FUMC, McMinnville Tn 5/28/2006 by Dr. Steve Angus Whenever a Christian visits the Holy Land one of the places he wants to visit is the Upper Room. There were so many significant things that occurred in the Upper Room. It more

  • What Will It Cost Me To Be Used By God?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Dec 20, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    This message looks at the cost to Mary of bearing Jesus (in terms of scandal and reputation) and then asks what the cost might be for us to obey God.

    - just read vv. 1-2 to open sermon. - only 4 women (besides Mary) are mentioned in this genealogy and they aren’t the big names of the O.T. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INCLUSION OF THESE WOMEN? - Three of the four of them were associated with sexual sin. - v. 3 - Tamar (dressed as more

  • There's A Black Sheep In The Family Tree Series

    Contributed by Bud Ross on Jan 24, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    A study of 5 people in Jesus’ genealogy who had tainted reputations illustrates that none of us have to be chained to our past.

    THERE’S A BLACK SHEEP IN THE FAMILY TREE I recently became interested in family genealogy. I found some ancestors who intrigue me, like the civil war veterans and the Baptist preacher who was shot in the back during the Civil War. (I don’t know if he wore the wrong color coat or if his sermons more

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