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  • A Marvelous Work Series

    Contributed by Bobby Daniel on Aug 12, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon 2 from 4 part series called Changed from Inside Out from Ephesians 4; describes the incredible work that God does in saving us.

    A Marvelous Work Ephesians 4:7-16 Intro: During our vacation 2 weeks ago we had the opportunity to visit the Creation Museum in Northern KY, just outside of Cincinnati. If you are not familiar with this facility, it is nearly 2 years old now and the brain child of Ken Hamm and the Answers in more

  • Psalm 9: Praise For God’s Justice. Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 12, 2018

    After many triumphant years of victory over his enemies the psalmist recollects the incidents, and writes about them in the psalm.

    February 14, 2014 Tom Lowe Psalm 9 Title: The tune of “Death of the Son.” Praise for God’s justice. (To the chief musician according to Muthlabban, A psalm of David.) 1 I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works. 2 I will be glad and more

  • The Marvelous Gift Of Grace

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Apr 7, 2019

    Following his declaration of man's depravity and the love of God to meet our desperate need, Paul reveals the means of our salvation. We are saved by grace through faith unto good works. Works do not produce salvation, but they will follow genuine salvation.

    The Marvelous Gift of Grace Ephesians 2: 8-10 Over the past few weeks, we have considered the desperate situation of mankind. There is no doubt that we are all born in sin, separated from God and in danger of eternal condemnation because of sin. Thankfully, God understood man’s desperate need and more

  • What Marvels The Lord Works For Us

    Contributed by William Baeta on Oct 21, 2003
    based on 31 ratings

    “So Jesus answered and said to him, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ The blind man said to Him, ‘Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.’ Then Jesus said to him ‘Go your way; your faith had made you well.’ And immediately he received his sight and follo

    Theme: What marvels the Lord works for us Text: Jer. 31:7-9; Heb. 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52 Every human being, no matter how talented, is also limited in a particular way. Some people learn how to deal with their limitations and make the maximum use of their talents while others fail to use of their more

  • God Has Done Marvelous Things For Us

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Oct 15, 2024

    98:1 says, “Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.”

    We are encouraged to sing a new song to the Lord. Why? God has done marvelous things, and He did them all by His right hand and holy arm, without human help. When we say something is marvelous, we mean it is remarkable, extraordinary, unforgettable, miraculous, etc. Marvelous things call for new more

  • The Marvelous Potter

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Sep 10, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    No matter where you find yourself, you submit yourself to the Potter and be willing to do whatever the Potter wants you to do, and God will remake you into a vessel as it pleases Him.

    The Marvelous Potter “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you to hear My words.” - Jeremiah 18:2 Today let's meditate about the Marvelous Potter. All of us have gone through troubling experiences in life. But sometimes one may ask: What is God doing in the midst more

  • Marvels Of Mercy

    Contributed by Joe Dan Vendelin on Apr 28, 2024

    Mercy is marvelous. God showed His great mercy to us as He sent Jesus to come and die for our sins. How can we then show mercy to those around us? This is our charge as believers. To uncover the marvels of mercy for those who do not yet believe.

    In Matthew 9:9-13, Jesus has just called Matthew to follow him. He is then seen reclining at a table with many tax collectors and sinners along with his disciples (Matthew 9:10). In verse 11, the Pharisees question Jesus to his disciples, asking “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and more

  • A Marvelous Relationship

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus tells how close the Father is with His children through parables.

    A MARVELOUS RELATIONSHIP John 10:1-18 INTRO: The Indian theologian D. T. Niles once noticed a young Indian shepherd boy keeping a huge flock of sheep. He stopped and asked, “How many sheep do you have?” “I don’t know,” answered the boy, “I can’t count.” Niles asked him, “How do you know if some more

  • The Marvelous Magnet

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A message on how Christ has an effect on our daily lives.

    THE MARVELOUS MAGNET John 12:32-33 INTRO: Have you ever experimented with magnets? If you have, you have noticed hew they will attract objects to them, and they will rearrange metal filings into a different pattern from what it was in before. This more

  • The Marvel Of The Incarnation

    Contributed by David Scudder on Jan 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    "The best way to send an idea," said scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, "is to wrap it up in a person." The theological word for that is "Incarnation," meaning "in the flesh." Jesus was the Incarnation of God. Jesus was the way that God sent His "idea" to h

    Purpose: To explain the nature of Christ's incarnation. Aim: I want the listener to sense the impact that Christ's coming had on mankind. INTRODUCTION: "The best way to send an idea," said scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, "is to wrap it up in a person." The theological word for all of that is more

  • A Marvelous Faith

    Contributed by James A. Kirkland on Apr 19, 2016

    Jesus marveled at the faith of the centurion. In the passage we see 4 characteristics of a marvelous faith.

    Introduction • Last week we looked at the compassion a Christian ought to have. • Jesus showed it to us in the life of a Samaritan. • Today, in looking at a faith that caused Jesus to marvel, it is not in a Jewish preacher, or teacher. It is not in one of his disciples. It is in more

  • And Jesus Marveled

    Contributed by Norris Harris I on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 39 ratings

    This message deals with what makes Jesus Marvel, Smile as it relates to the acts of a human personality. Beblessed as your read and/or listen to this message!

    I want to use this preaching moment to explore with you Matthew 8:5-10 (read). I want to highlite this headline in our little chat: “Jesus Marveled.” Basically in the 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th chapters of Matthew, Matthew is treating the Ministry of the Master to the Disenfranchised. Those poor, more

  • Marvelous Moms

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on May 10, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon reveals the fact that we have good reason to be thankful for our mothers. They are special people who endure a lot for their family and children.

    Marvelous Moms Text: Prov. 15:20; 23:22b Intro: Moms really are marvelous people. They fulfill all sorts of functions in the home. They are maid and manager, chef and counselor, physician and parent, all rolled into one. Yet most do all those things willingly and lovingly for their family, all more

  • Marvelous Faith

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Jan 26, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    A Pastoral Care message based on the text’s narrative challenging God’s people in my care to put their faith in Jesus into practice.

    Topic: Faith Theme: Practical Faith Purpose: to be the Holy Spirit’s second witness challenging God’s people in my care to put their faith in Jesus into practice. Response: Individuals will indicate their desire to grow in the practice of their faith by requesting a “NEXT STEPS” handout. Pattern: A more

  • Marvelous Mystery Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Apr 27, 2022

    A sermon teaching on embracing the mysteries of our faith and trusting that God has the answers.

    Mystery Unraveled Ephesians Series CCCAG, March 6, 2022 Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-13 I’ve always been a bit fascinated by magic. Now I’m not talking about Harry Potter, casting spells, or witchcraft. I’m talking about illusion, magic tricks, Penn and Teller or David Copperfield type of magic. more

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