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  • Rich Man, Poor Man Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Sep 23, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Learning how to assess our importance in a manner that pleases God.

    JAMES 1:9-11 RICH MAN, POOR MAN1e grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits.” The Word of God is countercultural and counterintuitive. more

  • Rich Man, Poor Man

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Jun 20, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    An examination of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.

    Rich Man, Poor Man Luke 16:19-31 September 11, 2005 Luke 16:19-20 (NLT) Jesus said, "There was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed and who lived each day in luxury. [20] At his door lay a diseased beggar named Lazarus. A Story of Two Men  There are many divisions amongst more

  • Rich Man, Poor Man

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Sep 1, 2005
    based on 51 ratings

    Lazarus and the rich man. A look at the eternal consequences of our earthly choices.

    Luke 16:19-20 (NLT) Jesus said, "There was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed and who lived each day in luxury. [20] At his door lay a diseased beggar named Lazarus. A Story of Two Men  There are many divisions amongst people – Racial – Socio-economic – Cultural  A more

  • Rich Man, Poor Man Series

    Contributed by Dan Jackson on Sep 18, 2005
    based on 91 ratings

    Message 11 in James Series. God never judges by a bank account, or a statement of worth. He looks for righteousness and where it is lacking, His judgment follows. Riches are morally neutral, neither good nor evil. Wealth is like fire — very useful, but al

    In his three years of life, Bobby has seen an undue share of suffering. Born in Southern California to a drug-addicted mother, Bobby went through withdrawal at the age of two weeks. He has lived in two foster homes, barely survived a life-threatening case of spinal meningitis, and is now back with more

  • "Rich Man Poor Man"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on May 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a good Mother’s Day message. Compare the rich man and the poor man. Seven points on "How to Treat a Lady." A rich man’s trophy or a poor man’s treasure, which would you rather be?

    Title: “Rich Man Poor Man” (A Mother’s Day Message) Which man was rich… a comparison. Introduction: David had failed. Chapter eleven is a sad chapter in the life of David. He had committed both adultery and murder. God sends his preacher to rebuke David with this parable. It very well more

  • Rich Man - Poor Man

    Contributed by Tim Vamosi on Jan 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    wealthy or poor - Each group has its own problems – Real Wealth is a Matter of Understanding Sufficiency in Christ

    "Rich Man - Poor Man" James 1:9-12 OPEN: So we are continuing our journey through the book of James and one of the things we've noted right from the beginning is that James is a man who thinks in a way that is vastly different from the norms we run into in normal society. (whatever that is) If more

  • "One Man For The One Man”

    Contributed by Bubot Parago on Jun 6, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus says to do is what the man could not do, what he had tried for 38 years to do. On what basis does Jesus say these words to him? It is important to see that. Somehow this man senses what that basis was.

    Romans5:18-19 MSG Here it is in a nutshell: Just as one person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, another Person did it right and got us out of it. But more than just getting us out of trouble, He got us into life! One man said no to God and put many people in the more

  • A Lazy Man’s Vineyard

    Contributed by Anitha Jabastion on Jun 12, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    A little laziness would ruin a great harvest. It is time for us to be busy for Christ and reap a mighty harvest.

    I went by the field of the lazy man, And by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding; And there it was, all overgrown with thorns; Its surface was covered with nettles; Its stone wall was broken down. When I saw it, I considered it well; I looked on it and received instruction: A little more

  • A Broken Man Is A Loveless Man Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Nov 28, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    When we are broken and wounded on the inside, it can be challenging to love and receive love from others.

    The statement "a broken man is a loveless man" highlights the profound impact of inner brokenness on our ability to form and maintain loving relationships. From a biblical perspective, this statement rings true. When we are broken and wounded on the inside, it can be challenging to love more

  • Million Dollar Idea But My Mind Stuck On Credit

    Contributed by Robert Parker on Mar 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon directed toward God’s plea to the believer to give of themselves for the Kingdom of God and not to conform to this lost and dying world.

    Romans 12:1 -2 (12:1) I Beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (12:2) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may more

  • I Have No Idea What You Are Talking About

    Contributed by John Bergh on Oct 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Love is service rather than sentiment. John R. W. Stott

    Oct. 17, 2010 Jeremiah 31:27-34 “I Have No Idea What You Are Talking About” Have you ever had to pinch yourself to see if what you are experiencing is real or a dream? This is kind of how my life has been since I invited Christ into my heart many years ago. Sometimes when I try to plan more

  • One Man Shall Die For All Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Apr 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Good Friday: All of us have ideas about the person of Christ and His work. Because of their presuppositions, the chief priests and Pharisees were unable to see the "truth" that Jesus was and is the long-awaited Messiah and Savior.

    I’ve entitled our message this evening, “One Man Shall Die for All.” We call the day that our Lord died on the cross Good Friday, but there was nothing good about it for Jesus. This day is called “good,” because it’s good for us. In a prophecy of the Messiah, in Isaiah 53:4-5, we read, “Surely, more

  • A Small Idea To Help Make You Big In Generosity

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Aug 9, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Paul’s call here for the Corinthians to give generously provides a great idea for us to expand our giving.

    A Small Idea: “Set up a Generosity Fund.” - v. 2. - This passage is not about tithing to your church. It’s about a specific need in a specific church and the Corinthians choosing to give to help meet that need. Obviously, they were taking care of the needs of their own people as well, so this more

  • The Secret Of Contentment Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Jul 3, 2001
    based on 19 ratings


    BIG IDEA: THE SECRET OF CONTENTMENT IS TO BALANCE REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS OF SELF WITH LOFTY HOPE IN THE LORD I. (:1) REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS OF SELF A. Humility in Attitude 1. How I think about myself “O Lord, my heart is not proud” not being puffed up with a sense of my own importance 2. How I more

  • Trading In The Old Man For The New Man Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 10, 2014

    Knowing Christ means a change from the way things were or would be without him. Putting off the old man and putting on the new man applies to us as both as individuals and as part of the household of faith.

    Trading in the Old Man for the New Man (Colossians 3:10-11) 1. This story teaches us a lot about our nature. A retired man moves near a junior high school. He spends the first few weeks of retirement in peace and quiet. However, when a new school year begins, three young boys beat on every trash more

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