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Sermons on Mateo 16:4:

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  • What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

    Contributed by Chris Norton on Jun 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    I hope to explain a little bit of what it means to be a Christian.

    What does it mean to be a Christian? Matthew 16 Many preachers have asked that question over the years. Now the first thing most of you think when I ask that question is ok here it comes. I have heard all this before I know what it means to be a Christian. If you really do then you can sit there more

  • Who Is Jesus

    Contributed by Martyn Baxter on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Who do people say that Jesus is? Who do you say that Jesus is?

    There are two questions I want to point us in the direction of from this passage of scripture; Mathew ch 16 v 13 Jesus asks, “Who do people say that the son of man is?” And Mathew ch 16 v 15 where Jesus asks “But who do you say that I am?” We start the narrative with this discourse between Jesus more

  • Lord, We Need Your Help!

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Four requests for spiritual help we need from the Lord.

    Lord, We Need Your Help! Matthew 16:1-12 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - Feb. 8, 2009 *Do you ever feel like you need spiritual help? -- Oh yeah! -- Especially when I am struggling or see people I love struggling with faults and weaknesses. *If you don’t feel like you need more

  • The Disappointment And Discontentment Of Expectations Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Dec 8, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Tell me about your expectations – especially of people – and I will tell you about the disappointment in your life. Tell me about the details you expect to be fulfilled in your life, and I will tell you about the discontentment that you live with.

    The Disappointment and Discontentment of Expectations Matthew 16:1-12 Tell me about your expectations – especially of people – and I will tell you about the disappointment in your life. Tell me about the details you expect to be fulfilled in your life, and I will tell you about the discontentment more

  • Junction Or Journey

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jul 29, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We’re too often guilty of aiming and nothing and hitting it every time. “Visionaries can see life for what it is, can see God for who God is. They are people who can read the “signs of the times”, not the “signs of the future”.” (Leonard Sweet)

    “Where there is no vision the people perish” (Hebrew Proverb) “Where there is only vision, people have nervous breakdowns.” (Postmodern Hebrew Proverb as quoted by Leonard Sweet) – having the vision and dreams but not doing (not able to do) anything about them. Larry of the Three Stooges caused more

  • Why The Church Series

    Contributed by John Sears on Jun 12, 2014
    based on 8 ratings

    In our culture where the influence of the church is diminishing, why should we BE the church? The answer is found in the identity of Jesus and the promises he makes about the Kingdom he is establishing (the church).

    Why the Church I want to share some staggering statistics about church. Since the year 2000, more than 4000 churches in America have closed the doors to their buildings each year. That's more than 40,000 churches. At the turn of the 1900’s there were 27 churches to every 10,000 people. more

  • Life's Biggest Question Series

    Contributed by Brandon Vernoy on Aug 4, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We find freedom in identifying with Jesus Christ; we find power in identifying who He is.

    Life's Biggest Question Introduction: Two weeks ago we had the opportunity to discuss here in service what it meant to be the bride of Christ as we examined what we called engagement gifts that He has given to each of His us as disciples of Christ. And we concluded that the greatest of the gifts more

  • Can You See The Signs?

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 27, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Tesla song-signs, signs, everywhere signs. There are signs everywhere; some literal and some spiritual. It pays to heed both kinds. Ace of Base song-I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes. Hopefully when we see the sign from God it will open up our eyes.

    CAN YOU SEE THE SIGNS? INTRODUCTION: Tesla song Signs-signs, signs, everywhere signs. Ace of Base song I saw the sign-I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes. There are signs everywhere; some of them literal and some of them spiritual. It pays to heed both kinds; especially the spiritual. And more

  • Pharisees Increase Attack Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 21, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Pharisees and Sadducees came seeking a sign, though Jesus had already given many. They wanted to see something different than He had already done; every miracle that Christ had done was a sign, for no man could do what He did unless God were with him.

    -AD 29- Magdala Lesson: Pharisees Increase Attack Matthew 16:1-4, Mark 8:10-13 -Matthew- 1 Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from heaven. 2 He answered and said to them, “When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the more

  • The Second Sign Of Jonah

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 20, 2020

    We all know what the first sign of Jonah is, which is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Is there a second sign?

    The Second Sign of Jonah: A Study on Jesus’ use of the Prophet Jonah Matthew 12:39-41; Matthew 16:1-4; Matthew 16:17: Luke 11:29-32; John 1:42; John 21:15 Jonah was an Old Testament prophet who lived nearly 800 years before Christ, which makes him the earliest of the Minor prophets. The story of more

  • Signs In Abundance

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 1, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Our compassionate Lord and the leaven of the hypocrites.

    SIGNS IN ABUNDANCE. Matthew 15:29-39; Matthew 16:1-12. 1. Jesus headed towards the Sea of Galilee, and again great multitudes gathered around Him, bringing the “lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others” (Matthew 15:29-30). Jesus healed them all: and the people “marvelled” to see the “mute more

  • The Parable Of The Shrewd Steward

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Aug 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The parables of Jesus are the “open secrets (mysteries) of the kingdom of heaven”. Parables are ‘spiritual’ truths — truths about spiritual things which cannot be seen with the eye of sight, only seen with the eye of faith

    The Parable of the shrewd steward Did Jesus commend a dishonest steward. Luke 16:1-15 The parables of Jesus are the “open secrets (mysteries) of the kingdom of heaven”. Parables are ‘spiritual’ truths — truths about spiritual things which cannot be seen with the eye of sight, only seen with the more

  • Prayer For Saving Grace Series

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jan 17, 2020

    Greetings in the Holy Name of Jesus Yahshuah, My brothers and sisters, the love of God is with us, for without His love, there is no us.

    Prayer For Saving Grace by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (January 17, 2020) “But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And more

  • Cuidado Con El Fermento

    Contributed by Carlos Kleber Maia on Apr 13, 2019

    Quiero que los oyentes ceguen por su vida espiritual, no dejando que las malas influencias obstaculicen su comunión con Dios.

    Propósito: Quiero que los oyentes ceguen por su vida espiritual, no dejando que las malas influencias obstaculicen su comunión con Dios. Introducción Jesús está con sus discípulos en la región del Mar de Galilea. Él multiplicó panes por segunda vez, more

  • Identify Spiritual Seasons

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Just as weather knows seasons, so we need to wisely identify we have spiritual seasons? Where are you today?

    SEASONS --- Spiritual Seasons By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. WHAT ARE A SEASONS? WE MUST LEARN TO DISCERN THE SEASONS? The Hebrews knew about seasons and times... The SEVENTH DAY... worship The SIX ANNUAL FEAST The DAY OF ATONEMENT... The high priest enters the Holy of Holies for more

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