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  • Mary's Worship Series

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Mar 23, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    What we learn about genuine worship from Mary’s act of extravagant worship. Sources include, but not limited to, four Sermon Central messages cited at the end this entry.

    Mary’s Worship (Lenten Series) Scripture: Mark 14:1-9 Introduction We began last week by looking at some of the stories or events that lead up to Easter - the time of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Last week we looked at the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Today, we’re going to more

  • Mary Worshipped

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Apr 6, 2017

    When we read of Mary the sister of Lazarus anointing Jesus with that alabaster jar of nard we often focus on who she was, the worth of the perfume, what the disciples said, etc. But we often overlook what Mary was actually doing.

    Matthew 26:6-16 (Please open your Bibles so that you can follow along) Two weeks ago we have took a look at Jesus clearing the temple of the livestock marketplace and currency exchange bank that had been set up in the temple in order to profit from the sacrifices and offerings which would be given more

  • "Mary Worshipped"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 14, 2016

    The message shares how Mary worshipped Jesus by pouring herself out, she worshipped as a result of what she believed, and she saw beyond the cross and tomb.

    “Mary Worshipped?” John 12:1-8 • Mary, is the sister of Lazarus and Martha, they are dining at Simeon the Lepers House • During a dinner in their home with Jesus and the disciples as guests, Mary anoints Jesus' feet with "a pound of costly perfume," and then more

  • How To Become A "Mary Worshiper"

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Dec 1, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    The Magnificat is an incredible moment of worshiping God. This sermon identifies 6 things we need to do, not to worship Mary, but to worship LIKE Mary.

    - Being a “Mary Worshiper” does not mean that we worship Mary, but that we worship like Mary. Becoming a “Mary Worshiper”: 1. “Mary worshipers” focus their eyes up, not in. - v. 46 - “magnifies the Lord.” - while there is certainly a need for reflection and self-examination in worship, the more

  • Mary's Song Of Praise Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Dec 2, 2024

    Mary worships God for her Savior

    Mary’s Song of Praise Luke 1:46-51 Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 12-01-2024 I’m Dreaming Let’s start this Christmas season with a trivia question. What’s the number selling Christmas song of all time? “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby is not only the best selling Christmas more

  • Prepared For Burial Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Mar 9, 2013

    Mary worshipped Jesus as the Lamb of God through extravagant surrender of all that she possessed.

    “When Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table. And when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, ‘Why this waste? For this could have been sold more

  • Mary’s Song Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Dec 7, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    The central characters in the Christmas story almost instantly responded to the events surrounding the birth of Jesus with songs.

    The Songs of Christmas Sermon # 2 “Mary’s Song” Luke 1:28-35, 46-55 Last week we began a series entitled “The Songs of Christmas.” We are examining some of the central more

  • A Mary's Story Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jul 25, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Mary of Bethany displays the extravagant nature of worship as she anoints Jesus, and in so doing gives us all the model of the life of a disciple.

    Mary is a popular biblical name. As a matter of fact, it was the single most popular name in first century Palestinian culture. One in every five girls born carried the name Mary. Wow! 20% of the women named Mary! Contrast that to the Social Security Administration’s latest “most more

  • On The Road With Jesus: Mary

    Contributed by Jamie Bogaard on Apr 15, 2019

    Mary reacts with love for Jesus

    On the Road with Jesus: Mary Anoints Jesus John 12:1-11 (Matthew 26:6-13 & Mark 14:3-9) April 7, 2019 I hope that you have enjoyed listening to this series as much as I have enjoyed writing it. It is important for you to know that in writing these messages that I have given each person a back more

  • Counter-Cultural Worship

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Nov 1, 2023

    Mary anoints Jesus for burial

    Counter-Cultural Worship Mark 14:1-9 Good morning. John 4:24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." NKJV Worship and praise are what we use to express our amazement and thankfulness to the Lord for His mighty acts. King David in the Psalms tells us that more

  • Christmas Worship Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Dec 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition regarding worship in Mary’s Magnificat, Luke 1:46-56

    Text: Luke 1:46-56, Title: Christmas Worship, Date/Place: NRBC, 12/20/09, AM A. Opening illustration: There is a splendid moment in the movie Jurassic Park, when world-class paleontologist Allen Grant, who has devoted his life to the study of dinosaurs, suddenly comes face-to-face with real, live more

  • Mary Chose The Necessary Part

    Contributed by David Tack on Oct 17, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Many today find Christ in their knowledge (or service) but having very little room for Jesus in their busy and hectic lives: that is in heart (in worship).

    Mary Chose the Necessary Part Text Passage: Luke 10:38-42- (38) Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. (39) And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. (41) more

  • An Outpouring Of Worship.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 4, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Mary at the feet of Jesus.

    AN OUTPOURING OF WORSHIP. John 12:1-8. It was six days before the Passover, and the family in Bethany made our Lord a supper. The resurrected Lazarus was there, and Martha was serving. In a singular act of devotion, Mary took a whole bottle of very expensive Indian perfume and lavished it upon more

  • Mary Anoints Jesus

    Contributed by Michael Grant on Oct 18, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    What does true worship look like?

    Mary Anoints Jesus - Mark 14:3-9 And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head. 4 But there were some who were indignant among themselves, more

  • Mary A Terrific Teenager

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Dec 3, 2019

    The Roman Catholic Church has defied this young girl and in response, many Protestants have demoted her as some kind of second-class servant of God. This is wrong because she, like her Son, was one of God's suffering servants.

    MARY - THE TERRIFIC TEENAGER Luke 1:26-38 A remarkable thing about God is that he trusts us with His work. He trusted men and women in Bible times to receive and record His revelations of Himself. He entrusted His church with His supreme revelation, Jesus, and with the great commission more

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