
Summary: Pastor’s Anniversary

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“God’s man is man’s Deliver”

Exodus 3:7-12

Here is an ordinary man who was given up as a child in order to save his life. He was given up so that he would not be killed by the enemy but ended up being raised by the enemy. Here is a man that grew up confused about his identity in God. Believed the enemy to be his family and became an enemy to his real family. A man that had a speech problem and needed anger management. A man with a jacked up past, a confused present but a certain future.

Most preachers, if they told the true story and stop flauging would tell you that they had a jack past, confused present but a certain future. And yet God calls Moses to be a leader over a nation to lead God’s people out of bondage. I tend to think that God loves calling folk with issues. Noah was an alcoholic. Saul was disobedient. David was a whore. Peter was a cusser. And yet God called all of these and more to lead his people out of something. That tells me one thing that God has no respect of persons. And no matter how imperfect or jaked up a pastor or preacher is God called them to lead his people out of bondage.

See God uses the issues of the past to help the pastor be able to identify with you where you are now in the present so that he or she may be able to pull you out of your Egypt into your promise land. That’s why most pastors have been through hell, lived in hell so they can tell you what it’s like, so that you don’t have to live in hell, die and then go to hell.

But it seems like God calls the ones that are messed up. But even though Moses had some things wrong with him, he help deliver these people out of an earthly hell and yet there were times they did not appreciate him. Sounds like typical church folk to me. When everything looks fine you’re happy, but the moment it looks bad you start to complain. Well, anybody in there right mind would be thankful all the time for there pastor, because even though you may be at the red sea, or in the wilderness at least you’re not in Egypt. At least you are free from slavery. The slavery of sin. You should be thankful because you’re not where you should be, but thank God you’re not where you were. But the Good news is that you’re on your way to the promise land. Why should we appreciate the man or women of God, when we have not yet reached the promise land yet?

I. God called Him& he answered:

Notice in 3:10 God said I will send thee. I have been apart of what they called a pastoral candidate a few years ago. That’s when you put in your resume to be a pastor for a particular church. The church will go through the process of hearing those they are interested in. And after that, they vote on whom they want to be the pastor, based on if they can preach, and has pastoral skills and the credentials (degrees). Don’t care anything about if they are called. See the whole process of voting would be eliminated if people would pray that God would send who he wants to. Because you can end up with a bad apple that can spoil the whole bag. However, when God calls him, you don’t have to worry about blessings, you don’t have to worry about your deliverance, because your deliverance, your break thorough, your coming out is tied to the man that God has called. God sent Moses to deliver his people. Nobody could have done that but Moses. What we have to understand is that God’s man is not a hireling, he is called. God gave him specific instructions on what he wanted him to do. And if he has been called by God, nobody can’t fire him but God. Even if you get mad and upset with him, and want to leave, it’s not your job to chastise him talk about him or put him in his place, because you did not called him. Hebrews (rule over you) and the majority of the people that complain in the church are those that aren’t even saved, not living righteous or in God’s will for there life. So how can someone who is not walking in the call for there life have 2 cent to talk about who is. Anybody who has a problem with the one who God has called really has a problem with God. Matter of fact God called him before he was born. Jer. 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. See we can’t touch him any way because we don’t have the power to call him. We can’t form anybody only the creator; we can’t sanctify anybody we are not the savior. We need somebody to sanctify us. We can’t really ordain anybody only God who is in charge of the universe can appoint somebody. All we are here to do is carry out what has already been done. God called him to deliver you. And you should appreciate him because he is called to deliver you.

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