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  • All I Need Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus’ healing of the man born blind forced his disciples to rethink their theology, forced his neighbors to rethink their perception of him as victim, and forces us to rethink our posture toward healing ministries.

    Have you noticed that when you get sick, you get sick all over? When some part of your body isn’t up to par, then the whole person, the whole self, feels bad. When we get sick, we get sick all over. Now you may speak of having an upset stomach, but it’s really an upset you. The physician might more

  • Churchology 101-The Basics

    Contributed by Steven Boyns on Feb 4, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Churchology 101 is the name chosen for a series of messages we will be studying for the next few weeks. These series of messages are not designed to deal with the intra-workings of the church, nor are they designed to discuss deep theology or deep doctri

    Churchology 101 is the name chosen for a series of messages we will be studying for the next few weeks. These series of messages are not designed to deal with the intra-workings of the church, nor are they designed to discuss deep theology or deep doctrinal issues at it relates to the church. more

  • Believe And Be Baptized Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 1, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Mark 16:16 seems to be a forthright desciption of how to become a Christian, but of the centuries people have "rearranged" the words to fit their theology. How have they done that, and why does it matter?

    The Bible tells us that… at the tower of Babel, God confused the people’s language so they couldn’t understand each other. Language is how we communicate with each other, and how we communicate is VERY IMPORTANT. How we say things; the kind of words we use; and even the punctuation we use in our more

  • The Book Of Romans: Justification By Faith, Life In The Spirit, Weak & Strong Believers

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Dec 28, 2021

    Romans is a systematic presentation of what it means to be a Christian. Romans was written by Paul during his stay at Corinth, to the early church forming in Rome. It really outlines a deep dive into the overall theology of our faith.

    Romans is a systematic presentation of what it means to be a Christian. Romans was written by Paul during his stay at Corinth, to the early church forming in Rome. It really outlines a deep dive into the overall theology of our faith. This is the beloved book of the Bible that helped transform more

  • God's School Of Grace

    Contributed by George Rennau on Aug 25, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    Did you hate school? I have news for All Christians. YOU HAVE TO ATTEND SCHOOL AGAIN. In fact you are already enrolled. It is a school of GRACE

    Title: God’s School of Grace Most colleges offer a continuing education program. These classes they offer can be a valuable resource for those who wish to go on learning and enriching their lives. Lots of people take advantage of these opportunities, however many do not. Maybe they don’t know more

  • Difficulty's That People Have When Doing Their Best To Live For God

    Contributed by Ed Pruitt on Jun 17, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money

    Difficulty’s That People Have When Doing Their Best To Live For God Sunday March 11, 2001 Matthew 6:24 24 “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Let’s bow our heads. I want to more

  • Enemies

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 24 ratings

    Solutions for Problems with ENEMIES Why should I love those who hate, abuse, and criticize me? We love because He first loved us.

    Solutions for Problems with ENEMIES Why should I love those who hate, abuse, and criticize me? We love because He first loved us. (I Jn 5:19) And the Lord will help them and deliver them: He will deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him. (Psa. 37:40) They that hate more

  • Time For Separation Is Over And Coming Together Must Be Our Plan!

    Contributed by Jevon Turner,sr. on Nov 1, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    We need to tare down Religious Seregation and bring the body of Christ together! We must tare down the separation between us Jesus! Hate Sin!

    Time for Separation Is Over and Coming Together Must Be Our Plan! Acts Ch2 Vv1-2 Philippians Ch2 Vv1-5 As I stand here this morning it saddens my heart to know that at this very hour all across the world, we are more divide on this day that we call Sunday than any other day of the week. At this more

  • God Never Forgets Your Prayers Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 5, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    When we pray there are three possible answers from the Lord, yes, no and wait. We all hate to wait but we need to trust in God's perfect timing.

    Let’s begin with this question: What is the major enemy of hope in your life? What is the one thing that, more than any other, threatens to weaken your hope? Could it be: discouragement, suffering; weariness, exhaustion. Perhaps the main enemy of hope in your life is simply the passage more

  • The Wrath Of A Loving God Series

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Sep 12, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Many people do not think of God in the way that He reveals Himself, as a God who is not only loving, but also angry at sin. He hates the sinner and the sin.

    The topic I would like to deal with this afternoon is one that is rarely preached on, and this is very surprising because this aspect of God’s character is mentioned hundreds of times in both the Old and New Testaments. This subject is so important to study so we can have a correct more

  • When Do We Take Pleasure In The Death Of The Wicked? Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 21, 2024

    A look at the ways we have allowed the culture war to make us hate those God called us to love as well as put secondary things first.

    - [Maybe put this made-up passage up on the screen or in the sermon outline.] - Imagine that there is a Romans 17. (I’m not going heretical here - this is just a thought experiment with a point.) Imagine that at the end of Paul’s letter he shared some additional advice. - Let’s say that Romans 17 more

  • Job - First Do No Harm

    Contributed by Peter Pilt on Apr 29, 2019

    How do we treat those who are suffering? This sermon is trying to answer that question from the life and experience of Job.

    Love does no harm The three thematics that run through Job 1) Retributional Theology 2) Suffering is Divine Chastening – Job, God is going to teach you something important through this 3) Suffering is only temporary – Job you have lost perspective – in the end – everything will be ok. A. more

  • Awe In Worship Series

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Nov 13, 2007

    We don’t reverence God as we ought, when He is safely tucked inside the boxes of our understanding, our theology, our control, or in the box of our familiarity. What happens when He gets out of our box?

    Encountering God – Part 8 – Awe in Worship Review Last week we talked about why God’s glory or presence doesn’t show up in worship or in a gathering of His people. Some folks would notice if He wasn’t there, others would see no difference. I talked a bit about three reasons why God’s glory more

  • Amos - An Overview Series

    Contributed by Gary Bennett on Apr 5, 2001
    based on 200 ratings

    To provide some background to the book of Amos. To do that, we’ll need to know some history and geography with a bit of sociology and covenantal theology thrown in. A dash of horticulture and zoology wouldn’t go astray either.

    REFLECTIONS ON SOCIETY? THE KANSAS SENATE PRAYER Many people pray when they begin a sermon. I’m not going to do that! Instead, I’m going to read a prayer that first saw the light of day 4 years ago (23rd January 1996). It was a prayed at the opening of a new session of the Kansas Senate. It’s more

  • Healthy Fat

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Oct 28, 2020

    Many in the church are fat in an unhealthy way, but we can be biblically fat and healthy.

    The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Proverbs 11:25 KJV The liberal or generous soul shall prosper as being fat indicated you were rich. Giving to others is giving to yourself or watering yourself as well. Many blessings will come and not more

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