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  • Mary Of Nazareth And Her Prophetic Journey With Jesus - Part 2 - The Dark Night Of The Soul - The Work Of The Cross In Your Life - Resurrection - The Day Of Pentecost Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Mar 23, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Our daily walk with God has days and seasons that are up and down, filled with challenges and blessings, favor and discipline, renewal, and spiritual warfare.

    "While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. But he replied to the man who told him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my more

  • Honoring Mothers On Mother's Day

    Contributed by William Akehurst on May 11, 2023

    I learned faith from a Bible reading, Bible memorizing, Bible speaking and Bible praying mother. Today we Worship the LORD for HIS Promises and give honor to our Mothers on this Mother’s day.

    2023.05.14.Sermon Notes. Honoring Mothers on Mother’s Day William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA: I learned faith from a Bible reading, Bible memorizing, Bible speaking and Bible praying mother. Today we Worship the LORD for HIS Promises and give honor to our Mothers on this Mother’s day. Proverbs more

  • Mary And Elizabeth Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Mar 22, 2021

    Working through the Gospel of Luke using consecutive expository preaching. Luke 1:39-45 This sermon fell on the Third Sunday of Advent

    Sermon: “Mary and Elizabeth” Luke 1:39-45 A sermon for December 13, 2020 Pastor John Bright Luke 1 “39 Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah, 40 and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. 41 And it happened, when Elizabeth heard more

  • The Complexity Of Christmas

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    We often see the first Christmas though rose colored glasses tinted by centuries of tradition. But the plain facts are that Mary and Joseph had a very difficult time with all the events surrounding that first Christmas.

    Approaching the Christmas season in 1972, Fred Putman decided to have a evening in front of a cozy fire. He used two boxes of matches, one pint of started fluid, and the Sunday addition of the New York Times, and still could not get the fireplace burning. Bent on romance by fire-light, he decided more

  • Mary, The Mother Of Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Jun 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon, the preacher focuses on the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. He believes that after Jesus Christ, Mary is the principal person in the history of salvation. He explains that it was pure love-in-faith which brought about Mary's motherhood to Jesus.

    Reflection Mary, the Mother of Jesus Why did God choose Mary? What was His reason for giving this particular place in His plan of salvation? This question can time to time arise in us when we think of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Christianity is not simply a religion. First and foremost, more

  • A Christmas Message – The Men Of The Incarnation Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 22, 2022

    It is most revealing to study the men of the Incarnation for some wonderful thoughts emerge. This Christmas message looks at a subject not often covered - the men. God bless all who read this, you and your families, for this Christmas and always.

    A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE – THE MEN OF THE INCARNATION ===================================== An explanation – I highlighted a number of words and phrases in the biblical text in red, but because the layout here can’t use formatting, I have placed those in capitals. I hope you don’t mind. I know more

  • My Soul Magnifies The Lord Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Dec 5, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    In this message we unpack Mary's song of praise (The Magnificat) found in Luke 1.

    My Soul Magnifies The Lord (The Magnificat) OKAY – who here like’s Christmas music? AND IF – you do, when do you start listening to it? DO – you have a Christmas playlist? NOW - this week I went on Spotify, and I found their ‘Best Christmas Playlist’ for 2022 (their top 100). NOW – I have no more

  • The Encouragement Among Believers Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Oct 22, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Life is full of surprises. Life is full of stresses and burdens. When we chose to follow God's will, the stresses and burdens of life can pull against His perfect will. That's why believers need each other and need to encourage one another.

    Grace Community Church Winchester, VA Rev. Bradford Reaves, Sr. Pastor Watch this message Introduction Have you ever had a situation, where you did the right thing, but the people around you were actually disappointed or angry with you? Over more

  • How Elizabeth Encouraged Mary Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Nov 23, 2020

    Mary has just received overwhelming news. To whom does she look? Elizabeth is the only one in the world that she knows of also dealing with a miraculous birth, so she quickly turns to her. How can we encourage others like Elizabeth encouraged Mary?

    SOMEONE ELSE: Mary was encouraged by what God was doing in Elizabeth’s life. - Luke 1:36, 39. - Mary had gotten mind-blowing news. Why did the angel mention Elizabeth? Because Elizabeth had gone through something similar. Certainly it was not a virgin pregnancy, but it nonetheless was a more

  • Mary's Visit With Elizabeth Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 3, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Given the immense social pressures & stigma that Mary was about to endure as an unwed mother, she sought & found solace with Elizabeth, who would believe the divine nature of her conception & understand its significance

    LUKE 1: 39-45 MARY’S VISIT TO ELIZABETH We have before us the joyful encounter between two expectant mothers, Elisabeth and Mary. The angel Gabriel initiated it by relaying to Mary the grace God bestowed on her cousin Elisabeth (v. 36), in her old age. So Mary goes to visit Elizabeth to more

  • John The Baptist Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 4, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A look at various characters in the Christmas story. This week we look at John the Baptist

    John the Baptist December 5, 2020 Have you ever received a Christmas card or bought cards and the picture on the front is magnificent? Maybe it’s a picture of the Shepherds and the angels; or it’s the wise men; maybe it’s Mary, Jesus and Joseph; or a simple star piercing the darkness over the more

  • The Christmas Story - Part 1 - Days 1-6 Series

    Contributed by Jenny Franklin on Dec 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This series gives a thought for each day taking us through the events of the birth and early life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Part 1 includes Days 1-6.

    DAY ONE Before the angel Gabriel talked to Mary, Gabriel visited Zacharias the priest. Gabriel told Zacharias that his elderly, barren wife Elisabeth would have a son. Gabriel said, “And you will name him John.” (vs 13) We know him as John the Baptist. Gabriel told Zacharias several things more

  • Mary - A Christmas Story Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 16, 2021

    While Mary has enjoyed high status throughout the centuries, she was the subject of gossip in her day. Mary’s scandal is this: she was an unwed pregnant teenager and all the tongues were wagging were in her small, conservative town of Nazareth.

    Just a few more days to Christmas… are you ready? We conclude a short Christmas series designed to make room in your heart to worship Jesus, entitled The Mothers of Jesus. For the last several weeks, we’ve been examining the four mothers of Jesus, the several women who served as Jesus’ distant more

  • Blessed Is She Who Believed Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jul 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This text reveals a promise that God would provide Mary with a very special gift within her womb, the gift of a son; but she would not be able to "unwrap" this gift until she submitted and believed the Lord’s promise to give it to her.

    Christmas time is upon us. When asked to name something about Christmas many people will mention gifts or presents. It’s always exiting to receive a gift! Amen? This morning we are going to see how the Lord would provide Mary with a very special gift within her womb, the gift of a son. He more

  • Mary's Song Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Dec 10, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    As young pregnant Mary faces the difficulties having to wear ridicule and moral judgement Mary humbly sings a powerful song where she glorifies God and rejoices in her Saviour.

    Message Luke 1:39-56 Mary’s Song It isn’t always easy to sing is it. I’m not talking about those of us who are musically-challenged – we don’t find it easy to sing. Even when we try really hard. I’m talking about those times in your life when you may not be in the mood for a song. One time I am more

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