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Sermons on Luke 2:15:

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  • The Glamour Of Christmas

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Dec 14, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The excitement of Christmas is still a wonderful thing today. I would like to express some things we should reflect upon this time of the year.

    The Glamour of Christmas Luke 2:1-20 I remember growing up as a young child the excitement surrounding Christmas Day. There was flashing of lights all over the city, the erecting and decorating of trees and the anticipation of the receiving of gifts. Today these things surrounds perhaps the more

  • Christmas: A Series Of Unlikely Events

    Contributed by Thomas Mccracken on Dec 15, 2012
    based on 10 ratings

    Let us view the Christmas story through a much different lens this year as we discover the powerful impact on humanity when Jesus was born. It was indeed a series of unlikely events!

    CHRISTmas: A Series of Unlikely Events! Intro: John Lennon once said of his group the Beetles that “We are more popular than Jesus”. While it may be true that the Beetles were or even are more popular than Jesus, what is not true is that the Beetles were not nor are better known than Jesus. more

  • The Deeper Significance Of The Unique Bethlehem Shepherds

    Contributed by Bryan Douglas on Dec 15, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    The Bethlehem shepherds left their lambs being born in the fields to attend the birth of The Lamb of God who is also the Good and Great Shepherd. But, they were also unique as they pastored the Temple flocks of lambs who would die at the same place, time

    The Deeper Significance of the Unique Bethlehem Shepherds "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night." (Luke 2:8) Shepherds are correctly included in every Nativity scene and church Christmas pageant … usually more

  • How We Should Celebrate Christmas

    Contributed by Melvin Myers on Dec 15, 2012

    This sermon tells how we should celebrate Christmas with some reasons why

    How to Celebrate Christmas Scripture: Luke 2:1­20 Introduction: During this season of shopping and entertaining, let's remember why Christmas is celebrated in the first place. We decorate our homes, send out cards, visit friends, buy presents, and go caroling. There are a lot of stores that would more

  • A Plan For Every Purpose

    Contributed by Jack Allen Jones on Dec 16, 2012

    A Christmas Message

    Introduction God doesn't allow things to happen without a reason. He controls the things that happen around us. Jesus was born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes, Laid in a manger, and The shepherds were the first to hear about His birth. If Jesus was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. more

  • The Joy Of The Angels

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Dec 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The Joy Of The Angels Came From Keeping The Secret Of Telling The Shepherds That Jesus Had Finally Arrived. Prophecy Fulfilled!

    We’ve Got Joy For You, The Joy Of The Angels Glenville 12/16/12 Genesis 3”:1-12 Luke 2:1-20 Today we are in our third sermon in the series We’ve Got Joy. Pastor Kellie began with the Joy of the Church, Pastor Toby spoke on the Joy Of the Lord, today I will speak on more

  • Christmas Cast Of Characters (Shepherds) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Dec 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The story of Christmas is wrapped around people... real life people. This four-sermon-series looks closely at this special cast of characters in an attempt to find our stories in theirs. Alliterated and expository, with PowerPoint available.

    Christmas: Cast of Characters (3) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 12/16/2012 I’ve said many times that everyone needs a place to belong, and that’s especially true during the holidays. So whether this is your first Christmas season with us or your fifty first, I more

  • The Lamb Is Provided

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Dec 19, 2012

    We have been watching as God’s plan to send His Lamb into the world has unfolded.

    Luke 2:1-20 THE LAMB is PROVIDED Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church Dec 16th 2012 Intro: We have been watching as God’s plan to send His Lamb into the world has unfolded. • When man fell/sin/Garden of Eden • God made a promise/Redeemer would one day come. more

  • The Angels Christmas Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Dec 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Declaring that Christ the Lord has come, the angels did it. Now we are to declare the good news that is for all the people.

    Last year I spoke about the passage in Luke’s gospel where the shepherds are out in the fields doing the thing shepherds do best, out living in the fields looking after the sheep as they did in the day. When something strange happened and beyond all of their imaging happened, remember these more

  • In The Air There Is A Feeling Of Christmas

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Dec 20, 2012
    based on 46 ratings

    Can you hear it? There is a buzz in the air. Maybe you can feel it. As the song states, In the air there is a feeling of Christmas.It permeates everything tonight. Everything.

    For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four Scripture Readings before the Sermon. The Scripture Readings for this day were: Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2: 11-14 and Luke 2: 1-20. Can you hear it? There is a buzz in the air. Maybe you can feel it. As the song states, " more

  • A Shepherd Preaches About Jesus

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Dec 21, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A short talk for our 2012 Christingle Services where we get to share Jesus with about 700 people, many of whom are not sure about their faith. This short talk is given by a Shepherd, telling what happened when the angel spoke to him.

    Q: What is a shepherd’s favourite karate move? A: The Lamb Chop! Q: When a male sheep opens the door of the sheep pen for his favourite lady sheep what does he say? A: After ewe! Q: What do sheep like to play at a casino? A: Woolette! Q: Why did the ram jump off the cliff? A: Because he didn’t see more

  • Understanding The Center

    Contributed by Steven Ferber on Dec 21, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Just as Copernicus discovered the center of the solar system and changed science forever, understanding the center of Christmas, Jesus Christ, changes our lives forever.

    Here we are, Christmas Eve 2012. That must mean the world didn’t end on December 21st; that’s a good thing! But December 21st is still an important date. It’s the 1st the day of winter, the shortest day of the year for the northern hemisphere, the day the North Pole is tilted the farthest more

  • O Little Town Of Bethlehem

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Dec 23, 2012
    based on 73 ratings

    In forty brief words, Micah tells the story of a very special town. Though his words may be brief, they contain a wealth of spiritual truth. The Story Of Bethlehem is a special story that needs to be told and retold. Especially in these days.

    For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four Scripture Readings before the Sermon. The Scripture Readings for this day were: Micah 5: 2-5; Psalm 80:1-7; Hebrews 10:5-10 and Luke 1:39-55. (This Message was reworked December 2015). In 1865, ...... shortly after the Civil war,.... more

  • The Night Life Began

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Dec 24, 2012

    Most of us here have heard this story read time and time again. I believe it should be shared with our friends and families all over the world. But as I have read thru this passage the past few weeks…God brought several things to my attention… First…th

    Video… Social Network Christmas Slide #1 Welcome…Coffee Please stand… with me as we read from…Luke 2:1-20 “ In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when Quirinius was more

  • In A Manger

    Contributed by Robert Dovenmuehle on Dec 25, 2012

    A Christmas Eve sermon. Jesus was born in a dirty stable in a feeding trough for animals. God came to us in the dirt and in His life He experienced all the dirt of sin that fills our lives. He came to us to wash away the dirt by dying on the cross.

    Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ in unity with the Holy Spirit. We’re here tonight to celebrate the birth of a baby boy, a little human baby with five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot, two eyes, a nose and a mouth. A baby just like any more

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