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Sermons on man after gods heart:

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  • Meet The Man After God's Own Heart Series

    Contributed by Michael Cassara on Sep 8, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    In introductory message to a series on the life of King David

    Seeking God Faithfully - A Study of the Life of David Message #1 "Meet the Man After God’s Own Heart" INTRODUCTION One of the many things I appreciate about the Bible is the fact that the writers do not flatter the hero’s of the Bible. Within the pages of the Bible we read about both more

  • David – A Man After God’s Heart

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Aug 15, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Today we’ll see the greatness of David’s faith through his heart. And what we will discover are four heart characteristics David possessed that revealed this faith.

    David – A Man After God’s Heart Watch: Today, we’re continuing in our series on faith by looking at the faith of our forefathers. And, if you haven’t noticed by now, I am usually in the Psalms and quoting from King David a lot, and so I thought that more

  • Why David Is So Important Series

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Aug 18, 2024

    David is a hugely important figure in the Bible. But if we're going to learn from him we need to have an understanding of why he is so important.

    Part 1: Is David important? Over the next few months, we’re going to have eight studies on David, the shepherd who became king. We could easily give David much more time than that – he’s such an important person in the Bible, but we can’t fit in more than eight studies between now and December more

  • "Chasing After God's Heart" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Oct 14, 2013

    This is the first message in a series i titled HEARTBEATS. It is a study in the life of numerous characters from the Bible whose heart was constantly beating for God. What does it mean to be a man after God's heart? That is the focus of this message.

    “Chasing God’s Heart” 1st Samuel 16:1-13a and Acts 13:22 Shug Jordan who was the football coach at Auburn University, asked one of his former players (named Mike) if he would help him do some recruiting that year. He says, “Well, sure coach…..just tell me what kind more

  • After God's Heart

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jun 20, 2017

    David was a polygamist, adulterer and murdered. He was deceptive. He never meted out justice and was irresponsible with the crimes committed under his own roof. How does a man with that track-record get God's blessing with, "A man after my own heart"?

    After God’s Heart Psalm 19:1-14; 1 Samuel 13:14 On this Father's Day, I am led to a man of men, a prince of princes and a statesman of politicians. He was a poet, musician and military leader who conquered nations and put fear in his enemies. The most profound accomplishment that would be a more

  • A Man After My Heart PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores understanding our spiritual hearts, viewing them through God's perspective, and striving to become people after God's own heart, like David.

    Good morning, family! It's a joy to be here with you all today, and I'm thrilled to get into some powerful truths from God's word together. We're going to be chatting about a topic that's close to us all, something we all carry within us, something that defines who we are - our hearts. Not the more

  • A Man After God's Own Heart Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 19, 2002
    based on 6 ratings

    David’s reign takes on much more signifiance when we see the arena in which it was carve out.

    David: a man after God’s own heart; Reigning in life series The setting: Once again let me emphasize the setting. The story of David” reign takes on much more significance when we understand the arena in which it was carve out; 1. When Saul was chosen; 2. People doing what was right in their more

  • A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed by Alton Coleman on Aug 26, 2003
    based on 123 ratings

    The kind of attitude God is looking for in His people.

    A Man After God’s Own Heart Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 13:1-14 Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 13:14 But now thy kingdom shall not continue: the Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which more

  • A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Mar 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    How could David be the man after God's own heart?

    The Prayer of a Man After God’s Own Heart Psalm 51:1-19 The first thing that we come across when we turn to Psalm 51 is that it is a Psalm of David. In 1 Samuel 13:14, God tells the prophet Samuel that after rejecting Saul as king, that He was going to replace Saul with a man after His own heart. more

  • A Man After God's Own Heart Series

    Contributed by Jordan Muck on Oct 12, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Father's Day message.

    Title: A Man After God’s Own Heart Passage: 1 Samuel 13:13-14 Interesting Statement: God is impressed by the one who seeks Him with everything they got… Introduction: Paul's sermon at Antioch briefly tells the history of Israel, referring to King David in the OT saying; "I have found more

  • Anointing A Man After The Heart Of God

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 26, 2016
    based on 15 ratings

    The Lord's criteria for service.

    ANOINTING A MAN AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART. 1 Samuel 15:34-35; 1 Samuel 16:1-13. Israel had demanded a king, just so that they could be like the other nations. Samuel had protested, but the LORD allowed it. After all, they were not rejecting Samuel: they were rejecting the LORD (1 Samuel 8:4-7). more

  • A Man After God's Own Heart? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 14, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    David committed adultery, and murder by proxie. And God brought a terrible but just judgment upon him that was rightly deserved. But then in Acts 13 we read that David was a man after God's own heart. How can that be?

    This sermon series is what I call “Comeback Kings.” It describes the lives of people in Scripture who had had potential for greatness, but whose lives were shattered because of something they or others had done. Ultimately, though they achieved victory from lives of defeat and became “comeback more

  • Man After Gods Own Heart

    Contributed by Amar Chandnani on Dec 9, 2024

    Outward appearance and the way others perceive us based on our looks has become all to common now a days

    Let us pray I was reading an article in a business magazine saying that MEN go to great lengths to add a 1-3 inches in height and when I mean great lengths, imagine enduring unimaginable pain of cutting stretching and growing bone cells right down in our shin bone just to get a few inches of more

  • David: A Man After God's Own Heart

    Contributed by Dr. George Calhoun on Nov 1, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    When we understand that the Lord desires for us to come to Him with “unveiled faces,” completely open, honest, and unvarnished, a wonderful transformation begins to take place and we begin to see things as they really are.

    A college student had two problems common to many: low grades and no money. Knowing that her parents wouldn’t look kindly on her dilemma she devised an ingenious plan to soften the blows of reality and wrote this letter: Dear Mom and Dad, Just thought I’d drop you a note to let you know how I’m more

  • A Man After God’s Own Heart Series

    Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Most individual are looking for other significant figures as inspirations. People of integrity whose lives inspires us to do better, to fly higher and to stand taller. As Christians, we also need Bible character to inspire us in our Spiritual journey. To

    Most individual are looking for other significant figures as inspirations. People of integrity whose lives inspires us to do better, to fly higher and to stand taller. As Christians, we also need Bible character to inspire us in our Spiritual journey. To encourage us and to comfort us. Although, more