Sermon Series
  • 1. Miracle On 42nd St - Christmas At The Movies

    Contributed on Dec 6, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    The miracle in the movie: "Miracle on 34th St" depended upon letters from the US Post Office. But the miracle on "42nd" St depended upon a different paper trail.

    (Suggest playing a clip from Miracle On 34th St. – Where the Post office delivers mail for Santa Claus to the Court Room proving Kris Kringle to be Santa Claus) OPEN: Is there a Santa Claus? Nearly a century ago or more, there was a newspaper article written to a little girl named Virginia. Do more

  • 2. How The Grinch Stole Christmas - Christmas At The Movies

    Contributed on Dec 13, 2004
    based on 78 ratings

    Why did Herod want to kill the Christ child? His motivation has much in common with those today who want to kill Christmas.

    OPEN: (I sat on a stool on stage, reading the following from “How The Grinch Stole Christmas.” I taped my sermon into the pages of the book and used the book as both prop and way to hide my sermon notes). Every Who down in Who-ville liked a Christmas a lot… But the Grinch, who lived just north more

  • 3. The Santa Clause - Christmas At The Movies

    Contributed on Dec 20, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) "put on" the Santa suit and it changed his life forever. The Bible tells us that we "put on" something as well that changes our lives.

    Show film clip from “Santa Clause” - Where Tim Allen is in the Doctor’s Office receiving a check up and complains about the changes that have taken place in his life – about an hour into the movie) OPEN: A couple of nights ago, my daughter came downstairs in tears. Her brother had informed her - more

  • 4. It's A Wonderful Life

    Contributed on Dec 27, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    What would it have been like if Jesus had never been born?

    (Showed Clip of “Clarence” trying to convince George Bailey he’d really had a wonderful life. Used scene where they were drying their clothes out after George “saved” Clarence from drowning) OPEN: A Sunday school teacher once asked her class of children: “What is Christmas a time for?” Many of more