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Sermons on Luke 2:15:

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  • A Savior Is Born Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    Christmas is still the good news that unto you is born a Savior. It is still a message of hope, joy, and peace that causes men to glorify and praise God.

    When I was a shoeshine boy back in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 1945, I remember being down town when suddenly horns began to blow, bells ring, whistles shriek, and people everywhere in the streets, and stores began to sing, hug, laugh, and shout. Paper began flying from the windows all over more

  • The Season For Seeing Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    God made the message of Christmas a visual message to appeal to the eyes. Christmas from day one has always been a season for seeing. By His coming into the world Jesus changed how men see reality. He changed how man sees God and history, and how he sees the role of man and the goal of God.

    Mr. and Mrs. Nudelman were on a 50th wedding anniversary trip to Paris where they visited the Louvre. As they slowly walked past the masterpieces of the ages, Mrs. Nudelman stopped in front of a huge Renaissance painting called, The Child In The Manger. As she stood there, Mr Nudelman asked her more

  • The Sights Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    The challenge for all of us is to go into this Christmas season determined to see in the sights of Christmas that which makes us praise God and want to be part of His light in this dark world. Let your prayer be, open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus.

    Hal Bowser said, "the most exciting gift I've ever received was the microscope my parents gave me for Christmas when I was eleven." The first thing he did on that Christmas day was to go out in the back yard and get some water from a rain puddle. He put a drop under his microscope more

  • Christmas Silence And Song Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    Christmas was both a night of silence and a night of song. If you read through the Christmas hymns in a hymnal you will see these two themes stand out often, some with a focus on the silence and others with a focus on the song.

    Paradox is simply the recognition that opposites can both be true. The Christmas story is loaded with paradoxes. The most profound revolving around the Christ-Child Himself: The eternal Son born into time and the Infinite Spirit embodied in finite flesh. The creator of all space having no room in more

  • Christmas Stuff Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    Jesus created all of the stuff of this material universe, and in His Incarnation He became personally involved with the animal, mineral, and vegetable kingdom. His goal is to redeem all of His creation from the effects of the fall, so that even stuff is a part of the plan of salvation.

    Back in October of 1948, a young pastor and his wife took on the challenge of repairing and restoring an old church. Their goal was to have it done by Christmas Eve. But just two days before Christmas a storm dumped over an inch of rain, and the roof leaked, and right in front of the church the more

  • The Wonder Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    Just scratching the surface of a match can cause it to burst into flame and though that is all we can do with Luke's record, scratch the surface, it is hoped that this will kindle a flame of wonder in our hearts for Christmas.

    Typical of last minute Christmas shoppers, a mother was running furiously from store to store. Suddenly she became aware that the pudgy little hand of her three year old son was no longer clutched in hers. In a panic she retraced her steps and found him standing with his little nose pressed more

  • Mary, The Mother Of Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Jun 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon, the preacher focuses on the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. He believes that after Jesus Christ, Mary is the principal person in the history of salvation. He explains that it was pure love-in-faith which brought about Mary's motherhood to Jesus.

    Reflection Mary, the Mother of Jesus Why did God choose Mary? What was His reason for giving this particular place in His plan of salvation? This question can time to time arise in us when we think of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Christianity is not simply a religion. First and foremost, more

  • Christmas Significa Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Jul 11, 2021

    The real beauty and power of Christmas is how it is as mundane as it is holy, secular as it is sacred, temporal as it is eternal, physical as it is spiritual, worldly as it is heavenly … and this is by design.

    Today’s scripture reading reminds me of Christmas hymns like “Angles We Have Heard on High” in which the angels “sweetly sing o’er the plans” (UMH, verse 1; p.238) or “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing” … “glory to the newborn King” (UMH, verse 1; p. 240). Songs like these beautifully capture the drama more

  • Mary, Did You Know? Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jul 17, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Based on the song "Mary, Did You Know." Was Mary in need of salvation, although she bore the holy Christ child? Did she ever know why the child she delivered had come into the world? This message seeks to answer these questions.

    The title for our message comes from a song written by the Christian comedian Mark Lowry, and originally sung by the Christian vocalist Michael English; and the song is entitled, “Mary, Did You Know?” One stanza of the song says: Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on more

  • Good News In An Unexpected Place Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jul 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    In this message, we will see how the birth announcement of the King of Kings wasn’t delivered to the rich or royal, but it was instead delivered in the least expected place. It was delivered to some lowly shepherds.

    When people send out baby shower invitations, they primarily mail them to family and friends. I once saw a really funny movie, a comedy, where a couple sent out fake shower announcements when they weren’t really going to have a baby. They were in debt and needed some money to pay off their bills, more

  • Messiah In The Context Of Jewish History

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Aug 3, 2021

    Normally when we talk about the arrival of the messiah we’re talking about it in the context of Christmas season and we end with a very colored picture, seeing Jesus in the context of Christmas trees, bells, candy canes, and lights.

    Normally when we talk about the arrival of the messiah we’re talking about it in the context of Christmas season and we end with a very colored picture, seeing Jesus in the context of Christmas trees, bells, candy canes, and lights. But today, I’d like to shift our perspective, and we shall try to more

  • Have A Blessed Life Sermon V: Blessed By The Coming Of God's Living Word Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Mar 23, 2020

    In America we are blessed n ways that the world at large can only dream about and hope for. Let us celebrate God's Living Word of Salvation through Jesus Christ, God's Son and our Savior!

    BLESSED BY THE COMING OF GOD’S LIVING WORD OF SALVATION In the 119th Psalm, David celebrated God’s Word – a lamp unto his feet and a lamp unto his path. In the 41st verse, David expressed a deep longing in his heart for the coming of God’s Living Word more

  • Please Use The Servant Entrance

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Mar 23, 2020

    We naturally want to be in control of our lives and focus on taking care of ourselves first. But Jesus set the example of being a servant.

    If you were to ask me what my favorite TV show is right now, I think I would have to answer “West Wing.” I’m really enjoying the opportunity to see something of the inner workings of the white house and how policies come together. Today’s text, the story of the birth of Jesus, leaves me thinking more

  • The Angels' Celebration

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Mar 24, 2020

    When we think of the wonder of what God did at Christmas, we just have to celebrate.

    We love the quietness and intimacy of many parts of the Christmas story. The arrangements are made by angel messengers, who appear very privately, to Mary, face to face, and to Joseph in a dream. Mary ponders the wonder of it all, deep in her heart. A peasant couple quietly slips into Bethlehem, more

  • Shepherds?

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Mar 24, 2020

    It was lowly shepherds who got the most impressive announcement about the birth of the Messiah. That tells us a lot about the God we serve.

    I think the presence of the shepherds has to be one of my favorite parts of the Christmas story. They don’t say much. They don’t do much. But it sure was important to God that they be there for the birth of Jesus. And that says a lot. When the time came to tell Zechariah about the birth of more

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