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Sermons on loss of testimony:

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  • To Be: Mournful Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Oct 15, 2011

    What do we mourn? Loss of loved ones, jobs, opportunities and the like. We are called to mourn our loss of our relationship with God.

    To Be Mourning. Illust: I helped him cry. Some commentators deny that this mourning is for sin (e.g., Bonnard). Others (e.g., Schweizer) understand it to be mourning for any kind of misery. The reality is subtler. The godly remnant of Jesus' day weeps because of the humiliation of Israel, but they more

  • How To Make Your Reputation As A Believer Precede You

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 11, 2014

    A church without evangelism is a contradiction in terms, just as fire that does not burn is a contradiction.

    How to Make Your Reputation as a Believer Precede You Gal. 1:22-24Introduction: A Elton Trueblood, Quaker scholar, once compared evangelism to fire. a Evangelism occurs, he said, when Christians are so ignited by their contact with Christ that they in turn set other fires. It is easy to determine more

  • What Are You Standing On

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Oct 24, 2011

    Exposition of Hebrews 11 regarding three descriptions of faith.

    Text: Heb 11:1-3, Title: What Are You Standing On? Date/Place: NRBC, 10.22.11, PM A. Opening illustration: Faith is unutterable trust in God, trust which never dreams that He will not stand by us.” — Oswald Chambers, "Is this really, THE water jug of THE prophet Joel from the more

  • If You Were Only Guilty Of One Fleeting Sinful Thought, A Lifetime Of Righteous Deeds Could Not Justify You.

    Contributed by David Goering on Aug 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Our sin has earned a wage of infinite loss and this loss cannot be undone, even if we dedicated our entire life as an effort to undo it.

    SCRIPTURE: James 2:10 "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in ONE point, he is guilty of all." Romans 3:20 "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin." PROPOSITION: To use these texts and others to more

  • God's Grace And Mercy Is Sufficient Series

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on Jun 15, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    My testimony continued

    In spite of my tragic lot in life, I refuse to feel sorry about the situation I currently face. As good as my life was before the diagnoses I received, God would continue to make it just that much better. Because of my trust and obedience to him not only do I continue to live without the aid of more

  • Our Triumph Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Dec 20, 2013

    The gift of our testimony.

    Revelation 12:10-12 (p. 867) December 22, 2013 Introduction: I think some of the most amazing words written is Scripture are found in John’s Revelation, and verses 7-9 of Revelation Chapter 12 are up there in the amazing category. “Then war broke out in heaven, Michael and his more

  • How Can The Lord Help Us Find Comfort During The Loss Of A Dear Friend?

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 28 ratings

    How can we find comfort during the loss of a family member or friend? 1.

    How can we find comfort during the loss of a family member or friend? 1. Ask the Lord to be your comforter in times of grief. Paul writes, "Who comforts us in all our sorrow so that we can offer others, in their sorrows, the consolation that we have received from God ourselves." (2 Cor. 1 :4) 2. more

  • Looking Out For #1

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 22, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    By looking out only for himself, Lot suffered the loss of everything.

    July 8, 2001 Genesis 13 “Looking out for #1- the story of Lot” part 1 I want to tell you a story this morning. It’s a true story. It’s a story about a man who made bad choices. Every choice that he made was on the basis what he thought was in his best interest. This man had a more

  • Blameless Living Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 16, 2021

    Peter called his readers to fortify their testimonies with two crucial aspects of righteous living: 1) a personal, godly discipline that is inward and private 1 Peter 2 :11), and a 2) personal, godly deportment that is outward and public 1 Peter 2 :12).

    1 Peter 2:11-12 [11] Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. [12] Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the more

  • When Life Takes The Life Out Of Life Series

    Contributed by Tony Klinedinst on Aug 9, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    Lessons on how we respond to times of loss and pain

    WHEN “LIFE” TAKES THE LIFE OUT OF OUR LIVES Growing Through Loss: Luke 22,24 Introduction: Tony in the dryer. Explain loss (Swindoll) (Read text) Explain the loss felt by disciples. I.Times of loss require a control of your passions. (LK 22:49-51) A. Explain the context. 1.According to more

  • Why Does God Permit Evil On Babies At Birth?

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 25, 2014

    Why should children suffer from pain or loss?

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Thalidomide was introduced in 1957 and over 7,000 children were born without limbs (deformity). Forty percent died. 2. Birth problems, 1,500 deaths per 100,000 births. 3. Abortion. 4. Child starved and beaten by mother’s lover. 5. Birth Hypoxia, lack of oxygen at more

  • How To Grieve Without Obsessing

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jul 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians have the emotional and spiritual resources to cope with loss.

    20110703 The Third Sunday After Pentecost - Web Site Title: How to Grieve without Obsessing Text: II Samuel 1 – 2:7 Thesis: Christians have the emotional and spiritual resources to cope with loss. Introduction On July 4, 1776, just 235 years ago, the Continental Congress adopted The more

  • Hundredfold Return!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 31, 2020

    God will remove the curses and make up for all the loss!

    SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 Hundredfold return! Genesis 47:1 “Then Joseph went in and told Pharaoh, and said, "My father and my brothers and their flocks and their herds and all that they have, have come out of the land of Canaan; and behold, they are in the land of Goshen." When you patiently more

  • Lies, Lies Sweet Little Lies = Do Not Bear False Testimony Series

    Contributed by John Gullick on Nov 23, 2015

    A sermon that looks at the danger of lies. I used a number of resources from other sermons so want to acknowledge that some of this is "borrowed" thinking.

    There is a pop song called lies lies sweet little lies. Our bible verse this morning would suggest that there is nothing sweet or little about lies. Particularly lies that bear false testimony Ravi Zacharias illustrated the many ways a person can tell the truth when he told the story of two more

  • Defending The Faith Sermon Vi: Fortunate To Be Free To Share Our Testimony Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on May 6, 2020

    In times of upheaval, when our Christian Faith is attacked by unbelievers and scoffers, mature Christians are fortunate to be free to share their testimony of the power of God unto salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    IN TIMES LIKE THESE -- FORTUNATE ARE WE WHO ARE FREE TO SHARE OUR CHRISTIAN TESTIMONY In this year of our Lord 2020, may our foresight as well as our hindsight be 20/20! May hindsight of our encounter with Christ be as persuadable as was the Apostle Paul’s when he got his more

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