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Sermons on Lucas 12:35:

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  • Trading Communion For The Current Separation And Alienation Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 17, 2020

    By becoming united with Christ in Baptism, and growing in Christ through the sacraments and a godly life, we experience the fullness of human life.

    Tuesday of the 29th Week in Course 2020 Plague Year Separated, alienated, strangers. Those are the words that begin St. Paul’s exhortation to the Ephesians and to us today. He continued, “having no hope and without God in the world.” Paul’s statement sounds very much like a diagnoses of the more

  • Tne Parable Of The Watchful Servants Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Dec 17, 2019

    What is it to be ready for His return

    Parable of the watchful servants Be Ready for His Return Luke 12:35-48 In the New Testament , a phrase is used frequently with regard to the Day of the Lord or the return of Jesus Christ. Though it may vary slightly from verse to verse, numerous instructions are given to "watch, because the more

  • 2 A Cup Of Coffee

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 28, 2020

    Jesus sees what we’re doing; he values our service to him, even in things that might seem very small to us; and he will reward our service.

    A cup of coffee *** Background: my second service as minister; the interim minister is leaving. At the start of the service I make a cappuccino coffee and cut a piece of cake. I invite Jo, the church secretary, to come to the front and then serve the coffee and cake, explaining that it is a more

  • The 5th Church Of The Apocalypse -The Church In Sardis Series

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jun 11, 2020

    The Church in Sardis had become lethargic and lost its way. Jesus calls us to be alert

    The Fifth Church of the Apocalypse - The Church at Sardis Introduction We have been looking at the Churches of the Apocalypse during lockdown Last week we looked at the fourth Church of the apocalypse - the Church of Thyatira. Today we are looking today at the fifth Church of the Apocalypse - more

  • Are You Ready? Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Oct 13, 2019

    Are You Ready? Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) Brad Bailey – September 15, 2019

    Are You Ready? Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) Brad Bailey – September 15, 2019 Series #37 Text – Luke 12:32-48 Intro We are continuing in our extended encounter with Jesus through the Gospel of Luke. Luke refers to one of the Gospel accounts… formed by firsthand more

  • Friendship With God And Enmity With God Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 19, 2019

    Through Christ we have hope that we will eternally live at peace in the embrace of the Blessed Trinity.

    Tuesday of the 29th Week in Course 2019 St. John Paul II Today’s first reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans is the result of taking a scalpel to the original text. We read verses 12, 15, 17-19, 20 and 21, for reasons unknown to me, and the result sounds strange at best. So I had recourse more

  • The Watchful Servants

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 20, 2018

    You need the real meat that is the Holy word of God so you can discern the times and see how near the Masters coming is. You are not to fall into idleness or be defeated by being beaten down by this world of distraction. WATCH!

    The Parable of the Watchful Servants Luke 12:35-48 Message: God’s plan to redeem the world to Himself involved the birth, life, death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ. Jesus remains the key figure in God’s plan but many have dismissed Jesus imminent return and have allowed their hearts more

  • The Son Of Man Is Coming

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Aug 7, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Are we ready to open the door for Jesus upon His return? Let’s look at the parable of the waiting servants in Luke 12:35-48. A Year D Sermon.

    Are we ready to open the door for Jesus upon His return? Let’s look at the parable of the waiting servants in Luke 12:35-48. Ready Luke 12:35 “Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit.” As a household servant would have had the lamps lit for the owner’s return, so do many of us leave an more

  • The Watchful Servants Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 3, 2014
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus wants us to reflect on what we want to happen when He returns and to prepare our self for it right now. If you want to be prepared for Christ’s return you must prepare yourself through faithfulness.

    LUKE 12: 35-40. [PARABLES IN LUKE] THE WATCHFUL SERVANTS [Matthew 25:1-13 / John 12:23-26] Jesus has been teaching principles for kingdom living. He is preparing them for His departure and their ministry. He would be leaving His followers but He promised to return again for them at a future more

  • Follow-Service Wear Series

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on Mar 23, 2017

    As followers of jesus we are to be dressed to serve. Luke 12.35.

    Title: Follow-Service Wear Place: BLCC Date: 4/2/17 Text: Luke 12.37; Colossians 3.12-14; 1 Corinthians 11.2-12. CT: As followers of Jesus we are to be dressed to serve. [Screen 1] FAS: Does what we wear tell us about who we follow? How about these guys? (show pic of UK fan tricked out) Or how more

  • Living In Light Of Christ Second Coming Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 20, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Living in Light of Christ Second Coming

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Living in Light of Christ Second Coming Luke 12:35-48 If we are required to wait, then you and I had better learn how to do it right and do it well. 1. Keep Alert: Jesus is Coming again (vs. 35-40) In Jesus’ day, a rich man with a large household had more

  • Living In Light Of Christ Second Coming

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 27, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Living in Light of Christ Second Coming

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Living in Light of Christ Second Coming Luke 12:35-48 If we are required to wait, then you and I had better learn how to do it right and do it well. 1. Keep Alert: Jesus is Coming again (vs. 35-40) In Jesus’ day, a rich man with a large household had more

  • Be Prepared

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Sep 29, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    His return is certain – it will happen. It is imminent – that is, it could happen at any time. It will be sudden – like a thief in the night. Luke 12:40 tells us that we need always be ready so that His return will not catch us off guard.

    “Be Prepared” Luke 12:35-43 Lord Baden Powel, the founder of scouting gave the Boy Scouts their motto: “Be prepared”. What he was seeking to do was to instill in his scouts a readiness for any emergency. The scout should never be taken by surprise. He is always to be more

  • Jesus Deals With Hypocrisy, Covetousness, Worry, Alertness Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A large crowd had got together to hear Christ preach. The scribes and Pharisees were there, but they were looking for something that they could accuse him of. But the people, who were not prejudice against Him and jealous, still admired him...

    Judea Jesus Deals With Hypocrisy, Covetousness, Worry... (Micah 7:6) Luke 12:1-59 A large crowd had got together to hear Christ preach. The scribes and Pharisees were there, but they were looking for something that they could accuse him of. But the people, who were not prejudice against Him and more

  • Watchful Servants

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jul 25, 2019

    The mood of fear is evoked in each of the three punishments

    The mood of fear is evoked in each of the three punishments according to Jewish biblical-era legislation (called halakhic legislation). Reading and hearing Scripture is "imaging the real" in all of its "moods”—and letting the tone of the text bring one to the truth of the more

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