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  • Fear Not Series

    Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on Dec 6, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Fear Not

    A.Times when God Seems SsLOW 1. Sometimes God seems to be moving at high speeds 2. At other times it seems that He is so slow in His program a. The four hundred years of silence between testaments b. Words of the prophets must have seemed vain B. The whirlwind pace then and now 1. more

  • Fear Not Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Dec 7, 2007
    based on 21 ratings

    We fear Jospeh & Mary Feared also

    Fear NOT Luke 1:30 Times when God Seems Slow Sometimes God seems to be moving at high speed At other times it seems that He is so slow in His program The four hundred years of silence between testaments Words of the prophets must have seemed vain The Whirlwind Pace then & Now Angels sent on more

  • Hope In Dark Times

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Sep 8, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The objective of this message is to remind us that there remains a hope for the believer beyond their darkest hour.

    Today message is about a man named Job. The name Job means hated or persecuted. I. Job the Man He was a strange mixture: He was blessed and blameless. He was righteous and rich. He was successful and sacrificial. He had plenty and was prayerful. He had money and was merciful. II. What He more

  • Better Than Anything - Philippians 3:7-9 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Feb 3, 2022

    Why is it so evil for a person to try to make himself righteous?

    Philippians 3:7 But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them filth, that I may gain Christ 9 and be more

  • Six Warning Signs Of Drifting Away

    Contributed by Doug Gilford on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 319 ratings

    This sermon tells about the symptoms of drifting away from God.

    Hebrews 2:1 I had an old Pastor that would tell me “Warning comes before destruction.” What he was saying is that before God sends down a judgement against a people. He always sends a warning as in the case of Jonah, and the city of Nineveh. I believe God sends us warning when we start drifting more

  • Prayer Program To Reverse The Effects Of Past Rape, Attempted Rape, Sexual

    Contributed by Babatunmishe Oke on Mar 3, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    This is an excerpt from the Pastor's book on Rape and Molestation. The book can be found on

    This chapter is a mega-chapter and it is a do-it-yourself DELIVERANCE program to attack the issues of negative effects of rape and attempted rape, assault, and molestation. STEPS TO DELIVERANCE There are six basic steps to deliverance from rape situations; 1. Identify the issues that have come more

  • Preaching From Philippians #10

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Dec 28, 2021

    We have all done our share of boasting. We generally start this bad habit of boasting when we are a child.

    Illus: Three boys are in the school yard bragging of how great their fathers are. • The first one says: "My father runs the fastest. He can fire an arrow and start to run, and he gets to the target before the arrow." • The second one says: "Ha! You think that's fast! My father more

  • Sharing The Sorrow Of God Series

    Contributed by Johann Neethling on Jul 15, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Examination of the second BE-Attitude: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

    PURSUING HAPPINESS : Sharing the Sorrow of God Matthew 5:4 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 1. Last Sunday we commenced an 8 week journey through the Beatitudes that will take us up till the end of August. 2. Just a few reminders about this passage which forms the opening statements of Jesus’ Sermon on more

  • Do You Know Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Juan P Barrientez Jr. on Jun 15, 2014

    Many profess to KNOW Jesus, but what does that mean?

    To KNOW Christ means: We have no confidence in the flesh (vv 2-6). Paul here is contrasting his life with that of the Judaizers. The Judaizers were a group of Jews who believed that in order for you to become a Christian you had to follow the Jewish law. Specifically, Paul addresses circumcision. more

  • Overcoming The Enemy Within

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 50 ratings

    1. Know that Jesus said, "What comes out of a man is what makes him unclean.

    1. Know that Jesus said, "What comes out of a man is what makes him unclean. For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly." (Mark 7:20,21) Every outward act of sin is more

  • Ruth’s Story Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 24, 2011

    Ruth was called a woman of noble and faithful character. The book of Ruth is a romantic drama of the life of a Godly non-Jewish woman who had trust in Jehovah-Jirah. She was also committed to staying with her grieving mother-in-law through the crisis of l

    Series Intro: Series BC Justice League of Bible Super Heroes: In a world of chaos and destruction, many are called but few are chosen. Join us as we explore the events surrounding the lives of those biblical heroes; these are the true stories of the BC Justice League. more

  • Ruths Story Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 18, 2017

    Ruth was called a woman of noble and faithful character. The book of Ruth is a romantic drama of the life of a Godly non-Jewish woman who had trust in Jehovah-Jirah. She was also committed to staying with her grieving mother-in-law through the crisis of l

    Series Intro: Today we are looking at extraordinary woman of faith who has no fame, fortune or position of power. Yet this extra-ordinary non-Jewish woman finds her story being told centuries later. She does not perform any miracles in her story, she does not change the course of a nation in her more

  • Introduction To Book Of Lamentations - Jerusalem In Agony

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Mar 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Sin is not worth the priced tag!

    Intro: 1. Swindoll, “At one time or another, all of us have enjoyed the fleeting pleasures of sin…Because, we are sinners by nature, we are prone to shove aside, the anguishing reality of the effects of compromise, so that, we can more thoroughly embrace the thrills of evil. Realizing more

  • Don't Put Your Slippers On Yet

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 15 ratings

    Intro.: 1.

    Intro.: 1. Moses thought he was all washed up! a. His situation: 1) 80 yr. old has-been, fugitive from law, sheep-herder of others. 2) Once he had it real good (son of Pharaoh's daughter). 3) Not much to look forward to (pension from Egypt. civil service). b. Moses thru with Moses, but God more

  • Gaining Victory Over Depression Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on May 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Using Neil Anderson’s book "Overcoming Depression" to help gain victory over the spiritual and emotional battle of depression.

    We are concluding our series “Victory in Jesus” this week, I am actually cutting the series short because Mother’s Day is next week. I didn’t think we would want to be studying depression on Mother’s Day. Our series has focused on God’s promise that through Jesus we have victory over sin and the more

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