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  • What About The Psalms

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Jul 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Bible - the Library for Christians, Psalms the Psalm book of the Tempel.

    What about the Psalms – His Love Endures forever! Psalm 136 Do any of you remember your early trips to the Library? I remember at first there was no real pressure. The teacher took us in and showed us where the simple picture books were. You could get one and look at it. And then just leave it more

  • The Great Resurrection Debate.

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Feb 12, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    The Life and death of Jesus is documented in records from the Roman Library, The Jewish Sanhedrin Records and even the Records of the Islamic Koran.

    The Great Resurrection Debate. I watched a program the other night featuring the Resurrection. On this program were theologians, debating weather the Resurrection of Jesus was real or a spiritual more

  • Holy Day Inn Keeper Series

    Contributed by Bradley Boydston on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    Christmas Eve parable/sermon featuring the first ever Christmas letter written by an ancient inn keeper, and recently rediscovered in the Stockholm University Library archives.

    "She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger because there was no room in the village inn." (Luke 2:7, NLT)" Over the years various traditions have developed around the innkeeper and we’ve imagined quite a bit about him. Often we’ve thought of him as a more

  • "Finding Wisdom"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 22, 2015

    The Bible teaches us that we should be filled with knowledge and wisdom. Do you know the difference between knowledge and wisdom? I brought a big stack of books from the library this morning.

    OBJECT: A stack of books. Well you guys have been out of school for a while now. What are you doing? Let me ask you a question. How many books have you read this summer? I guess that some of you probably don't plan to spend a lot of time reading and studying during your summer vacation. I more

  • Dividing The Word: The Origin Of Bible Chapters And Verses Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jun 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A fascinating aspect of our beloved Bible is the origins of its chapters and verses. Think of the Bible as a vast library. Chapters and verses are like the aisles and shelves that help us quickly find the specific book and passage we need.

    Dividing the Word: The Origin of Bible Chapters and Verses Introduction: Today, we will explore a fascinating aspect of our beloved Bible: the origins of its chapters and verses. Our study will help us appreciate how these divisions came to be and how they aid our understanding and navigation of more

  • Strengthened By The Gospel

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 25, 2013

    A sermon on Romans 16:25-27 used on Sunday before Thanksgiving (Material adapted from John Piper at:

    HoHum: A new preacher came to minister with an aging congregation. He told them that he was thinking about serving them prune juice in place of grape juice for communion. When they asked him why he said, “Well, if the Holy Spirit won’t move you, maybe the prune juice will.” As more

  • What Jesus Said About The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Michael Wiley on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Walk in any library; sit down at any internet browser, search the word “GHOST” and you will be inundated with information. The Holy Spirit is not a ghost at all, but a real and active personal presence in our lives. He is referred to as the third person o

    “Jesus Said” What Jesus said about the Father “The Holy Spirit” Michael Wiley February 22, 2009 John 3:1-8 John 16:7-16 Matthew 10:19-20 Introduction: Walk in any library; sit down at any internet browser, search the word “GHOST” and you will be inundated with information. Ghost stories date back more

  • Grant Us Wisdom

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Feb 22, 2021

    We live in the Information Age, a time in which entire libraries of knowledge are available to us. And that’s a blessing. But as followers of Jesus, let’s also remember that wisdom and understanding are even more crucial to making a difference for God in our generation.

    Read Luke 2: 39-52 When I was a young boy, I had what should have been a teachable moment. My mother, siblings and I were just returning home from being out for the afternoon, and as she pulled in the driveway she said, “I want everyone to come straight into the house. We’re going to eat very more

  • The Obedience Of Faith

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Dec 3, 2013

    This is on the relationship of justification and obedience focused on Romans 5 to Romans 6 (Outline adapted from John Piper at: and material from Jack Cottrell)

    HoHum: On 11 May 2000 a lady found a new e-mail message on her computer, which simply said, "I love you". Like many would, she clicked to open the message, and the so-called "Love Bug" was born. With lightning speed it raced around the world, bringing politics and business to a halt. It was a more

  • Crushing Of Satan

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 5, 2013

    A sermon on Satan from Romans 16:20 (Outline and some material taken from John Piper at:

    HoHum: A few minutes before the services started, the church people were sitting in their pews and talking. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from the evil one. more

  • The Glory Of God

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Dec 23, 2013

    A sermon on references to the glory of God in the book of Romans (Seed thought and some material came from John Piper at:; other material from Dr. Cottrell Romans)

    HoHum: Lady Gaga wrote a song called “The Edge of Glory” and it was written after a visit with her grandparents when her grandfather was at the point of death. He was on the edge of glory. However, the song never discuss who or what glory is. J.S. Bach said, "All music should have no more

  • The Only Wise God

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Dec 10, 2013

    A sermon on the wisdom of God (Outline and some material adapted from Dr. Jack Cottrell in his book, God the Ruler; last point adapted from John Piper at:

    HoHum: Who were the Wise Men in the long ago? Not Herod, fearful lest he lose his throne; Not Pharisees, too proud to claim their own; Not priests and scribes whose province was to know; Not money changers running too and fro; But three who traveled, weary and alone, With dauntless faith, more

  • Supernatural Truth Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 28, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Demons and Angels - are they real? And if they are, what significance do they play in our lives as Christians?

    The US Library of Congress has a list of about 27 categories of Supernatural beings ( and the list included Centaurs Fairies, Ghosts, Ghouls, Mermaids, Monsters, Vampires, Werewolves, and so on. And on that page (where they list all these creatures) more

  • "The Family Of God"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 5, 2015

    Do you know how much it costs to become a part of the family of God? Nothing! It is a gift of God!

    The Family of God Object: Anyone know what this is? This? This? This? Hold up different objects like credit cards or pictures from your wallet. Scripture: For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, more

  • My Testimony

    Contributed by George Warner on Dec 13, 2020

    How I connected with the Lord

    WHEN I was a boy of about 11 years old I received a copy of the New Testament from a group of Christians called the Gideons. When I was about 24 I had a concern that I did not know how to solve. My thoughts made me wonder if the Bible contained anything that might help. I opened the Gideons book more