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  • Loving Our Neighbour Is Loving Like Christ Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 21, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    What does it really mean to love our neighbour? Let’s explore this deeply biblical concept and its implications for our daily lives.

    Loving Our Neighbour Is Loving Like Christ Loving our neighbour is one of the most profound and practical expressions of our faith. It’s a command directly from Jesus, and it represents a love that reflects God’s heart for humanity. To love our neighbour is to demonstrate kindness, compassion, and more

  • Your Neighbour As Yourself Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 29, 2021

    Loving our neighbour as ourselves means not looking for loopholes in the way we act towards our neighbours, but to live knowing that every part of Scriptures hangs off the commands to love God and love our neighbour.

    Message Mark 12:31 Your Neighbour As Yourself Let’s start today by talking about loopholes. A loophole is what happens when a contract, or rule, or statute is written in such a way that the obligations of that contract, rule, or statute can be ignored or evaded. There are heaps of examples but a more

  • Love Of Neighbour

    Contributed by William Baeta on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law an

    Theme: Love of neighbour Text: Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thess. 1:5-10; Matt. 22:34-40 Jesus encountered opposition from the people we would least expect to oppose Him. He was opposed of all people by the religious leadership of the Jews. His critics were always trying to trap Him without success. In more

  • Love God, Love People - It's That Easy, It's That Complicated

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Nov 5, 2013

    An informal exposition of Jesus' teaching on loving God and loving our neighbour.

    This is a short homily for a Tuesday night gathering called The Feast, at The Yonge Street Mission What’s a hobby or pastime of yours? Can you name one thing that you really, really enjoy. You really like a lot? What do you love the most, more than anything on the planet? Love is a strange more

  • Love Your Neighbour

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 18, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Agape love as the fulfillment of the law.

    LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR. Romans 13:8-10. The imperative, “To no one nothing owe you (all), but to love one another” (Romans 13:8a) follows on from the discussion of being subject to ‘the powers that be’ who - whether we voted for them or not - are ‘ordained of God’ (cf. Romans 13:1). This more

  • Can Loving God And Our Neighbours Be Made Easier?

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Nov 12, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    We are all obsessed by receiving love, it is natural, yet God wants us to radiate love, his love; but to radiate love we need to receive it. How and why should we do this?

    This sermon was delivered to Holy Trinity in Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 29th October 2017 (a Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries). Leviticus 19.1-2, 15-18 Psalms 1 1 Thessalonians 2.1-8 Matthew 22.34-46 Psalm 19:14: Let the words of my mouth, and the more

  • The Royal Law: Love One Another

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jun 13, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    In James chapter two, we learn about the royal command: to love our neighbour as ourselves.

    JOURNEY THROUGH JAMES #4: THE ROYAL LAW: LOVE ONE ANOTHER INTRO TO JAMES: “James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings.” (James 1:1, NKJV). • Review Week #1: James = the half-brother of Jesus and a leader more

  • Justice And The Love Of Neighbour.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 7, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A holy walk with God is best seen in our attitudes to others.

    JUSTICE AND THE LOVE OF NEIGHBOUR. Leviticus 19:1-2, Leviticus 19:15-18. In the midst of Jesus’ best-known ethical sermon, the Lord taught the foundational motive for right Christian living: ‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect’ (Matthew 5:48). In more

  • True Love Is Practical Love

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Mar 13, 2014

    God's love for us is not abstract but real, practical and eternal; so when Jesus says we should love our neighbour it means our love for those around us should also be real and practical.

    OT Reading - Deuteronomy 6 v.1-9 NT Reading - 1st Corinthians 13 v.1-13 SERMON: True love is practical love The Pop charts always seem to include many love songs, such as “All you need is love” and “Love, love me do” by the Beatles in the 1960’s; "Love me tender, more

  • The Good Samaritan Series

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Feb 13, 2002
    based on 98 ratings

    In our reading today, Jesus said there were only two rules in life. 1. To love God 2. To love our neighbour

    Field Dalling Family Service 03-02-02 Good Samaritan - Luke 10: 25-37 Introduction: We all live with RULES don’t we? Question: How many of you drove to church by car today? Question: On what side of the road did your Mum or Dad drive? The reason they drive on the left hand side is because more

  • Yes, Even Love The Neighbours We Don't Like!

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Oct 21, 2012

    A short all-age talk given to a congregation where about a third were visitors to the Church. Jesus calls us to love God and love our neighbours as ourselves - with all of the love, care and attention that we would wish for ourselves.

    I need someone to tell me about their favourite singer or favourite band – someone you’re crazy about. How often do you listen to their music? Would you like to meet them in person? Would you travel to see them in concert? Now I need someone to tell me about their favourite author, an more

  • Loving Your Neighbor Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 14, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus has called us to love our neighbour with an extravagant, generous love, acceptance and forgiveness. When we do this, people will recognize that we are children of our Father in Heaven.

    TRANSFORMATION #3: LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOUR OPENING: Video Clip: The Art of Neighbouring INTRO TO TOPIC: We live in a world where few people know how to connect in deep and meaningful relationships with one another. We need to rediscover the art of neighbouring. It’s time to disconnect from more

  • Neighbours.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 12, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Applying Christian ethics to our daily dealings.

    NEIGHBOURS. Leviticus 19:13-18. This section deals with certain ethical matters, framed for the economic, social, judicial, and neighbourly aspects of daily living. The refrain throughout is “I am the LORD,” or “I am the LORD your God.” A holy walk with God is best seen in our attitudes to more

  • Love And Obedience.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 1, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Loving your neighbour in these end times.

    LOVE AND OBEDIENCE. Romans 13:8-14. I). LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR. Romans 13:8-10. The imperative, “To no one nothing owe you (all), but to love one another” (Romans 13:8a) follows on from the discussion of being subject to ‘the powers that be’ who - whether we voted for them or not - are more

  • Love For God And Neighbour

    Contributed by Herman Abrahams on Nov 11, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Compiled by: Herman Abrahams (Pastor), Cornerstone Faith Ministries, P.O. Box 740, Westridge 7802, Rep. of South Africa. E-Mail: Note to the reader: If you have been blessed with this sermon compilation, I would be honoured to receive an e-mail from you more

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