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  • God Exalting Church PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To emphasize the importance of humbling ourselves, decreasing in our own importance, to allow God to increase in our lives, and how this surrender can positively impact our church and community.

    Good morning, Church! Today's message is one of humility, of sacrifice, and of the power that lies within a church that lifts God high above all else. We're going to unwrap the profound truth hidden in John 3:30 which says, "He must increase, but I must decrease." It's about The Necessity of more

  • He Must Increase, I Must Decrease

    Contributed by Colin Coombs on Oct 20, 2005
    based on 30 ratings

    A challenge to give the Lord His rightfil place in our lives.

    He Must Increase -- I Must Decrease John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease. [AV ] He must become greater; I must become less. [NIV] He must grow greater and greater and I less and less. [JBP] Him it behoveth to increase, and me to become less. [Young Lit] He is to go on growing while I more

  • He Must Increase PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 8, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores John the Baptist's humility and joy in serving Christ, challenging us to emulate his dedication and selflessness in our own discipleship.

    Good morning, dear church family. It is always a joy to gather together in this sacred space, a sanctuary where we can leave behind the clamor of the world and focus our hearts and minds on the One who is our refuge and strength. Today, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of a profound more

  • Love Increases When Power Decreases

    Contributed by Paul George on Dec 26, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    How to increase love in a relationship.

    Love Increases When Power Decreases Philippians 2:5-11 Frederick Nietzsche, one of the founders of modern existentialism, analyzed human personality and claimed the basic motivation behind all human behavior is “The Will to Power.” He said that it is the craving and the desire to have power that more

  • Increase

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jul 20, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In order for you to experience the fullness of Christ in your life you must decrease so He can increase.

    July 22, 2012 Morning Worship Text: Colossians 2:8-10 Subject: The Fullness of Being In Christ Title: Increase As we move forward in our Year of the Harvest Revival I have to tell you that I am finding out more about my own faith than I ever have before. I am really being challenged in some more

  • He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 17, 2021

    what makes a ministry "successful?"

    He Must Increase and I Must Decrease: An Exposition of john 3:22-36 Introduction Everyone wants to be popular. We also have a desire to have our egos stroked. We gauge our importance by how many followers we have on social media. We all want our posts to be liked. This is also important for those more

  • John The Baptist Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 4, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A look at various characters in the Christmas story. This week we look at John the Baptist

    John the Baptist December 5, 2020 Have you ever received a Christmas card or bought cards and the picture on the front is magnificent? Maybe it’s a picture of the Shepherds and the angels; or it’s the wise men; maybe it’s Mary, Jesus and Joseph; or a simple star piercing the darkness over the more

  • What Happened To Praise For The Lord?

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Dec 2, 2022

    praise for Jesus needs to increase instead of decreasing. It is up to us.

    What Happened to Praise for the LORD? Psalm 148 1 Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; Praise Him in the heights! 2 Praise Him, all His angels; Praise Him, all His hosts! 3 Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all stars of light! 4 Praise Him, highest heavens, And the waters that more

  • Decreasing Dividends Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Mar 21, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    There is a limit to the benefits that this world can provide us.

    Luke 16:19-31 “Decreasing Dividends” INTRODUCTION One of my favorite movies when I was growing up was a Disney movie entitled, “The Prince and the Pauper.” The movie was based on the book by Mark Twain, of the name. It is a story of two boys Edward Tudor, the more

  • "when Another Ministry Is More Successful" (Message 8 In The Series On The Gospel Of John 2012) Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Mar 30, 2021

    The ministry of Jesus' ministry was starting up and becoming more successful than the ministry of John the Baptist. The Disciples of John were resentful and jealous of Jesus; John had no problem with it.

    “WHEN ANOTHER MINISTRY IS MORE SUCCESSFUL” (Message 8 on Gospel of John 2021) John 3:22-36 Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ March 7, 2021 Sermon Link: INTRODUCTION: 1.) Everyone likes to have success, and that also includes in the ministry. A.) Because of more

  • Christ Must Increase Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Nov 3, 2002
    based on 130 ratings

    Looking at John the Baptist’s words that he must decrease and Christ must increase teaches us to do the same.

    First Baptist Church September 22, 2002 >I< John 3:22-36 When you think about words, the word "DOWN" doesn’t have many positive meanings. It’s a word reserved for cowards, losers and bear markets. It’s a word that is to be avoided or ignored. When you attach it to other words it brings them more

  • God Gives The Increase

    Contributed by James May on Jun 1, 2008
    based on 21 ratings

    John said, "He must increase, I must decrease." If the church would discover that lesson and live by it, there’s no limit to where God can take his church.

    God Gives the Increase Sunday, June 01, 2008 – AM By Pastor Jim May Since 1999, when Victory Temple was first formed as a church, God began to let me have dreams and visions of the church that seemed so impossible to me at that time. In those days we were still in that little store front rental more

  • Decreased, Dependent, But Not Disconnected

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Aug 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Find balance. Depend upon Him, but when you see the obvious, just do it.

    John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease. This is the calling of all Christians. Daily, we are to decrease our wills and allow His will to increase until we have no will but His. I see two extremes. There are people who miss the obvious before them and pray about everything often missing more

  • Increase

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Sep 28, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    God gives true results

    Intro: the Corinthian church had been blessed with two great ministries, that of Paul, the churches first missionary church planted, and Apollos, one of the first great speakers to travel in ministry. But the church had become almost divided over who belong to who’s camp. Some where Paulites, some more

  • Lord, Increase Our Faith

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Oct 18, 2001
    based on 10 ratings

    how the lord asks us to watch ourselves and each other - a difficult task that needs faith!

    October 21, 2001 Luke 17:1-10 Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. 2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little more

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