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  • Be Prepared

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Witnessing means that we demonstrate, defend and disarm

    BE PREPARED The photographer for a national magazine was assigned to get photos of a great forest fire. Smoke at the scene hampered him and he asked his home office to hire a plane. Arrangements were made and he was told to go at once to a nearby airport, where the plane would be waiting. When he more

  • Nurturing Unity SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Oct 27, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Help my congregation move towards a spirit of unity.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. As we gather here today, under the roof of our beloved sanctuary, we find ourselves united by a common purpose. A purpose that is not just about our individual spiritual journeys, but about our collective journey as a congregation. We are here more

  • Unhindered Forgiveness

    Contributed by Kory Labbe on May 6, 2023

    Forgiveness is one of the basic principles of the faith and yeah it is a discipline that is one of the hardest for us to master. Too often forgiveness has been misunderstood and therefore out of grasp of us. Unhindered forgiveness is the first step to radical healing in our lives.

    Life is not easy. This is one thing that you talk to anybody, and everyone will agree that there are hard things that happen in this life. Right before Jesus was arrested in John 16, Jesus is trying to prepare his disciples for what is about to come. Verse 32: 32 But the time is coming—indeed more

  • Letting Go - Self Forgiveness

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A final look at letting go as we end the year. Looking at forgiving ourselves, as God already has forgiven us.

    Letting Go - Forgiveness December 29, 2019 Well, this is it! We’re on the final Sunday of this decade. Next time we meet, it will be a new decade. We’ll be writing 2020, instead of 2019. Some of you would like this year to get over with already. It’s not been what you were hoping for. You’re more

  • Break Free

    Contributed by John Ong on Jan 12, 2016

    To make this New Year a successful year, we definitely need to turn all our bad thoughts and habits loose. Before we leap forward to a new start, let’s close the door of the bad practices and perceptions that hold us back.

    To make this New Year a successful year, we definitely need to turn all our bad thoughts and habits loose. Before we leap forward to a new start, let’s close the door of the bad practices and perceptions that hold us back. Letting go is an act of power, but with a heart that is ever enduring, more

  • Let Not Goliaths Intimidate You….

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Dec 11, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Shouts of the enemy makes you a soldier for Christ! Torments of Giants make you Saints for God! Fear not the Goliaths today!

    Let not Goliaths intimidate you…. Samuel 17:4”And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.” Giants make you Saints for God! People who have never confronted strong opposition and if you have been more

  • Let Us Prepare To Receive God! PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 28, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores honoring God's dwelling place, embracing Christ's presence, and preparing for God, as illustrated in Jesus' cleansing of the temple.

    Welcome to our time of worship and the study of God's Word. Isn't it a blessing to gather together in His name, to seek wisdom and understanding from the Scriptures? Isn't it a joy to know that we are not alone in this quest, but are joined by countless others, past and present, who have sought and more

  • The Wonder Of Who We Are In Christ Series

    Contributed by Frank Lay on Jul 19, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    In 3:1-3, John, having acknowledged that Christians are born of God, now enlarges on the wonder and the glory of our relationship with God. Reflecting on our position as children of God should cause us to have a renewed sense of wonder. Let’s examine wh

    THE WONDER OF WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST (1 John 3:1-3) It is fascinating to watch little children as they discover something new. They are filled with wonder at an object as tiny as a beetle or as colorful as a butterfly. One of the problems with growing up is that all too often we lose our sense of more

  • Hurricane Florence And The Return Of Christ

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 27, 2018

    Meteorologists aren't always right but when a disaster like Hurricane Florence is looming they will be sure to let you know. We as Christians should be expecting the return of Christ and the cooresponding Day of The LORD which will follow. We should be letting people know as well!

    If you would, please stand as we say together our memory Scripture for this quarter: Matthew 6:31-33 “Do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. more

  • Disappointed In Jesus Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Dec 8, 2022

    Have you ever been mad at God? Have you ever been disappointed that something didn’t work out? Have you ever been so disappointed in the prayers that were not answered that we failed to thank God for the ones He did answer?

    Disappointed in Jesus December 11, 2022 Have you ever been mad at God? Have you ever been disappointed that something didn’t work out? Have you ever been so disappointed in the prayers that were not answered that we failed to thank God for the ones He did answer? Luke 1:39-42 NIV In those days more

  • Qualities Of An Effective Leader -- Part 2 Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 15, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    If you want to be an effective leader, don’t let alcohol control you, don’t let anger control you, and don’t let money control you. Instead, let Christ control you so you can lead others to Him.

    Once upon a time there was a teacher in Texas who was helping one of her kindergarten students put on his cowboy boots? He asked for help, and she could see why. Even with her pulling and him pushing, the little boots still didn’t want to go on. By the time they got the second boot on, she had more

  • Savoring Christ In 2012

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jan 3, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of 2 Corinthians 3 regarding let 2012 be the year that we truly/newly see the glory of Christ and bask in it; this is what we were made for as individuals, but more so as a church!

    Text: 2 Cor 3:18, Title: Savoring Christ in 2012, Date/Place: NRBC, 1/1/2012, AM A. Opening illustration: Speak about beauty vs. sentimentality, C. S. Lewis goes on to say that observers of beautiful things long “to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into more

  • Let’s Return To The Early Church View Of Money

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Jan 17, 2024

    Spirituality is our business NOT making money. That was the view of the earliest churches. Why did it change?

    Let’s return to the early church View of Money 1Timothy Chapter six Michael H Koplitz [Paul supports slavery] 1Tim. 6:1 All who are under the yoke as slaves are to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor so that the name of God and our doctrine will not be 1spoken against. 2 Those who more

  • The Incarnation: "Let Me Show Myself To You" Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Dec 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    In Christ we know God’s character

    Advent 2 – incarnation December 13 2009 “Let me show you who I am” What is your favourite story about Jesus from the Gospels – have some people share. Moses: show me your glory! Moses gets to see the “after glow” of God’s Glory Moses and the Glory of the LORD Exodus 33: 12 Moses said to more

  • Surrender And Trust: Learning To Let Go And Let God Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Two things can radically change our walk with God: surrender and trust. These two ideas go hand in hand, and they are crucial to living out a faith that’s vibrant, powerful, and real.

    Surrender and Trust: Learning to Let Go and Let God Matthew 26:39 (NLT) – “He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, ‘My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.’” 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) – more

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