Christ's Love In Action
Contributed by Ray Ellis on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: I John 3:18, “Let us love not with words or tongue, but with action and in truth.”
Christ’s Love In Action
I John 4:7-12
Welcome Willow Vale Church, thanks for coming today. On the back flap of your worship program you’ll see the outline for today’s message.
With Valentine’s Day coming up in a couple of weeks I want to focus on the theme of love for the next two Sundays. Today let’s see how we can put Christ’s love into action.
The Apostle Paul instructed the Christians in Corinth to “Do everything in love.” I Corinthians 16:14
The Apostle John gave Christ followers this challenge: “Let us stop just saying we love each other; let’s really show it by our actions.” I John 3:18
I. Christ’s love is Compelling
The love of Christ compels us to reach out to others with God’s love. Andrew was one of the first followers of Jesus. Andrew grew up in the fishing village of Bethsaida. Five of the twelve apostles grew up in Bethsaida, Peter, Andrew, James, John and Philip.
Andrew heard of a young preacher that came to their area who was preaching near the Jordan River. He asked his fishing friend, John, to go with him to hear the preacher, John the Baptizer. They were impressed by the fiery preaching of John the Baptizer and became his followers. On another day they heard John the Baptist introduce another preacher, named Jesus. He said Jesus was the “Lamb of God that would take away the sins of the world.” John 1:36 Andrew and John met Jesus and spent the evening listening to his teachings. That was a transforming visit for Andrew. He hurried back to Bethsaida to find his brother Simon. Andrew said to Simon, “Simon, I have fund the Messiah! Come and meet Him, too!”
Andrew was not an upfront person. He was one who would sit in the last chair in church. He was more of an introvert than an extrovert. Yet when he personally found Jesus the Messiah, the “Anointed One,” he went to find his brother Simon.
One time missionary, D.T. Niles once said that witnessing and telling others about Jesus is just like “One beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.”
You don’t have to know all the doctrines of the church, have a vast knowledge of all the religions in the world, or excel in debating. If you know Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord you have a story to tell.
Andrew probably didn’t realize the impact his brother, Simon Peter, would have on the Christian world. Although Andrew was the one who brought Simon Peter to Jesus, and Peter became a leader in the early church and Andrew was content to walk in the shadow of his brother.
When Andrew was introduced to others, he was introduced, as “This is Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.” In the listing of the twelve Apostles in Matthew 10:2 and Luke 6:14 Andrew is listed as “Simon Peter’s brother.”
As you faithfully tell others about Jesus you never know the impact your witness might have on others. It takes many Andrews to keep the ministry of Jesus Christ going and growing.
In the Willow Vale Church we have Andrews that fix the breakfast for the first service, prepare communion, teach Christian life classes, count the offering every Sunday, serve as ushers and greeters, arrange flowers, and carry on many activities behind the scenes.
Andrew was content to live in the shadow of his brother. Christ’s love compelled Andrew to faithfully serve the Lord though often unnoticed.
A young adult member of a church was fortunate to have an older wealthy brother who purchased a new car for him for his birthday. It was a beautiful blue Lincoln Continental fully loaded.
A few days later, the man came drown from his office to get into his new car and found a young boy, looking over the car. “Mister, is that your car?” the man told the boy that it was. “How much did it cost?” “Why, it didn’t cost me anything.” My older brother gave it to me.” “Wow,” said the boy. “I wish…” “I wish I could be a brother like your brother!”
Whatever your personality makeup the love of Christ compels you to faithfully tell your brother and family and friends about Jesus. “I have found the Messiah, I want you to meet Him too.”
II. Christ’s Love Calls Us to Action
Our actions prove our love. The scripture commands us to “love one another.” I John 3:11 “Anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” I John 4:8
Why are we to love the Lord, because He first loved us? I John 4:19 - We love because God first loved us.”
We sometimes sing the hymn:
“O Love that will not let me go.
I rest my weary soul in Thee,