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Sermons on love for neighbor:

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  • Be Loving Series

    Contributed by Scott Weber on Mar 23, 2001
    based on 111 ratings

    The fourth in a series on Matthew 24 & 25, this message focuses on being loving, since Jesus is coming back and we don’t know when.

    Because Jesus Is Returning . . . "Be Loving - Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 10:25-37" We have been studying through Matthew 24,25 - with this overall theme . . . Because Jesus is returning and we don’t know when, how should we be living? A soldier was finally returning from the Vietnam war. He called more

  • Jesus, The Good Samaritain

    Contributed by Brandon Queen on Oct 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We will be in a familiar passage. A passage that explains to us how we should treat our neighbors.

    ENGAGE: Open with greeting the members. Would you fight to live? Would you fight to save another person’s life? Would you be a good Samaritan no matter the outcome? Opening Question and Statement: On or around July 25, 2021, A group of people spoke out about saving an unconscious man slumped over more

  • The Limits Of Love Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Houck on Mar 14, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Love nevers fails but are there limits to what love will do?

    Two weeks ago we established the principle that love is not a feeling, but rather an action. Last week, we attempted to apply that principle to the problem of dealing with enemies. This morning, we wrap up our look at love with what I think is a very crucial question; does love ever set limits? more

  • Fifth Sunday Of Easter, Year C- "Sharon Loves You, Jesus Speaking. How May I Help You?"

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Apr 28, 2022

    William Blake poem: “I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see; I sought my God, but my God eluded me; I sought my neighbor, and I found all three.”

    A woman once told of her experience as a Church secretary. When she answered the phone she’d say, “Jesus loves you, Sharon speaking. How may I help you?” But one day she got distracted because she was talking to others in the office. When the phone rang, she answered: “Sharon loves you, Jesus more

  • The Centrality Of Love

    Contributed by Jim Kane on May 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    First Sermon of a post-Easter series on love.

    (Slide 1) A song from the 1950’s said that “Love is a many splendored thing.’ I would also suggest that love is a very resilient thing as the following situations reveal. First, the resiliency of love reveals itself in the story of two newlyweds. Now prior to the marriage the groom was more

  • The Fruit Of Love Series

    Contributed by David Cambridge on Aug 7, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    This lesson discusses three aspects of love: its meaning, scope, and expression.

    Get Sermon Outliner for Word: The Fruit Of Love Introduction 1. The triad of spiritual graces we are now considering (Love, joy, and peace) are the foundation of good social conduct. The first of these graces is love, of which the more

  • The Law Of Love Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Aug 23, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Part 10:Sermon on the Mount Series - Jesus speaks of the Law of Love, and how we can achieve walking in it.

    The Great Commission Part 10 – Sermon on the Mount – The Law of Love Pastor Bruce A. Shields House of Faith – WELCOME INTRODUCTION TO SERMON † The Sermon on the Mount – The Beatitudes † We are the Salt, staying pure with God’s Holy Word † We are the Light, showing that Word to the more

  • Loving God; Loving God's People

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Oct 23, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    2 greatest commandments Love God, love people. In thaat order we will have and keep a healthy relationship with God and with the people we come in contact with everyday.

    Loving God; Loving God’s people Matthew 22:37-40 Matthew 22:37-40 Loving God, Loving God’s people- that is a command from the Lord. It is not a suggestion. It is a commandment. He more

  • Love And Light Series

    Contributed by Andy Flowers on Jul 21, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Series in Romans

    Text: Romans 13:8-14 Title: Love and Light (Double Feature) Romans 13:8-14 8 Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. 9 For this, "YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, YOU SHALL NOT MURDER, YOU SHALL NOT STEAL, YOU SHALL NOT COVET," and more

  • Love

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Dec 12, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Understanding the Love that God has for us at Christmas

    The story of the candy cane • A Candy maker in Indiana wanted to make a candy that could be used as a witnessing tool, so he made the Christmas Candy Cane. • He incorporated several symbols for the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus. • He began with stick of pure white, hard candy. • White to more

  • Loving The Lord

    Contributed by Jonathan Kruschel on Aug 28, 2019

    Are you a good Samaritan? We might try to help other people, but is that really what Jesus was trying to teach when he told the story about the good Samaritan? Look to what leads up to this parable and see how Jesus' story is so much more than just a lesson teaching us to help other people.

    “Help other people.” When did you learn that lesson? That is one of the very basic lessons that we normally learn at a very early age. Someone drops something, you pick it up. Someone falls down on the playground, you help them up. If there is someone who is need, you share what you have been more

  • Loving God

    Contributed by Larry East on Feb 13, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon shows that true love for God is more than words; it takes actions.

    Loving God During the month of February, we’ve been talking about love. Two weeks ago, we talked about the fact that real love is not passion, but real love is a promise and a commitment. And we saw that kind of real love between a husband and wife through the story of Hosea, who loved his wife more

  • The End Is Love Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 17, 2021

    Paul took very seriously the exalting of love to the supreme place in the Christian life. In all of his letters it is the supreme goal, for to be filled with agape love is to be filled with Christ.

    Someone has said, "You can never win in the game of life if you don't know where the goal posts are." You can't win in any game if you don't have a goal. Great men in every walk of life have been those with a goal, and a determination to reach it. It is difficult to more

  • The End Is Love Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 29, 2021

    Paul urges them to make love the primary goal of their ministry. He then gives the three means necessary to arrive at this goal. They are a pure heart, a good conscience, and a genuine faith.

    Someone has said, "You can never win in the game of life if you don't know where the goal posts are." You can't win in any game if you don't have a goal. Great men in every walk of life have been those with a goal, and a determination to reach it. It is difficult to more

  • Unlikely Vessel’s

    Contributed by Darrell Vaughn on Jul 5, 2010
    based on 164 ratings

    Who is my neighbor?

    Please note, I appreciate the ratings but if you can not rate them positive please don’t rate them at all. “Father, I am your servant, willing and desiring to be used to bless your people.” Christianity begins with grace, and then grace follows us throughout our Christian experience. more

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