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  • Martyrdom Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Sep 24, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus doesn't promise He'll deliver us from our stresses (Tribulation), He does, however, promise to use our suffering for good, and offers an eternal weight of glory in return for our sacrifice.

    And to the Angel of the Church in Smyrna, write: These things says the first and the last, who died and came to life I know your tribulation (stresses) and poverty, but abudance And the blasphemy of those who claim themselves to be Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan. Do not fear more

  • Martyrdom Of The Two Witnesses (Vs 7-10) Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 20, 2014

    Two Witnesses killed in public view, and the unsaved world rejoices.

    The Martyrdom Of The Two Witnesses, Rev 11:7-10 Last week, we discussed how God would raise up two witnesses during the Tribulation Period to boldly preach repentance, judgment and the gospel message to the world. It would appear that the ministry of these two men would be in the first half of more

  • Martyrdom--Its Real Meaning Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 27, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What Matthew records of the prophecy given by Jesus about persecutions has been lived out somewhere in the world in every century since the Resurrection.

    Tuesday of the 13th week in Course 2020 The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Today’s news is troubling, and we fear that tomorrow’s will be even worse. Mobs of misinformed and misled millennials have been rampaging across the urban landscapes, tearing down monuments to long-dead role models more

  • The Mass And Martyrdom Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 22, 2013

    The fortnight for religious freedom is a time to get back to basics and understand our history, our worship, and our mission to the world

    June 24, 2013 Sacrosanctum Concilium Today we celebrate, with a solemnity, one of the three critical birthdays recognized by the Church. These nativities are those of Jesus–of course–the Blessed Virgin Mary, and now St. John the Baptist. I’ve noted in other homilies that the more

  • Fourteenth Station: Jesus Is Buried Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 26, 2022

    Jesus is not there: only Joseph of Arimathea is buried in the Holy Sepulchre

    The Fourteenth Station: The Body of Christ is Buried (Those of us who have had the privilege and honor of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land always make Jerusalem part of the holy time. There, although the Jewish Temple has been replaced by a grand mosque, we can see the very places we read about in more

  • Not Without Three Witnesses Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on May 26, 2008

    Exposition of Acts 14:8-20 about the three witnesses left by God in Lystra as Paul ministered there

    Text: Acts 14:8-20, Title: Not Without Three Witnesses, Date/Place: NRBC, 5/25/08, AM A. Opening illustration: talk about 1 John 5:7 B. Background to passage: The story is getting a little repetitious. Paul comes to a city, preaches Christ in that city’s synagogue, the Jews get angry, the gentiles more

  • Stephen: A Study Of Martyrdom Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 23, 2013

    A vivid picture of martyrdom which should encourage the believer to stand fast when facing persecution.

    Finally, we come to scene 3 in our study of Stephen. Last time we heard a powerful, spirit-filled message from Stephen. He reviewed several of the OT stories and used the examples of Abraham, Joseph, and Moses to lead up to the point of accusing the members of the Sanhedrin of making the same more

  • Stephen The Perfect Example Of Martyrdom

    Contributed by Lay Man on May 29, 2015

    Lord, do not hold this sin against them. - Acts 7:60 Stephen who was a Deacon full of the Holy Spirit was testifying to the religious leaders who crucified Christ just days before. He was dragged out of the temple and city and brought to a place where ..

    Lord, do not hold this sin against them. - Acts 7:60 Stephen who was a Deacon full of the Holy Spirit was testifying to the religious leaders who crucified Christ just days before. He was dragged out of the temple and city and brought to a place where they started to stone him. Stones were hurled more

  • The Two Witnesses (And Why We Should Be Like Them) Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Jun 21, 2022

    The two olive trees are producing the oil that goes into the bowl that is disseminated out of the seven spouts that goes into the lamps to keep the light burning. Here is a spontaneous, automatic oil supply with no human agency; this is by God alone

    Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD View This message at: Part 1: Part 2: I. The Tribulation Temple Revelation 11:1–2 ESV 1 Then I was more

  • What It Means To Be A Witness Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Aug 5, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God wants us to experience His adventure, His miraculous provision and defense, His Word, His will, and, like Jesus, His choice of ending to the story. The story may not be like the storybooks, fairy tales, and superhero movies. It may end in martyrdom.

    Revelation Chapter 11 continued 7. and when they have completed their testimony (witness), the beast will come out of the Abusso and make war with them, and overcome them and kill them. 8. and their bodies will be on the street of the great city, which is called spiritually Sodom and Egypt, where more

  • A Beatific Vision, And The Death Of A Martyr

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 18, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Stephen's message and martyrdom. The church's witness.

    A BEATIFIC VISION, AND A MARTYR’S DEATH. Acts 7:55-60. This chapter contains Stephen’s retelling of Israel’s history, highlighting their resistance against God, and their unfair treatment of His messengers. It began with the members of the council looking steadfastly at him, and seeing his face more

  • He Stood Up For Me

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jan 27, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Our word “MARTYR” is a transliteration of the Greek word for “WITNESS.” By their lives and by their deaths, the martyrs have borne witness for “JESUS CHRIST, THE FAITHFUL WITNESS.”

    TITLE: HE STOOD UP FOR ME SCRIPTURE: ACTS 7:54-60 Can I talk to you this morning from the subject – He Stood Up For Me. Stephen was the President of the Jerusalem Board of Deacons. He was a leader in the church. He seems to have been an eloquent and fiery proclaimer and defender of the more

  • Martyr-Witnesses To The Truth About Human Sexuality Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 1, 2013

    It is not an act of love to tell those who are committing grave sin that their actions are OK. We must respect human dignity like the Ugandan martyrs.

    Monday of 9th Week in Course 2013 Gaudium et Spes The setting of the Book of Tobit, one of the inspired books of Scripture that came to us only in Greek, is of an exiled family in a land with an oppressive government, one that enforced laws prohibiting certain practices of the Jewish faith. The more

  • No Compromise With Evil

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 5, 2018

    Our faith must be strong enough to stand firm and not look for “middle” positions.

    Thursday of 6th Week in Easter 2018 Reformation/Revolution Our New Testament readings today show two approaches to proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. In Acts, we are seeing Paul at the beginning of his second missionary journey, probably about the year 50 AD. He has just been to what we know as the more

  • Witnesses And Witnessing

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Aug 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus' 'Great Commission' applies to all; we must get up and get out and share our faith with the help and strength of God so that the number in 'the great cloud of witnesses' can increase and morality and behaviour in society be improved in ways that pol

    Hebrews 12: 1 Sermon: Witnesses and witnessing According to the Bible we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. I don’t think this means that we are living our lives on a stage and that the angels and all of God’s people who have died and gone to be with the Lord are up above more

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