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  • The Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Mar 28, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    The Beatitudes: Building Blocks to be Like Jesus #7

    Does any one remember Larry, Curly and Mo, perhaps better known as “The Three Stooges?” These three pioneers of TV comedy would make many folks laugh at their crazy antics and mischievous tricks. Bonking heads together, fingers poked in the eyes, pliers twisting the nose, or a slap to the face more

  • Blessed Are The Peacemakers?

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Aug 23, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Peacemakers are called the Sons of God because they have been given new hearts through the work of grace to reflect the peace of Christ to a hurting world, for those who bring the message of God’s peace to the world are "peacemakers," and Jesus calls them "The Children of God."

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (Matthew 5: 9) "Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God” (Proverbs 12:20) "Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, But counselors of peace have more

  • Peacemakers

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 30, 2020

    The Lord has called us to live in peace AND He has called us to be peacemakers as well. What is a peacemaker? What does a peacemaker do? How can I become a peacemaker? Will God help me be a peacemaker?

    Peace Makers Today we will be reading from Matthew 5:1-10 Last week we took a look at the peace of God that is available to those who are in Christ, those have placed their faith and trust in Jesus for the salvation of their souls. This week we will be taking a look to see if those who are filled more

  • 317 - Ten Commandments For Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Joel Vicente on Feb 26, 2005
    based on 22 ratings

    1. What does peace produce? 2. Can I live in peace with everyone? 3. How can I “make every effort to live in peace”? 10 Christ Commandments

    Sermon Study #317 – TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR PEACEMAKERS Illus. Poem: I dreamed death came the other night And heaven’s gate swung wide. With kindly grace an angel fair Ushered me inside. And there, to my astonishment Stood folks I’d known on earth. Some I’d judged and labeled as “Unfit”, “Of little more

  • Kickball And Peacemaking

    Contributed by Bruce Hamsher on Apr 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Biblical Peacemaking is to be lived out in all of life.

    Kickball and Peacemaking Pastor Bruce Hamsher I still remember today what recess felt like when I was in the third grade. That year the game was kickball. More pointedly, I remember the awesome red ball we used. It was the kind of ball which was somewhat solid, yet more

  • The Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Greg Johnson on Jan 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Being a peacemaker is one of the eight qualities of character of a citizen of the Kingdom of God that Jesus declares in the greatest sermon ever preached, the Sermon on the Mount. The peacemakers are called children of God because they continue the minis

    This message is an edited version of a sermon given at Loving God Fellowship. Copyright © 2007 Loving God Fellowship, Inc. . You are encouraged to share this message with those you know that are hungry for God’s Word. The Peacemakers The Greatest Sermon Ever more

  • Peacemaker Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Oct 24, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is our peacemaker, and we should emulate Him in seeking and saving that which was lost.

    Peacemaker CCCAG October 15th, 2017 Scripture- Matt 5:9 Beginning today’s talk with a little bit of church history: Telemachus was a monk who lived in the early 5th century. In prayer one day, he felt God saying to him, "Go to Rome." He packed a bag and set out for Rome. When he arrived in the more

  • Peacemaker

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Aug 14, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Peacemakers do something to improve the situation.

    Title: Peacemaker Text: Matthew 5:9 Truth: Peacemakers do something to improve the situation. Aim: To motivate them to be responsible to improve the situation. INTRODUCTION Write this down: “Do something to make the situation better.” You now have the definition and description of a peacemaker. more

  • Be A Peacemaker Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Seek to be a peacemaker, and speak to build others up.

    All of us REACT when we are angry; we don’t RESPOND with wisdom and sense. When we are in a rage, we do crazy things. • We’re going to see one rare moment in David’s life when he was driven by anger, in 1 Sam 25. • It can happen to any one of us, me included. I more

  • Be A Peacemaker Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    To make peace is not to compromise or avoid confrontation. Abraham set us a good example. We must have the desire to make peace, treasure the relationship, be generous in heart and avoid a self-centred view of things.

    JOHN PIPER says the cry of the beatitudes is this: “Get a new heart!” • They are not good suggestions, but what every Christian ought to be. • The beatitudes counter the false understanding that a person can be saved without being changed. Or: that a person can inherit eternal life even if his more

  • Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Aug 11, 2020

    May we bring peace between others and God as it was done for us.

    BEATITUDES SERIES: PEACEMAKERS MATTHEW 5:9 #Beatitudes READ Matthew 5:9 (ESV) “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” We start this morning with a video that is under 4 minutes and introduces the central idea of Matthew 5:9. One of the key phrases that caught my more

  • The Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Rudolf E. Y. Mensah on Dec 29, 2021

    The world is in desperate need of God's peace.

    SPIRITUAL GROWTH ENHANCERS REF NO: 012 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9 THE PEACEMAKERS The world is in desperate need of God's peace. Our world is in urgent need of peacemakers, those who represent the heart of God to bring peace to more

  • Be Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Mike Lewis on Nov 28, 2023

    In this life, we are called not to war, but to peace. And this is where Jesus takes his Great Sermon next.

    WELCOME & INTRODUCTION WHEN FIGHTING PAUSED [excerpt taken from Time Magazine online and History Channel online.] The year was 1914. The first World War. There was a belief that the war would be over by December but December came and the fighting was still very intense. But at this point, the more

  • The Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Frank Lay on Oct 12, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    Jesus Christ came into the world so that we might be reconciled to God. Those he has reconciled have been called to become agents of his peace in the world. How can we become peacemakers?

    THE PEACEMAKERS Matthew 5:9 Every believer is to be a peacemaker both in the church and in the community. Christians should never seek conflict or be responsible for it. Yet, we find that conflict if often the result of one’s coming to Jesus Christ. For example, a college professor shared his more

  • Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 24, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    "Blessed are the peacemakers." Our concept of peacemaking must be based on scriptural revelation. Biblical peacemaking is not appeasement. We know that from God's example of making peace. What is biblical peacemaking and how is it rewarded?

    Intro We come today to the 7th Beatitude found in Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.”i We are approaching the pinnacle of this list of attributes that bring blessing on a person’s life. Everybody wants to be blessed. But not everybody is willing to take more