The Announcement Of A Lifetime
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 10, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: The greatest announcement ever given was the declaring of Jesus birth by the angel Gabriel.
The Announcement of a lifetime
Luke 2:8-15
Luke 2:8-15
The greatest announcement ever made in the history of mankind is “Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; He is the messiah, the Lord.”
What we do with that information will affect your eternity
It does not change the fact that Jesus the savior was born- only what we do with that truth.
For some it is the announcement of a lifetime (proclamation) and for others it is only (information)
For some, they will respond like the shepherds did let’s go see this thing that has happened, and others, it will be another day.
For you this morning, what do those words mean? There ought to be an excitement that stirs your heart to worship.
Today, Father, in the third week of Advent, may we see Jesus! We rejoice that the glorious angels who announced the great birth of the Christ would save the people from their sins. May we see that it is the Christ child that will change each and every one of our lives forever! May our hearts be open to what you have to say this morning, and may we desire to respond like the shepherds did- “Let’s go see what has just happened.”
We live between Jesus incarnated birth and the glorious second coming of Christ. That is where you and I are today.
We are blessed beyond measure because we have the opportunity to be ready for his return and stand on the promises of Almighty God.
The Old Testament prophets proclaiming the coming of a savior.
Isaiah 9:6-7
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders, and he will be called wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.”
This verse must be in context- This was a time of darkness and a time where it was the dawning of a great light coming.
The passage speaks of a people who were oppressed and in darkness.
Light was dawning because their yoke of bondage was to be broken by a coming messiah.
Isaiah brings hope but getting the nation to understand and see it was for him challenging.
They were looking for someone to be the mighty one who would set them free from their oppressor (Romans) and the savior that would be coming was to set all free from sin that kills.
His kingdom is like no other.
His reign will not end, and justice and righteousness will follow.
His zeal for mankind will destroy the darkness and bring light.
So the prophet prophesied- there is coming a king! A child will be born unto you that will set the captive free from the sin of mankind. Isaiah prophesied 700 years before it happened.
For mankind hearing those words at that time should have brought anticipation of the coming king! Instead, they were looking for a warrior that would bail them out of their immediate problems.
Does that sound like some people today?
They are looking for a savior that would bail them out of there situations and circumstances but not looking or wanting a savior that can save them from their sins and a savior wanting a relationship with them.
Isaiah 59:1-8 Read
Isaiah 59:15-20 Read
Do we have our listening ears on this morning?
Our lives are a mess without Jesus! (Ball of tangled up Christmas lights)
We are trying to rig up the lights of our own mess and it is not working.
We keep trying to fix it and only Jesus can fix it.
Jesus had to come- We were in need of a savior and there was no other way for our sins to be redeemed.
It is Jesus 101.
We are sinners- Everyone of us. Wither you are a murderer or a good old boy or good old girl- you were born sinners because of the fall of man.
You were not good enough to save yourself and Jesus had to come.
God’s standard of righteousness is”sinless” and none measure up. All fall short of the glory of God!
Most unbelievers believe that if you would only do more good than bad then you will make heaven.
You must balance the scales by doing one more good than bad.
At every funeral I have ever done, there is always someone that says to me that the deceased person was a “good person” and should be in heaven because of it.