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  • Love In Action

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Jul 31, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    The fullness of living in the love of Christ requires faith AND action in his name.

    Love in Action I John 3:16-24 May 7, 2006 There was this girl who called her boyfriend one day and asked him to come over to her house because she needed some help. She had started to put together a jigsaw puzzle and she just couldn’t get it. She had been working on it all afternoon and hadn’t more

  • Love In Action

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Jul 13, 2005
    based on 65 ratings

    The parable of the good Samaritan

    Love In Action Luke 10:25-37 April 17, 2005 Luke 10:25-28 (NLT) One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: "Teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?" [26] Jesus replied, "What does the law of Moses say? How do you read it?" [27] more

  • Love In Action

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Oct 16, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    How do we actually love each other? Scripture gives us a variety of guidelines and illustrations for doing so.

    Love in Action-Caring for each other 10-16-11 Romans 12:9-16 9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in more

  • Love In Action

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 10, 2012

    Jesus gave His life for us; we should do the same for our brothers.

    Love in Action October 21, 2007 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Jesus gave His life for us; we should do the same for our brothers. Focus Passage: I John 3:16-18 Supplemental Passage: Php 2:5-8 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in more

  • Love In Action Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on May 17, 2016
    based on 7 ratings

    We’re continuing through in our series through the Beatitudes. This sermon will be looking at the fifth beatitude, one that deals not only with our relationship with God, but the way God wants us to deal with one another, and that is with mercy.

    Sermon on the Mount “Love in Action” Matthew 5:7 We’re continuing through our series through the Beatitudes. Today we’re going to be looking at the fifth beatitude, one that deals not only with our relationship with God, but the way God wants us to deal with one another, more

  • Love In Action Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 21, 2016

    1) Assurance of being in the truth (vv. 19–20), 2) Give confidence that prayer will be answered (vv. 21–22), and 3) Assure the believer of union with Christ (vv. 23–24).

    Have you ever been praying and suddenly your conscience says something like this to you: “Look at you! Who do you think you are to come before God and ask anything from him! Why just this week you did things and said things that would disqualify you from ever receiving anything from God. more

  • Love In Action!

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jan 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus reveals the pathway of true ministry - 1. Reaching Out To People 2. Connecting With People 3. Restoring People To Wholeness and Community

    Scripture: Mark 1:40-45 (Call to Worship - Psalm 30) Title: "Love - In - Action" Jesus reveals the pathway of true ministry - 1. Reaching Out to People 2. Connecting With People 3. Restoring People to Wholeness and Community INTRO: Grace and peace from God our Father more

  • Love In Action Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Oct 12, 2023

    Apostle Paul lays out how we should be representing our faith and our relationship to the Lord.

    Love in Action Romans chapter 12:9-21 Introduction- Good morning, if you could turn to Romans chapter 12. We will be looking at Paul’s letter to the church concerning our everyday actions. He lays out how as believers we should be representing our faith and our relationship to the Lord and to more

  • Love In Action Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jul 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    'Love in action' - Romans chapter 12 verses 9-21 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Love displayed in the family/Church (vs 9-13). • (a). Love is genuine (vs 9a): • (b). Love is good (vs 9b): (2). Love displayed in a hostile world (vs 14—21). • Principle #1: Love fights evil with good. • Principle #2: Love is sensitive to other’ feelings. SERMON more

  • Authentic Love In Action Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Jun 4, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    Three dimensions of authentic love, seen in love for God, love for our church, and love for our community.

    One of the stranger enigmas of modern history is the 18th century French thinker Rousseau (Johnson 1-27). Rousseau’s ideas were immensely influential in 18th century Europe. Rousseau believed he loved the entire human race with a unique and special kind of love. Yet Rousseau’s life was a complete more

  • Loving With Actions And In Truth Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 11, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We are a people who put others first, who freely share, and who love in truth and action.

    Loving With Actions And In Truth: Who We Are 1 John 3:16-22 Oct 16, 2005 Intro: What is love? I’m married to a scientist; some of her colleagues would describe love simply as a biochemical reaction in the brain that produces a variety of emotional stimuli and motivation for behavior. Is more

  • Powerful Love In Action

    Contributed by Kristopher Morris on Feb 11, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    In these verses we see God’s powerful love revealed in the actions of His Son, Jesus. This love lives on in our lives, as we serve others for Christ’s sake.

    “Powerful Love in Action” Luke 6:17-26 February 15, 2004 Pain exists. Suffering is real. It takes many forms. I received an email this week from a man in Moscow via our church website. He had seen our webpage on the internet and he reached out to us through email. His son suffered an more

  • Love-In-Action Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 4, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Outline: • Murderous un-love, 11-15 • Sacrificial love, 16-17 • Confirming love, 18-20 • Love¡¦s outcome, 21-24

    I¡¦d like to begin by quoting an 8-year old theologian: ¡§There are two kinds of love. Our love. God¡¦s love. But God makes both of them.¡¨ God is the Source of love. This is something we¡¦ve known from the beginning of our Christian experience. ƒçMurderous un-love, verses 11-15 An old Burt more

  • Christ's Love In Action

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Feb 2, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    I John 3:18, “Let us love not with words or tongue, but with action and in truth.”

    Christ’s Love In Action I John 4:7-12 Welcome Willow Vale Church, thanks for coming today. On the back flap of your worship program you’ll see the outline for today’s message. With Valentine’s Day coming up in a couple of weeks I want to focus on the theme of love for the next two Sundays. more

  • Love Is An Action Word!

    Contributed by Victor Ramlall on Nov 30, 2013

    Love is a vital underpin in the life of the believer in Christ. It is what drives God to reach out to us and it is what should compel the believer in the daily Christian walk.

    1 Corinthians 13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, more