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  • The Sun Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Everything you can learn about the sun--it's power, light, and fire, will increase your love for, and awe of Jesus. Study the sun, and you are studying theology, for it is a symbol of what Jesus will be to us forever.

    Isaac Asimov, the most prolific writer of this age, author of over 500 books, has a delightful essay on gold in his book, The Sun Shines Bright. He gives us scientific confirmation of why God would make the New Jerusalem a city of gold. The ancient world considered gold the most noble of metals. more

  • Blessed Are The Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Apr 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Just as Jesus predicted our world is a constant hotbed of continual armed conflict (Matt 24:6).War is a constant reality of life. It into this world filled with violence and hate that Jesus sends his disciples (followers) as ministers of peace.

    “Blessed Are The Peacemakers” Matthew 5:9 Just as Jesus predicted our world is a constant hotbed of continual armed conflict (Matt 24:6).War is a constant reality of life. At least one more

  • Walking Upright In A Fallen World Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Feb 2, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    Romans chapter 12 is really a commentary on how Christians ought to behave. Apostle Paul moves theology to practice. He gives guidelines for living as a redeemed people in a fallen world. Since we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ; saved by

    Walking Upright in a Fallen World Romans 12:1-18 Romans chapter 12 is really a commentary on how Christians ought to behave. Apostle Paul moves theology to practice. He gives guidelines for living as a redeemed people in a fallen world. Since we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ; more

  • Do I Offend Thee Lord?

    Contributed by Ervin Kosch on Aug 27, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    The focus of this message is ’Do you love the Lord’, ’Do you offend others’, ’How can you hate the God’s children’, ’What price will I pay for my offence’.

    1. Whom do you Love? a. Do you love the Love? b. Do you love the pleasures of this world? c. Do you love the things you’ve achieved, the things you own? d. Which rules your world, the love of our Lord and God, or you?(Jeremiah 51:17) 2. Do you offend others? a. Do you ignore others more

  • Revival Follows Persecution

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Oct 23, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    For centuries, Christians have been hated and viciously opposed in many nations. But persecution has not destroyed Christianity. Even under the direst circumstances, it has not only survived but thrived and revived the church.

    Opening illustration: Did you know that if one of the arms of a starfish is severed, a new one will grow in its place? In fact, if a starfish is cut up, any piece that contains a part of the central disc will develop into a new starfish. Some oyster fishermen found that out, much to their dismay, more

  • The Errors Of Achan – Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Jul 23, 2014

    God is a faithful God but He hates one thing- the lifestyle of Sin. This three letter words tie the hands of God. It makes Him to be in opposition against one He should protect.

    THE ERRORS OF ACHAN – PART 1 JOSHUA 7:1 God is a faithful God but He hates one thing- the lifestyle of Sin. This three letter words tie the hands of God. It makes Him to be in opposition against one He should protect. It makes one beatable. Once sin is dealt with, victory and lasting result more

  • The Errors Of Achan- Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Jul 23, 2014

    God is a faithful God but He hates one thing. It is the lifestyle of Sin. This three letter words tie the hands of God. It makes Him to be in opposition against one He should protect.

    THE ERRORS OF ACHAN- PART 3 JOSHUA 7:1, 20-26 God is a faithful God but He hates one thing. It is the lifestyle of Sin. This three letter words tie the hands of God. It makes Him to be in opposition against one He should protect. It makes one beatable. Once sin is dealt with, victory and lasting more

  • The Errors Of Achan- Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Jul 23, 2014

    God is a faithful God but He hates one thing. It is the lifestyle of Sin. This three letter words tie the hands of God. It makes Him to be in opposition against one He should protect.

    THE ERRORS OF ACHAN- PART 3 JOSHUA 7:1, 20-26 God is a faithful God but He hates one thing. It is the lifestyle of Sin. This three letter words tie the hands of God. It makes Him to be in opposition against one He should protect. It makes one beatable. Once sin is dealt with, victory and lasting more

  • Resurrection, The Key To Eternal Life

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Aug 12, 2015

    We can rejoice that God can repair the status of our lives and restore us to wholeness. Anything in our lives that is hated, weak, and contemptible can become beautiful, radiant, and a blessing.

    Do you know that there are some people who refuse to believe that Jesus died and rose again? They claim that Jesus actually passed out on the cross and was revived by the cool air in the tomb. Unfortunately there is a major flaw with this belief. It does not explain how water and blood flowed out more

  • You Shall Not Murder Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 21, 2021

    The Bible’s opening plotlines show the firstborn man, Cain, killing his brother Abel. Think of it: the firstborn person in the human race was a murderer.

    Contrary to many people’s thoughts that civilization is more civilized, evidence suggests that murder is on the increase. In 1963, in Scotland, two people were convicted of murder. In 2000, there were 128 reported homicides in Scotland. In 1960, the District of Columbia reported 81 murders. In 1991 more

  • Nothing You Can Do To Make God Love You More Or Less

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 25, 2024

    Recently I have been hearing quite a few pastors using a quote from Henri Nouwen a Dutch Catholic priest that states, “There is nothing we can do to make God love us more and nothing we can do to make God love us less.” Is that true? Let's see what God's Word has to say about it.

    Do you have a Bible? I was once told that in a simple Bible with no maps, no apocrypha and no commentary you would find the Psalms in the center of the Bible. So, I thought maybe it would be Psalm 119 since it has 174 verses and is the longest chapter in the Bible. However, in my Bible it turns out more

  • Key Players In The Crucifixion: Pontius Pilate Series

    Contributed by Dennis Cocks on Mar 27, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    Tonight we look at Pontius Pilate. The phrase “suffered under Pontius Pilate” is used in many a churches creed and has possibly been translated into more languages around the world than even the Bible. Even though he stepped onto the stage of human hi

    KEY PLAYERS IN THE CRUCIFIXION: PONTIUS PILATE TEXT: MATTHEW 27:1-2; 11-26 INTRODUCTION: Tonight we look at Pontius Pilate. The phrase “suffered under Pontius Pilate” is used in many a churches creed and has possibly been translated into more languages around the world than even the Bible. more

  • Faith Moves Beyond Limitations (Even The Dogs Qualify) Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Feb 16, 2023

    The lesson gives every believer the assurance that Faith in God will work for any one regardless of race, creed or color. This Gentile woman was an outsider, considered no more than a puppy or a house pet, yet her faith made this miracle possible. Faith moves beyond limitations.

    Sermon: Faith Moves Beyond Limitations (Even the Dogs Qualify) Scripture: Matthew 15:21-28 “Then Jesus left Galilee and went north to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Gentile woman who lived there came to him, pleading, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! For my daughter is possessed by a more

  • The Man In The Wheelchair Who Changed My Life Though I Never Met Him.

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Sep 18, 2020
    based on 6 ratings

    How Tim Zingale, forced out by his church because of his disability, became used by God in amazing ways. A sermon on Philippians 2.

    ............. “For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pressure” Phil 2:13 I’d like to talk to you about someone really special to me - though I have never met him. You know him too, though you don’t know you know him and you have never met him. His more

  • Putting To Death The Sins Of The Flesh

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Oct 10, 2024

    We have no reason to say that we are caught in sin, because we don’t have to. That’s what it says. We are under no obligation to agree with the sinful nature when it wants to do something bad. Instead, the Spirit makes us free.

    We’ve been building a structure, and it’s based around what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We’ve talked about the fact that a Christian walks by faith, trusting in God and following God’s leading even when it seems odd or strange. We’ve talked about how a follower of Jesus seeks and more

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