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Sermons on lovingkindess:

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  • Part 19: God Wants Us To Pray For His Protection Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jan 31, 2025

    God Wants Us to Pray for His Protection... 1. So He exposes the evil that we face (vs. 1-4). 2. So He explains the excellence of our LORD God (vs. 5-9.) 3. So He gives us a great example of prayer (vs. 5-12).

    Great Prayers of the Old Testament Part 19: God Wants Us to Pray for His Protection Psalm 36:1-12 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared January 31, 2025) MESSAGE: *God is watching over us all the time. I can think of a dozen times when I would have been seriously hurt or killed, if the Lord more

  • God Is My Stronghold Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 20 ratings


    BIG IDEA: THE STRONGHOLD OF GOD IS OUR REFUGE FROM FIERCE ATTACKERS INTRODUCTION: This week I had the opportunity to visit Cochises’ Stronghold in the desert outside of Tucson, AZ. Very Impressive; a place of safety and refuge; no good way for the enemy to attack I. (:1-5) FIERCE ATTACKERS DRIVE more

  • Blessed

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Nov 17, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    I have this little quotation on my bulletin board in my office. It is entitled, “Life – But No Living”. It reads: First I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. And then I was dying

    SERMONIC / WORSHIP THEME Opening Statement: I have this little quotation on my bulletin board in my office. It is entitled, “Life – But No Living”. It reads: First I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. And then I was dying more

  • Resolutions 2009--Part 1

    Contributed by Blake Inscore on Oct 6, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    As we begin the New Year I want to provide some spiritual resolutions I believe we need to make and keep in 2009.

    Resolutions for 2009--Part I Proverbs 3:1-10 Introduction: Today is the first Sunday of 2009. I don’t know about you, but it seems that time just keeps moving faster and faster. As we celebrated this past week at my parent’s house, it was hard to believe that Blake Jr. has already been in the more

  • Cleaning The Carpet

    Contributed by Sherry Burton on Feb 20, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Picture for a moment carpet in your family room or any high traffic area. This carpet accumulates dust, dirt, and grime, etc. Now picture your soul as this carpet. You accumulate dust, dirt and grime, etc., these things are your sins.

    CLEANING THE CARPET Open In Prayer I. Introduction: A. Picture for a moment carpet in your family room or any high traffic area. This carpet accumulates dust, dirt, and grime, etc. 1. Most carpets have a stain resistant chemical on it to help protect it but it still needs cleaned periodically, more

  • Prayer In A Humble Place Series

    Contributed by Peter Bines on Sep 6, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    Here Jonah finds himself in a humble place where through prayer he gets back on track with God. His experience in the great fish shows us how sin sinks the soul; how hope is found in the depths and how grace lifts us up, resulting in a re-born compassion

    JONAH CHAPTER TWO INTRODUCTION In the late winter of 1891, the whale-ship ’Star of the East’ was in the area of the Falkland Islands when it sighted a whale. Two boats were sent out with harpoons to catch and kill the creature. But the whale’s lashing tail overturned one of the boats spilling the more

  • Worship, It Does A Body Good.

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Oct 17, 2020

    This is a part of a series I preached on the Psalms.

    Title: Worship – It’ll Do You Good. Script: Ps. 100 Type: Expos. Where: GNBC rw 10-18-20 Intro: I read an article recently about President Kennedy. Kennedy had many serious health problems that he suffered from throughout his life. He had a serious kidney disease, along with several other more

  • Sharing Christmas Greetings Series

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Dec 12, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Vital ways God taught us to share Christmas greetings.

    Ever wondered where the idea of Christmas greetings came from? Why do we greet others with “Merry Christmas” and send Christmas cards, letters and emails? The idea comes from God. God was the first Christmas greeter and He didn’t send a card or even an email to say, “Merry Christmas” to the more

  • Scoundrels In Heaven

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Sep 17, 2015

    We tend to think of some people as almost unsaveable, but is that true? And when Paul describes a litany of sinners, he also notes that "such were some of you." Truly, there will be scoundrels in heaven, including you and me

    Scoundrels in Heaven TCF Sermon November 16, 2014 In the midst of preparing this sermon this past week, our brother in Christ, Mike Ferrill, went to be with the Lord. I considered what the best way to honor Mike’s memory would be – to preach what I’d already begun to plan, or to more

  • Fullness Of Joy And Rivers Of Pleasure

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Apr 25, 2006
    based on 106 ratings

    There’s something missing in the lives of so many of God’s people, and it’s called JOY. God’s desire is that we would experience fullness of joy, and rivers of pleasure.

    FULNESS OF JOY AND RIVERS OF PLEASURE: By Pastor Chris Jordan This morning when you woke up, I hope that your heart was the same as mine, and that you said as the Psalmist David did, “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go to the house of the Lord!” (Psalm 122:1). I hope that you didn’t more

  • Psalm 103 - A Psalm Of Personal, Passion, Perpetual Praise! Series

    Contributed by Thomas Fortini on Mar 23, 2021

    We spend most of our time in prayer asking for things, that are many times related to this lifetime, but we should spend more time in prayer praising and thanking God for what he has already given us eternally in Christ!…

    I once heard a humorous little story, that is based on the imagery that is captured in Revelation 5:8, that will serve well as an introduction to today’s message… Revelation 5:8b the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were more