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  • Living In Light Of The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 17, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ, part 12 Living in Light of The Resurrection Colossians 3:1-11 David Taylor April 5, 2015

    The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ, part 12 Living in Light of The Resurrection Colossians 3:1-11 Every Easter the church celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave two thousand years ago. Today we do so by considering, “Living in Light of the Resurrection.” I more

  • Live In The Light Of Eternity Series

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jul 29, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    Principles are given to young people to help them make decisions and live in the light of eternity.

    Live in the Light of Eternity Hebrews 12:1-3 The title of today’s message, “Live in the Light of Eternity” is a good word for all of us, and especially for young people. The Hebrew writer is saying: “Fix your eyes on Jesus – make decisions in the the light of eternity. Don’t make decisions more

  • Living In The Light Of Christ

    Contributed by Karl Eckhoff on May 12, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    Living in the light of Christ means admitting our wrongs, but it also means new life by His Spirit.

    Confirmation Sunday 1 John 1:5-10 Living in the Light of Christ 05/04/03 One of my favorite contemporary Christian tunes is a song by Geoff Moore entitled, Best Days. Throughout the song Geoff highlights some of the most memorable days of his life – a day when his dad took him fly fishing, taught more

  • Living In Light Of The Future Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 29, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    The certainty of the Lord’s return should cause us to grow in holy living. His promises will come true. (a continuation of Making a Marathon Marriage)

    Living in Light of the Future As I mentioned last week, because of the depth of practical help for “Making a Marathon Marriage” in Malachi 2, I want to take some extra time this morning to lay out six building blocks of marriage. We’ll conclude by getting back on track with our outline next more

  • Living In The Light Of Eternity

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Sep 27, 2005
    based on 38 ratings

    When a person embraces the reality of the world to come it radically changes how the peson view this world. A person’s priorities change concerning money, things, time, friends, family, and life itself.

    Living in the Light of Eternity Ephesians 1:15-23 (Message) When waiting in slow traffic on a hot day with 100-degree heat do you wonder why you do what you do? Do you wonder what’s the point of your daily activity? What gives you sense of purpose? Events can happen in your life that helps more

  • Living In Light Of Eternity Series

    Contributed by Michael Stover on Oct 25, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    What good is future glory in my present pain?

    LIVING IN LIGHT OF ETERNITY ‘What Good is Future Glory in My Present Pain?’ Exploring the Hope of Heaven Series #4 1 Peter 1:13 Outlook determines Outcome = A spiritual focus determines how we handle our problems. Illustration: The Lion King. Young Simba was the son of the king. Great priviledge more

  • "Living In The Light Of Eternity” Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jul 3, 2006
    based on 176 ratings

    Last in series on Eternity. Living with an eternal perspective changes how we live in the present.

    “Eternity: What Awaits After Death” Sermon # 7 “Living In the Light of Eternity” 2 Peter 3:11-14 A pastor visited an older man. The Pastor said, “At your age you should be thinking about the hereafter.” The older man replied, “Oh, I more

  • Living In Light Of Eternity

    Contributed by Greg Bryan on Nov 20, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    We were made for eternity. Ecc. 3:11 says… CS Lewis once wrote "If I find in myself a desire that this world cannot fulfill, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." So if we were made for eternity, it makes sense that we

    Living In Light of Eternity Last winter, Emily and I made a decision that has forever changed our lives. We decided to bring a child into the world. On October 14 2002, God blessed us with a beautiful and health baby girl. Since that day our lives have never been the same. No longer could we more

  • A Test For Living In The Light Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 22, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    The real test of love is when things are offensive, trying, tough and tiring. Jesus did His best work under offense. John says this is a test of our true supernatural nature.

    A Test for Living in the Light 1 John 2:7-11 "Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment that you had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word that you have heard. 8 At the same time, it is a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in him and more

  • Living In Light Of The End

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 4, 2014

    As we approach the time of the end, Jesus calls us to be aware of the signs and be alert to His coming.

    To start a discussion on core values, a youth pastor in Saskatchewan, Canada, asked his youth group: “What would you do if your doctor told you that you had only 24 hours to live?” The students talked about being with friends and family, and the discussion seemed headed in the right more

  • Living In Light Of Eternity Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 23, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    Live as if this is the last day of your life.

    Living in Light of Eternity James 4:13-17 Rev. Brian Bill March 23-24, 2019 I read a compelling book several years ago called, “The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living as if He Doesn’t Exist.” Here’s how it begins: “Hi, my name is Craig Groeschel, and I’m a Christian Atheist. For as more

  • Living In The Light Lane Series

    Contributed by Jack Perkins, D.min., Ladc, Csac, Cclc on Feb 4, 2021

    John uses familial, language (e.g., children, young men, and fathers) to talk about the fellowship/koinonia, the church. These are terms to describe Christian maturity. The church is energized by a flow of those in each stage of maturity.

    Has Christianity been rejected by many based on a caricature which has been mistaken for the real thing? Perhaps! Yet, John calls us back home, to our foundation, to the fundamental matters of our faith. God uses John to help the church repair that which is broken, to correct the twisted more

  • Living In Light Of Eternity Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Oct 9, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Let’s live like we’re dying…because we are. But let’s also live like we’re going to live forever…because we will…either in heaven or in hell.

    Living in Light of Eternity Mark 12:18-27 October 7-8, 2017 Rev. Brian Bill As we consider the massacre that took place in Las Vegas this past week, many emotions rise to the surface and numerous questions remain unanswered. Here are some that come to mind. • It bothers us that a motive for more

  • The Church Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 28, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A series looking at the Church.

    The Church Hebrews 10:19-25 September 8, 2013 For the next few weeks we are going to take a look at The Church. Not necessarily First Baptist Church, yet, this is all about First Baptist Church, but it’s really about the universal CHURCH. But when I talk about the universal church, I am more

  • An Unshakable Kingdom PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 28, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To understand and live in the reality of God's unshakeable kingdom, reflecting His presence in our lives with gratitude, reverence, and awe.

    Good morning, church family! Today, we're going to delve into some deep waters. We're going to explore what it means to live in light of the unshakeable kingdom of God. As the great theologian A.W. Tozer once said, "The world is perishing for lack of the knowledge of God and the Church is famishing more