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  • Keeping It Fresh Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Mar 15, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Can the awesome presence of Jesus become too familiar? Looking to Jesus and carrying our own agenda produces problems with vision.

    Read or quote Mark 8. We are half way through Mark’s gospel today. What does Mark do for you and I as readers? Just think of the way we get to be in on all this action in Jesus’ life and ministry. We are allowed to overhear Jesus’ public and private conversations and observe the reactions of more

  • Will It Take A Miracle? Series

    Contributed by David Asch on Jan 10, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Today we are going to see Jesus Christ do something miraculous, and we will see how our perspective determines our response, or how our response gives away our perspective, which ever you prefer.

    WILL IT TAKE A MIRACLE? Mark 8:1-21 INTRO: Last October, the miraculous occurred. The Anaheim Angels beat the San Francisco Giants 4 games to 3 to win the World Series. It was miraculous because the Angels have been playing major league baseball for 42 years, and had never even been to the World more

  • What Do You See? Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Aug 2, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    Are your eyes open? Nothing opens eyes like a good question. Jesus questions have a way of both exposing and healing blindness. Watch what he does in this passage...

    Mark 8:11-26 Do You See Anything? This year you are studying: Questions Jesus Asked from Mark’s gospel. Did you know that in Mark 8 in the NKJV, there are at least 16 questions asked by Jesus. You could have gotten your entire Summer Series from just this chapter! *** 1. How many loaves do you more

  • Our Daily Bread

    Contributed by James May on Oct 20, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    Jesus is the Bread of Life and is always enough for our daily needs. Not only that but He leaves enough overflowing fragments for us to bless others.

    OUR DAILY BREAD The first part of the 8th chapter of Mark tells us of the great miracle that Jesus performed when he fed 4000 men with only 7 loaves of bread and few small fish. (In one other instance in Matthew chapter 14, Jesus had fed 5000 with only 5 loaves and two fish.) Right on the heels more

  • The Things Of God Or The Things Of Men? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 20, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    What the most difficult problem that faces the church today? Its that we try to do God’s will by using human means. Learn how not the short-circuit God’s way of growing you.

    For more Bible studies and an audio version of this study go to: One of the biggest problems in the church today is trying to accomplish God’s will using human methods. We are fooled into more

  • Hard Questions That Jesus Asked

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 5, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Life is filled with quesions, some simple, some hard. Jesus Christ asked hard questions, three of which are recorded in the eighth chapter of Mark. They are: What do you see? What’s your opinion of Christ? What is worth losing your spiritual life?

    Hard Questions that Jesus Asked Mark 8:13-38 Life is filled with questions. Many require a simple yeas or no. But some questions are hard questions and require some soul searching to answer truthfully. Jesus Christ asked hard questions three of which are recorded in the eighth chapter of Mark. more

  • Open The Eyes Of My Heart Series

    Contributed by Joel Preston on Jul 24, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is dealing with blindness. He deals with both the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees and the disciples as well as the physical blindness of a man from Bethsaida.

    The Gospel of Mark #20 – “Open the Eyes of My Heart” Mark 8:1-26 Intro – 1. VIDEO – “Field of Dreams” They really can’t see it… 2. There are some people in this world that cannot see for looking. The evidence could be as clear as the nose on more

  • The Blind Man Who Saw Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on May 28, 2013

    If you want to be truly wise, don’t be like those who WON’T SEE, and don’t be like those who CAN’T SEE. Instead, be like those who DO SEE, because they let Jesus touch them, not just once, but as many times as it takes.

    A businessman was late for an important meeting and couldn't find a parking space. As he frantically circled the block, the man got so desperate that he decided to pray. Looking up toward heaven, he said, “Lord, take pity on me. If you find me a parking space, I'll go to church every more

  • Yeast Of The Pharisee's

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 21, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus brings us an important message about making sure we are not acting like the pharisee's. Being careful not to let the little things corrupt us.

    Yeast of the Pharisees Mark chapter 8:14-8:21 Introduction- This morning I want to look at Mark chapter 8:14-21. It is one of many accounts where Jesus is trying to teach a lesson to hard more

  • Believing Heart

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jan 26, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Unbelief is no small issue, you can be a Christian and still land up in hell because you failed to have belief in your Savior Jesus Christ and live your life in accordance to the standards given by the Lord.

    Trust that transcends human reasoning…. To feel that He is real and here! Mark 8:17"……Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened?” There are the rare few who would look for a good spiritual feed (good more

  • Got Bread? Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 29, 2012

    Got bread? You do if your hope and trust is in Jesus Christ.

    Introduction Our passage gives us a sense of déjà vu. Feeding a crowd, the dullness of the disciples, the hostility of the Pharisees – we’ve been there before. Text During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and more

  • Who Forgot Their Lunch? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jun 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A study of the Gospel of Mark 8: 11 – 21

    Mark 8: 11 – 21 Who Forgot Their Lunch? 11 Then the Pharisees came out and began to dispute with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, testing Him. 12 But He sighed deeply in His spirit, and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? Assuredly, I say to you, no sign shall be more

  • A Frustrated Jesus Sermon 1 Series

    Contributed by Gregory Griffin on Jun 25, 2014

    A look at Jesus as He dealt with His Disciples trying to get them to see Him for who He is and understand His purpose. As Pastors, we do the same thing each week, and get the same response from many...they don't get it and it can be frustrating.....

    “A Frustrated Jesus” Mark 8 Focal Passages Mark 8: 34-38, 2 Corinthians 5:11-20, Acts 11:19-25 As we have read, it was at Antioch that followers of Christ were first called Christians. It was meant to be a derogatory remark. This was during the time of great persecution of the church more

  • Looking For Leftovers Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 29, 2014
    based on 25 ratings

    Can God supply all your needs? The Disciples struggled with that idea... and so do many of us. Why do we have such a hard time trusting God in this and how can we learn to believe Him more?

    OPEN: I once read the true story of a family that was sitting down at the dinner table for their evening meal. But one of the girls wasn’t happy because they were having leftovers, and she complained about it. The dad was not happy about that and spent a few moments explaining to her more

  • We Must Rely On God Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    As Jesus encounters more people one thing becomes perfectly clear: They (and we) must rely fully on Him to provide everything we need. We cannot do it alone, nor should we ever think we can. This is sinful, and where He teaches us to turn from!

    We Must Rely on God Mark 8:1-26 Introduction - Jesus is demonstrated in this book as a “servant” -- Key verse: Mark 10:45, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - IMP: What more

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